What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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The conscious mind is the masculine side of your mind. This is also known as the intellectual mind. In other words you are aware you reading this material right now. You can see everything around you. Your current knowledge is what you know. This aspect of the mind is where everything begins because it’s where you think. This is where you originate ideas. What I mean is when you consciously make decisions it happens in this section of the mind.

Whatever you eat, drink, watch, touch is not necessarily a conscious decision, what you tend to gravitate to is what you are habitually used to. You have the ability to accept or reject certain information that enters your subconscious I guess you can call it the bouncers at the door of the club, it decides who’s going in. Remember me telling you the subconscious is the feminine aspect of the mind? Well the conscious mind makes the decision of what enters the female. Take a look at this picture:


I’ll bet you haven’t seen this picture before? Let me explain... notice that the conscious mind is smaller than the subconscious? If we think of a male impregnating a female, the female would produce the baby. Male and female must work together to produce a baby, women cannot get pregnant alone. If you look at the sex of some animals the female would always appear larger. These are animals that are physical, but I’m talking about the mind it’s the same principle but it’s invisible, more about this in the chapter Universal Laws – Law of Gender.

Whatever you consciously project onto the subconscious, it will produce a result. What exactly do we project onto the subconscious? Its thoughts and ideas! Thoughts originate in the conscious mind, which either gets rejected or accepted. If accepted it gets passed down to the subconscious which believes what you project onto it, why? Because the subconscious believes anything you project onto it. It doesn’t know right from wrong and it doesn’t judge. Only the conscious mind has the ability to judge. Let’s get more in depth.

We’ve identified that we think in pictures and that words are attached to pictures. We are constantly thinking whether we know it or not. If you are having trouble in any area in your life, you are responsible for the results! Are you offended? It wasn’t my intention but I will be real with you. You are responsible for the results in your life whether they are good or bad. Ignorance is what your your problem is, we do not know about ourselves which is why we get ourselves into so much trouble.

I’m talking every aspect of your life whether its relationships, finances, or health. I am going to show you a scientific formula below which is immutable and cannot be broken which could probably change your life if you choose to study it further.


This is the process of manifestation. Everything begins with a thought. The thought dictates how we feel, and how we feel will control how we act. How we act will produce the result. In this picture you can see a picture of a seed planted and it sprouts and grows through the soil producing a flower.

Thoughts are seeds, we already know that thoughts are invisible hence the reason they are in the soil in the picture. They are in the ground where we cannot see them, but they operate exactly like a physical seed. Ask your science teacher and they will tell you that al seeds have a gestation and incubation period. There is a period of time before the realization of a planted seed. It’s like our thoughts there’s a period of time before the physical realization of an idea.

Everything we see around us started in thought, and is now a physical thing to be realized. It was created in the conscious mind first as an idea then it was projected onto the subconscious which produced the result and then it was realized outside. Remember the tree? It started with the seed, the roots, the tree and then the fruit. It’s a process. It’s the same process with our thoughts.

A moment ago I mentioned that we are responsible for the results of our life. Look at the process of manifestation at the results. We tend to always look at results and complain about them and we tend to blame people, events and circumstances for the outcome. We are either living in ignorance or knowledge, to some extent we are living in both. There are things we know and there are things we don’t know. If we do not know the process of manifestation, we’re in trouble because it is this process that governs our lives. If you are having a bad relationship right now, it can get better if you use this process correctly. Let’s say for e.g. love is dying in your relationship and you are losing interest in your girlfriend or boyfriend. Did you know that you are responsible for the outcome of that relationship? We tend to wait around and expect people to change to suit us. This is not right. It’s in violation of many universal laws, which we shall discuss later.

The result of your relationship right now, if you are not happy, you can change it by using the process of manifestation. We tend to fight the “results”, but there is a process. It starts with thought; we need to “think” of a different approach in order to “act” differently to get a different “result”. Stop waiting on he or she to make the first move because you may be waiting a while. We tend to leave a relationship when we don’t get what we want. That is lazy and selfish. Attitudes need to change and that attitude can only change when you know the correct information about yourself, and this will then give you the realization that you are literally responsible for changing your results.

