What Ever You're Into by Motivational Speaker - HTML preview

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Winning Truth Number


You Have to Die to Go to Heaven

The first four words sound morbid, but the rest of it is what most people hope to achieve (those who believe in higher powers).

That’s exactly what winners understand and do (the morbid part) in order to achieve their goals (heaven).

Everyone wants to have nice things in life. They want to travel, excel in their field, break world records, give back to society, create great relationships, have the time and freedom in life, own a successful business and so on, yet not many will do the hard work to get there.

Winners understand that for each of their goal, there is a route that needs to be traveled.

Winners choose the goals that matter to them the most and commit to making that journey. Most people will think that it would be tough, rough and hard to do. However winners know that they are simply going through a process, one that will lead them to heaven so to speak.

I believe that you are well on your way to applying this first truth already.

The fact that you purchased this book and are reading it shows me that you are different. It shows that you are committed.

I say it because just as in life, there would have been many who had the opportunity to pick up this book, wanting to know the truths about why winners win, but were not willing to make the investment money and time, more importantly they were afraid to commit and apply what they would learn.

Whatever goal you may have in place, you must understand and more importantly be prepared to put in the hard yards. Winners are often associated with a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude, because they will see what they want right through to the end.

They are willing to die in order to go to heaven.

Winners are committed.


Take a moment to reflect on this truth. Consciously live this truth in week 1.

Kevin Abdulrahman is an International Author of a series of books that are being translated into several languages and Best Motivational Speaker in Singapore