What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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Some of you might think, “What on earth is this guy talking about? Realms! it sounds like a computer game”. Bear with me as I give you a better understanding. Take a look at the diagram below:


We live in four realms simultaneously.






What most people don’t understand is that your material world is your PHYSICAL, your OUTER WORLD i.e. you open your eyes and see everything around you; this is what we are most familiar with. It is everything “above the ground” do you remember the tree? It’s visible. Everything you see is a “result” of something or someone that made it. Have you ever heard someone say to you something along the lines of “by the fruit of your actions you will be punished?” The key word is “fruit” as it’s a result of the tree. Can you the reader read behind the lines?


Emotions are something we feel; we have all had a range of emotions throughout all of our experiences. I won’t get into a talk about this much but I’ll touch on it a little. Have you ever felt so angry you wanted to smash something or fight somebody? Something triggered “inside” of you and you felt the experience of an angry emotion all over your body. The key word here is “inside”. Yes, this emotion was inside of you, you felt it but it wasn’t a physical thing like your hand. Emotions are intangible they are in you and not outside of you. You can express an emotion that will make you do something which coverts or crosses over to the physical. An example of this would be to be angry with somebody and physical y hit them or feeling lust for somebody and physically having sex with them. It is very important that we learn to control our emotions; I’ll talk more about this in a later chapter.


This is an area of study that we know little or nothing about. We take the word for granted but do we actual y know what it means? We understand that mental is something to do with the mind “inside” our heads and that’s pretty much it. However what you will discover is that the mind at its deepest unconscious level is not in our heads at all. In fact it’s our whole body if you break it down to the cellular level. Unless you are a psychologist or scientist you will most probably remain ignorant to this word called “mental”. I mean ignorant in terms of “not knowing”. I have to tell you that the enormity of this realm is unlimited in terms of information. It is huge and I cannot explain in this book everything about it due to the amount of info but I will explain as much as I can. I am not looking to overload you in a way that you will switch off. You can look at many videos on “the mind” on YouTube and Google.

Whatever you do, do not think of the McDonalds logo!

What happened? You just thought of it didn’t you? A picture of the logo popped up in your head, or an experience or memory of McDonalds flashed before your eyes just as you read the word. You don’t physically see McDonalds but you saw it mental y. Is it fair to say that you saw it in your “INNER WORLD?” Do you the reader understand where I’m going with this?

Let’s go back to the tree. Remember we talked about the roots being under the ground and that the tree was above? Let’s look at you. Your body is above the ground you can see it, but your emotions and mind is below the ground, it’s inside of you where you can’t see it but you feel it. Do you see the similarity with the tree and us? Now let’s put this information in the diagram.


If you look carefully at the diagram, you will see that the inner world is a lot larger than the outer world. I have highlighted the inner world the color blue and the outer world as the color red. Why is this inner world a lot larger? Notice that I have left the SPIRITUAL blank for now as it will been explained as I talk about this wonderful thing called the mind.

We all have a mind and there are two parts to it, a masculine and a feminine side. There is a conscious mind (masculine) and a subconscious mind (feminine). We know that we have an inner world and that it’s not a physical thing that can be touched. I’m sure you all have had a moment when you daydream or you think about something that happened previously, or something you imagine is going to happen. All this is done in your mind.

Before I move on I want to reiterate the subject of the mind is so huge and still being studied by scientists today. I will only provide you basic information. If you desire to know more I highly recommend personal study by reading books, or researching on the Internet. I have provided a reference to certain books at the back of this one.