What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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“Samuel you have mentioned NLP in previous chapters, what is NLP?” NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming, in other words NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes... “What does that mean?” NLP is an instruction manual for the mind, its spirituality thrown into a process. Most of you may have read a lot of literature on spirituality and/or gone to many retreats, I am in no way knocking these at all as I myself go to them too, however with NLP there are techniques one can learn which can total y transform another’s life. Ask yourself how many books you have read on how to transform your life, probably a lot depending on who is reading this right now. What I have found with some of them is that they rob a person of their individual responsibility. As you may have discovered through reading this book I am more of a person who is all about lets get to the root cause rather than putting a plaster or band aid over a cut of the issues you have. NLP is also great for the use of language and how words are used to destroy people’s problems, yes, that’s right! Words can be used to destroy people’s problems!

Even on my 9th year of being on the path of self discovery I have always been wanting to find out a specific process of eliminating past baggage mentally so I can be as efficient as possible. I noticed with myself that I got hype reading personal development books and then took action and then over a period of time I digressed and went back to the old self of behavior. It left a pattern in my life that I hated and I needed a permanent change for consistent successful results in all areas of my life. I hate it when I see so many people who want a better quality of life, they have the best intentions however it seems like they are pushing a huge boulder up a hill and then it keeps on rolling back down. That’s because although they consciously want to move forward, they have unconscious beliefs that are so buried deep within the psyche and conditioning of the cells of their body that they keep back sliding, its like having one part of you that wants to move forward and the other half saying no you are not (conscious and sub/unconscious conflict).

Another thing I would like to add is that you will encounter certain individuals who think they know NLP but they don’t, they may have read a book about it but they are not qualified at any level to talk about it. They did not go on a course and achieve a qualification where they have learned techniques and how to deal with a client to help them move forward. It’s the individuals who fast- talk about NLP that gives it a bad name and I’m personally sick of it because it leaves a bad reputation and builds a public perception that NLP is like some sort of poofy woo woo stuff that is out there. NLP is a scientific process that can heal someone’s life. You can change the thinking of an individual, you can change their habits, remove their limiting decisions and beliefs and phobias at an unconscious level. You can install new habits and strategies within a person so they can be the person they want to be. You have thousands of decision- making strategies running through your mind everyday, everything you do is based on a strategy. Wouldn’t it be great to know what is going on inside yourself and how you can create harmony within both parts of your mind and have the habits, traits and qualities of an effective, successful person living an abundant life following their dreams? Well I am here to help you and will discuss more about how I can do that in the ‘Samuel Benta as YOUR Life Coach’ section, but for now lets talk a little about the NLP communication model and how it relates to the stick man we talked about in an earlier chapter.


This may seem like there is a lot happening all at once, that’s because there is. Your wonderful internal computer is processing so many bits of data per second without you having to consciously think about. You don’t need to monitor your breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, hair growth etc all this is done automatically unconsciously without you having to think about it. Remember back to the stickman and the five senses? See, hear, smell, taste and touch, this is how we receive information outside of us, and as you can see from the diagram it goes through and automatically gets filtered through our own perception based on the label or meaning we gave to the outside event. We will delete, distort or generalize it, which then leaves us with an internal representation giving us our emotional state, which then changes the physiology of our body resulting in behavior, actions and words. I want you to take a close look at the diagram and notice how many things are happening inside your side all at once, these are all internal decisions that are being made before you do or say ANYTHING! I will now take a section of that diagram and break it down further to give you a better understanding.


meaning to, even though the meaning you give it, isn’t even what it is! We have had so much misinformation that everyone is labeling experiences and things as they see fit, can you even wonder why everyone sees things differently and there are so many conflicts and arguments. With NLP we can change meanings and realign you so you can be whole, and the things that annoyed you before or disliked, you will see them differently and more importantly act and behave differently. It would be worth talking about the prime directives of your sub/unconscious mind at this point so you know a little more about why you would want to be in harmony with it. We talked about it being the fertile ground in which seeds were planted didn’t we? And whatever was put there was going to grow. Now lets talk about the prime directives and see for yourself whether you see the reason why you may want to be in alignment with it:

The prime directives of the unconscious mind describe the function and purpose of it. There are in fact twenty but I shall talk about the 10 main ones:

1) Stores Memories

2) Organizes all of your memories

3) Represses memories with unresolved negative emotion

4) Presents repressed memories for resolution (to make rational and to release emotions)

5) Runs the body, has a blueprint for perfect heath of the way your body is now and for perfect health of your higher self

6) Preserves the body

7) Is Symbolic, uses and responds to symbols

8) Takes everything personally

9) Works on the principles of least effort

10) Does not process negatives

Can you see how important and precious your mind is? Wouldn’t it make sense to be in unison with it? The purpose of me including some information about NLP in this book is only to touch on the subject to bring it into your awareness, and ill explain why in the chapter “Samuel Benta as YOUR Life Coach”.

Isn’t it shocking how much information we was not taught in school? Just think how far advanced you would be now and how much trouble you could have prevented yourself just by knowing this information from a younger age. This is why I am so passionate about getting this information out there. I don’t know who will resonate with me but what I do know is that this book will reach the right people at the right time in their lives. Some of you reading this may never have heard of me and that’s ok because by the law of attraction you have attracted this book into your life as the next piece of your puzzle. In the next chapter we will be looking at Universal laws and their core importance in your life. I stumbled across these earlier on my journey and after I have explained them I show you an example of how these laws have helped me in my life so you can see how they actually work. The beauty about these laws is that you will notice how they work with your being.