What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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If you are reading this book, then it means that you have taken the first step in investing in yourself.  Congratulations.  You value yourself.  I respect and admire anyone who takes pride in constantly nourishing their mind.

I hope that you take the time to go over this book that I have put together.  It’s not complicated, the layout is simple, and I have stayed clear from creating any bog down areas.  I wanted it to be an easy read because the power of each truth is enormous.  I ensured every truth was wrapped up and to the point, giving you quality over quantity.   

Don’t be fooled by its simplicity.  After all, one simple truth alone could unlock your potential to create better results in both your personal and professional life.  One small change in your life will make your return on investment infinite. 

I know some of you are thinking, ‘Will this book help me succeed? Is this all I’ll ever need?’

Yes and no.

Yes because you will learn Powerful Timeless Winning Truths.

 No, because you should never stop learning (something you will be reminded of in this book).  The book in its own entirety is purely a tool to make you aware. It’s the up to you to implement these truths and turn around winning results.

If you have the heart and the courage, then you can take what you learn in this book and become a winner.

As I share with you each truth, I ask you to take the time to stop after every chapter.  Take the time to chew on the info, analyze it, and then practice making it a part of you, as any winner would.

After all, these are the Timeless Winning Truths that is lived by those who are winning.  Not just in terms of finances, or record breaking achievements, but those who are mentally and emotionally in a day to day winning state, where they live everyday doing what they love, being massively rewarded for it, and most important of all, they are happy

… something that is easily said, but sadly, is rarely seen in the lives of the majority

Some of you will choose to read the entire book in one sitting. That works fine.

In fact do read through the book a first time to get a feel for things.

Then come back and read the first timeless truth and really work on consciously applying it in your life in the first week.  Apply one timeless truth at a time in every subsequent week.  I believe that doing so would be the best.  After all, days will go by, weeks will go by and soon, yet another year will escape us all.  By consciously ensuring you ingrain each truth and committing to really work and make the relevant truth part of each week, you will come out a winner at the end of the year. 

This will also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed with too much information which leads to many never ever making serious change.  The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, and by applying one truth a week, you will become a completely different person by the end of 52 weeks.

Some of you might say that’s too long, then that’s fine, you can do it in days, or hours. 

I will leave that choice to be yours.

Here’s a warning in advance. 

You will find me to be blunt in some instances if I feel it’s of importance to drive my message home to you.  So take my words to heart with the understanding that I have your best interest in mind.

My intention is to help you become better, expand further, create breakthrough results, and reach for The Next Level in your life whether it’s personally or professionally, or ideally both.

Here’s to you Winning Everyday.

… So let’s get started