What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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Seeing as everything is a creation, we need to take heed to what actually shows up in our lives. Sometimes we might get into situations that are really horrible, believe me when I say that you created it. You are an energy center and when energy is given out it returns to the source of where it came from (CAUSE AND EFFECT). I cannot stress the importance of taking control of your thoughts and guarding your mind from anything that does not relate to your purpose, vision or goals. For those reading this book that are serious about taking charge of your lives and using this wonderful mind that you have I strongly recommend further study into these laws and further study into the human mind. I have only touched on these laws; more depth is needed to understand.

Make sure you purchase the books listed at the back of this one as they will be the next piece of the puzzle from this book. It’s not a one off though you consciously need to study a bit more every day. Remember repetition of new information will shift the old paradigm that has kept you where you are up until now. You will know if your paradigm is keeping you comfortable when you start to make excuses for why you are not studying. This should make you aware of the power your paradigm has over you. Strong will power needs to be exercised for changing and transmuting your mind to think and act in a certain way.

You can have it all; you can live a fulfilling abundant life because that is what was intended from the beginning of time. I’m not saying it’s a smooth road because it will take time for you to get to a consciousness where you have a deeper level of understanding where you will fear nothing and your intuition will be at a stage where you can literally read people like a book and you will feel like you are living in a completely different world. You will be at a higher vibration and higher state of consciousness where your closest friends and family will notice a change in the way you are. I must warn you some of these people will try their best to sway you from what you are doing by telling you that you are weird etc.

For your piece of mind, people thought Christopher Columbus was insane when he said the world wasn’t flat but it was round, people thought Henry Ford was weird because he had an idea of something the world had not experienced which you now benefit from which is your car. The Wright brothers had an idea to make people experience flying in the sky, they too were looked upon as crazy. Do you get the idea? All these great inventors knew something that was beyond what society class as normal. They knew and believed in a higher existence outside all of us that governs every person, situation, circumstance and event. This book was created for you to help you understand and become more aware of yourself and your responsibility to your life and presence here on earth and to shine a light that there is nothing to fear, you can be the star, you can be the person you want to be, you can do what you want, why? Because YOU said so!

I’ll tell you a few things that won’t change. Night comes after day... I promise you that won’t change, 24 hours a day... I promise you that won’t change. You’re going to be an extra year older next year... I promise you that won’t change. What goes up must come down... I promise you that won’t change. The only thing that can change is you and your thinking. So start now!

Is your glass half full or half empty?


We are coming to the end of this book and there are three things I will

mention to you. You can either:

1) Accept the information

2) Reject the information

3) Neglect the information

Due to the gift of free will you can do anything you want, but can I ask you something?

I’m asking you to “evaluate” this information, if you feel it has been of any use to you then study this subject further. What I will say though is that there is no accident you are reading this right now. You attracted this literature into your life and were meant to read this. The spiritual side of you has been prompting you to evolve and you needed this to aid you on our journey. Whether you like it or not, the fact that you have read this book up to the lines you are now reading has been a CAUSE, the EFFECT will take care of itself as the people, events and circumstances of life will manifest to provide you the next piece of the puzzle in “understanding”.

I hope you have enjoyed this book as I have put my understanding and knowledge and experience into it over the course of 9 years, I have enjoyed compiling this info in a way you can grasp and visually see what I’ve presented. We think in pictures, with no picture, there’s confusion.



EVERYTHING IS MIND! --– Samuell Benta