Think about this for a moment... who taught you how to kiss? Who taught you how to have sex? I doubt it were your parents! You learnt how to do this from getting the idea from an outside source, most probably from TV, movies or friends. Why have I mentioned this? It’s because it’s a powerful example to use in terms of where do you get your ideas? Did you create the idea or did someone give it to you? Let’s go back to beliefs, where did they really come from? Are they someone else’s or your own? We could be subconsciously living the lives of someone else’s ideals without realizing it.

We need to ask the question why we believe what we believe. Where did the source of information come from? Where did it originate? The further back we study the more to the truth we will uncover.

What does the mind look like? There is no image as it’s not a physical thing to see but I will draw you a picture to help you best understand based on the information I have already given you. We think in pictures so we need a picture to operate with.


If we imagine this picture, as a stick person with a very big head, the top half of the head is the conscious mind and the bottom half is the subconscious. The lines on top of the head are like little antennae that pick up information through the 5 senses: see, hear, touch, taste and smell. In reality that’s how we are living now, everything we do is through our senses whether consciously or subconsciously, and this is where we can be misled if we do not have the right information, ideas, and concepts. Who is making your decisions? Who does your thinking for you? We are constantly receiving information and suggestions from people all around us. If you are watching the news on TV, you’ll be hearing all sorts of dark, negative information and we can choose to either accept or reject that information with our conscious mind. In the chapter “Moving Forward with NLP”, I shall be showing you another example that breaks the above picture down in more detail to help you understand.


The problem a lot of you experience is accepting any and everything from all sources leaving you confused. What makes you think that what you see and hear is the truth? We are constantly getting into fights and arguments by choosing to believe what we receive and we don’t even think to investigate. The fact that we fight means we are not using our mental faculties effectively as are feelings make us do wrong to others, but we can control that thinking from the correct knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

What we need to do is consciously work on improving and developing our higher mental faculties. What are they you might ask? There are six higher mental faculties and we all use them to a certain degree.

The six higher mental faculties are:


We constantly perceive what is going on around us. We are interpreting everything. Have you ever had an argument with someone and said something for the person to say “that’s not what I meant you’ve gotten it all wrong?” This is an example of perception, you believe you are right from your point of view and the other person believes they are right from their point of view. There are always two sides to a story and neither is wrong or right, it’s what works that’s what counts. You may perceive an experience to be bad when in fact it is neither bad nor good depending on your perception. Can you the reader understand what I am saying? Nothing is good or bad but your thinking makes it so. Its polarity there is two ends to the pole. I may dip my foot into a pool of water and perceive it as hot, but you may do the same and perceive it as cold. Who’s to say who’s wrong or right? It’s a matter of perception. The more we study and understand ourselves and the way nature works, the larger our awareness will expand and what we perceive will be a lot more nearer to the truth. We will react less and respond better because we have a deeper understanding on this word called perception.


The will is our ability to concentrate. It’s the ability to hold one idea on the screen of our mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions. Have you studied with a lot of noise going on around you with people talking? You are using your will power here. If we are determined at anything you can be sure you are using your will . It’s will power that allows us to keep on going regardless of obstacles that get in our way. Some examples of people who have had strong will power are Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte. They may not have been the best role models but they had such a highly developed will that it influenced a mass majority of people.


We have an excellent imagination. Everything begins first here with this wonderful thing called imagination. In order to make something we have to imagine it first. Children are excellent at using their imagination but as we get older we tend to use it less creatively. If I said to you to imagine yourself sitting on a camel and riding through the Sahara desert, you’d be able to do it as you read these words. In fact when you read any way you are using your imagination, read a storybook and you’ll see a movie playing behind your eyes . More to talk about this later on the chapter of law of attraction.


We have an excellent memory! We just haven’t been taught how to develop it. In reality we should be able to recall anything we want in seconds. That’s not the case with a lot of people though. How many times have you heard someone say “I can’t remember” or “I’ve got such a bad memory?” Probably quite a few. This isn’t so, we have an excellent memory, which can be developed just as if we were going to go the gym and start pulling weights to develop muscle.


Intuition is our knowledge (Inner voice). It’s what we understand to be true, or what we use to judge right from wrong. I’ll give you a test. Study as much as you can about yourself and nature and your intuition will increase and understanding will deepen where you can read people like a book. Where others are complaining about their lives and their issues and not understanding why it keeps on happening. You understand secretly. If intuition is our knowledge, ask yourself, has your knowledge got you the results you want? Remember this, what you reading here are new ideas, which will benefit you if you keep studying, expand your knowledge and understanding, which will expand and deepen your perception. A harsh truth for all graduates… did your knowledge and hard work get you your results that you wanted? Did you get your dream job? Yes or no? If no, then I ask you to expand your intuition, which will give you more options and alternatives.


