What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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It is no accident or chance that you are reading this right now. You were meant to come across this book because it was time for you to read it. Have you ever said to yourself that you want to be successful? Or you want to become someone big no matter what you do? I’m sure lots of these statements have come out of your mouths at some point of time in your life. There are some of you that don’t really know what you want to do with your life; some of you just live day after day like a normal routine without any kind of direction to where it is you are going. I have written this for you so you can understand a bit more about yourself and how powerful you truly are. We tend to look around and see other people shine and think to ourselves we can never be that big, I can’t do that, I can’t afford it, or my personal favorite it’s who you know. Let me start off by saying that the most important person you need to know is YOURSELF, because once you know this then you will take more responsibility in your life. Knowing yourself is an ongoing process of enfoldment of what is already within you to be the greatest version you can be.

I want to share with you some important information that will dramatically change your life if you desire to. This is information that you won’t be taught in school and most likely will not be taught by your parents as they may not have been taught themselves. I have tried my best to write this as simplistic and straight to the point as possible for everybody to comprehend. Do yourself a favor whenever you come across a word you do not understand, please look it up in a dictionary and make sure you understand its meaning before you read on otherwise nothing else will make sense to you. I have highlighted certain words in red and put their definitions at the back of this book to make it easier. I have included pictures where necessary as they say a thousand words.

Take a look at your hands right now; really take a look at them. Analyze it look at it closely. Can you see the detail? Can you see the lines? Can you see the veins? Have you ever questioned why you are designed the way you are? Have you ever given thought to why you have 5 fingers and not 4? I’m not a palm reader, I could have asked you to look at your feet but it wouldn’t be convenient especially if you are sitting on public transport at this very moment. We take our bodies for granted and just accept them as “normal” which is true however you are a magnificent being above all creation. You are above all animals because you can create things with your wonderful mind. Take a look at the sky right now. Have you ever wondered why night comes after day or why there is a moon and stars? What is their purpose? Why do we have four seasons? Some people do not give these things any thought.

Think about it... for generations, people are born and people die but very few people are remembered. I’m sure you have heard of men such as William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Newton, and the list goes on and on... These men have been gone for years but will always remain alive today in educational establishments because they brought to the world something great that left an impression on all of us. Did you know that you have the potential to be just as big as these historical giants? The question I should ask is do you believe you can be someone just as big? Whoever you are who’s reading this, you may be tall , short, fat, skinny, black, white, Asian or whatever... you can have it all and live the life you want! Why? Because YOU said so!

I want to talk about YOU. Who are YOU and why are YOU here? If you look at every job role there are thousands! You have gymnasts, painters, carpenters, actors, singers, dancers, athletes etc. Look at what your amazing body can do. We are all unique and have something to offer this world. I’m sure you have many talents that you are bursting to show everybody, but there are many of you who are very talented but do not have the confidence to push forward so you choose to conform to be classed as “normal” to suit society and give yourself and others excuses for why you can’t do it. Many of you don’t know HOW to achieve what it is you desire so you make no attempt at even trying.

We live in a world of television, radio and Internet. Once upon a time we never used to have such a thing. Everything around you is a thing. Look around you right now and tell me something that someone did not think of. Look at what you are wearing, the device you are reading this book from, and the shoes you have on... someone thought of it and made it. You never really gave that much thought did you? You just went out and bought it because it either looked good or because everyone has it. Are you a bit more aware now? Time and time again I ask people “can you tell me something that was never thought of?” And they remain silent or there are a few that say to me, the trees or water. I totally understand their response but believe me when I say trees and water are a creation just as you are. Everything has a part to play in this wonderful experience called life.

Before reading the remainder of this book I want you to put the word impossible aside, remove all skepticism and be open minded as I explain to you why you CAN have what it is you desire regardless of what everybody says to you. My intention is for you to become enlightened and be more confident to go out there and do what it is you love and make better choices. You have a choice to believe or not believe what it is I’m about to present to you. As I recall there was a man who did say “To be or not to be...”