What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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From reading up on these people I asked myself the question what made these people so different? How did they become so popular? Why did they become so popular? Why they are still studied up to today? I had a burning desire to be the best I could be so after endless books, CDs, DVDs and seminars, I started to notice a change within myself. I felt myself becoming more confident the more I focused on studying these people. There were lots of times I would lock myself in a room and passionately read for hours because of the zeal and enjoyment I had. What I discovered was that these historical figures tapped into something higher. They all believed in a higher existence than us humans. There are many names for it; Universe, divine power, higher energy, but the most commonly used name is GOD. Now before you switch off on me you need to hear me out. These were the greatest that ever lived and contributed to society massively. This book is in no means of making you believe in anything you don’t want to. I am merely just explaining the similarities into the beliefs of these great people. Before I started my path of self- - - discovery, I was ignorant to the idea of anything other than us dominating this world but as I allowed myself to be open minded and accept new information my whole outlook on life changed.


Why should you read this book? Interesting question but the choice is yours; this book is merely a compilation of what I have learnt and understood over the course of 9 years. I know that what I’m about to present to you will NEVER be taught to you in school, and I know how important this info is if you ever want to have an increase in understanding about how you work. I offer this to you, as I believe you NEED to know about how you work so you know you and your responsibilities to having abundance in every aspect of your life. The key word here is “choice”. Persevere to the end of this book and do not give up until you have finished reading it. I promise you will feel more expanded after it.

This book is for the confused, the hurt, the lost, the curious, the inspired, the hungry, the homeless, the drunk, the drug addict, the murderer, the bully, the bullied, the poor... Are you ready to receive? Are you ready for change? I hope this helps you as it has helped me....