Reason is our thinking. It’s what is also known as our rationality. You may think smacking someone is rational. This is true to you; you actually believe this is right. This is your reason. This is the faculty where thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. But more specifically, it is the way rational beings consider explanations concerning what’s true, false, good or bad. This is where our paradigms come into play; remember what I said a paradigm was? It’s a multitude of habits and ideas, so how you think has an effect on how you will behave in any given circumstance. Perception also determines how we think, all faculties work together. They are intertwined and work together in synchronicity. Have you ever taken the time to consider why one thought leads to another, and who decided it was the correct sequence? We are all unique and process information differently. Either way we have the power to choose how we think.

All a bit too heavy for you? Or are you enjoying reading this? You will know the truth when you hear it. We already know everything there is to know, it’s just we have forgotten. I have touched on the conscious, subconscious and our mental faculties; now that you know what they are you should do yourself and the world a favor by developing them to the best of your ability. I have to mention again that you are an amazing creation and you were made to create.

You’re actually creating your own lives as you go about your days. It is important for us to spend most of our time on what is we want to produce. We think in pictures as you now know, and the mind works with pictures all the time. Be honest with yourself when I ask you this question, “What do you constantly think about?” You may not even know, because most of us aren’t aware that we are thinking. We literally just go about our days doing actions as we see fit. We listen to music, watch TV, have a gossip, and hang with friends talking about all sorts, not paying attention to what we are planting in our mental soil. Remember the process of manifestation? I’ll show you the picture again.


Thoughts are seeds. We are influenced by people to a certain degree depending on the strength of our mental faculties. If we do not learn about ourselves and the way the universe is governed we are doing ourselves a huge disservice. If our intuition does not get fed the right knowledge we can easily be swayed by people’s opinions and accept anything that comes to us, we will worry, get depressed and upset and live in fear.

If you picture your mind like a house, you would know that a house needs to be stable, secure with a roof so rain doesn’t get in, and strong enough so that the wind does not blow it down.


With the right knowledge comes correct understanding, which leads to wisdom resulting in a more courageous, confident person. Is that the person you want to be? I’ll tell you right now that there is NOTHING TO FEAR IN THIS WORLD! Ignore what they say on the news, do not accept negative information. Move away from negative company. Seek for knowledge wisdom and understanding. The fact that you are reading this right now is not by chance like I said in the introduction. This is the starting point of a great life for you as something inside of you awakens.

It is mentioned by scientists that we only use a tiny percentage of our brains. We have infinite potential! There’s no end to how good we can be at what we do. Look at what we have accomplished as humans. Take a look around you, everything was created by someone! Someone thought of it! YOU yes YOU can DO and BE what you want. It is promised to you, and I’ll help you by introducing you to laws that govern our being and everything around us.

You may have noticed about yourself whilst reading that there is a side of you that likes what you are reading, and on the other hand there may be a little resistance with certain points raised, this is understandable as right now your thoughts, values and beliefs are quite varied. You are in the process of rewiring your brain, as your thinking changes so does your decision making. If your thinking weren’t already changing you would not be reading this book. I want you to forget about your hardships, they do not serve your current thoughts. I know what its like to pick up a book and get excited and think to yourself “is this the one that is going to bring me change?” How many books have you read on the subject of personal development? Are you one of these people who are classes as personal development junkies, that read and have a collection of books stacked up?

What do you do after you have read these books? Are you inspired to take action? Do you feel motivated for change? If the answer is yes than that is amazing, the author did a good job. However the author can not make you take any action. Its all good to read these books and you may have the positive intention to change, you may even take action, which is great but most people have the habit of not finishing what they start, and there is also the case that because they don’t see the results they want, they give up (remember the process of manifestation), you cant see under the ground. In a later chapter, I wil be explaining how we can change habits, and I don’t mean by repeating an action for 30 days… I’m talking about using certain techniques that will make you habits permanent within minutes ;.) Let’s move on to the next chapter.