What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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Don’t think of the McDonalds logo! You just did! How often do you think about what you don’t want? You visualize it most of the time. Understand that cinema screen in your head is key to your success because what you focus is what you are asking for, but how many of us pay attention to our thinking? How may of you have ever sat down for 30 minutes, closed your eyes and created a movie in your head of what you want? Hardly anyone does this but if you have understood any of this whole book you will know that this is key to impressing new ideas to your subconscious!

Right now wherever you are if you don’t like what is happening in your life you can change it. You need to introduce new ideas and concepts in order to re- - - write an old script that has been playing out all this time. If you spend 30 minutes a day and put some time aside for yourself to just focus on YOU and visualize the possibilities are endless. Repetition and discipline is key because when something is repeated over and over again for a certain period of time it becomes a habit. Can you the reader see how success in any are of your life can become a habit? You are already a master at this… but at the opposite end of the polarity scale. You can change things!

How to do it

1) Find a quiet place to sit down, switch off your phone, as you do not want any distractions. I’ll warn you before you begin this that your mind may throw a challenging experience at you where your thoughts will be racing all over the place. This is a practice, and practice makes perfect. It may help if you have some soft relaxation music for this. I personally use music sometimes. Now what you want to do is visualize the life that you want. Do you want success? What does that look like for you? What does being wealthy look like? What does your ideal life look like? You can have it, trust me you can!

2) Close your eyes, relax and be your own movie director, there’s no limit to what you can visualize and neither is it impossible of what you can imagine. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Has your current knowledge of life worked for you? Honestly readers ask yourself that question… If not then delve into the realm of visualization where anything is possible and have fun with this.


How often do you listen and watch negativity being broadcast on the news? How often do you see negativity on the headlines of newspapers? How often do you see adverts or billboards with a message that grabs your attention? This is a form of automatic suggestion. Allow me to explain. You automatically look at these things with no thought, which means its automatic, and the statements you see or hear are suggestions. These will either be rejected or accepted by your conscious mind. Can you see how easy it is to be manipulated if you are not aware of how you think! A simple statement will cause you to act and buy the product being advertised and you wouldn’t even realize you were being manipulated. A simple statement on the news will make you believe anything you see or hear. This happens everyday across the globe!

Guess what? You can be your own billboard, you can make your own statements! I do this often and it always keeps me motivated and reminds me of why I do what I do. I write down huge text on a sheet of paper what I want and stick it on my wall . The purpose of doing this is so I see it everyday. The fact that I see it everyday, its repetition means my mind is always looking at it and processing the statement. Why do this? Well remember what I said about thoughts consistently being projected and accepting or rejecting them? This is it, in this case I want to accept them, however because my paradigm may not necessarily agree with the statement this is the reason why I keep on looking at it.

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and

eventually they will believe it" - - - Adolf Hitler.

Even Adolf Hitler knew of this technique and he controlled a mass population, however he misused the technique to make others suffer but we want to use the technique to do well in our lives. Lets say for example you wrote down: “I am a billionaire!” there’s a part of your subconscious programming that won’t believe what you have written. Do not worry about this, take Hitler’s advice "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it". A thought consistently repeated will be believed. Keep on looking at it, Keep on saying it and eventually the belief will create the fact! You can also create a vision board, which is pictures of what you want in your life all put on paper like a montage and stuck on your wall .

It may seem weird to do something like this, but hold on, what did I say about the paradigm being “comfortable?” it’s a dangerous place to be and we must do different things to achieve different results.