What You Don't Know WILL HURT You! by Samuell Benta - HTML preview

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When compiling bits of information for this book I was baffled as to where to start so I thought by using the tree of life as a symbol and metaphor to what is going on in our heads. I’ve used pictures to help you visualize what I’m saying. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that we think first before we do anything. Some of us are not even aware of this; we simply react out of instinct for everything.

Take a look at the picture below:


Here you have a tree. We all know that a lot of fruits grow on trees; if you look deep down underneath the soil we will find roots. In terms of creation, this is where it all started for the tree. It was a seed that was planted; it sprouted into roots and grew as a tree. So is it fair to say that what’s underneath the ground creates what’s above the ground? Yes.

If we look at trees now we wouldn’t even give thought to what was underneath we would just look at it and say, “That’s a tree”. We wouldn’t say “oh, that’s a tree and there are deep roots underneath which determines how the tree will stand”. Do you the reader understand me? We wouldn’t say that because we can’t see the roots, they are invisible to us.

Lets look at the picture again:


So there you have it. What’s invisible creates the visible. The roots are hidden underground and create the tree. The tree is what we see and is what produces the fruit. This is how nature is right? We plant seeds and they grow to produce a tree, which in turn produces fruit. This can go for any kind of tree or plant, or even as babies when they are born they were once inside the womb hidden and then they are born on the outside where we can see them.

Most people live on a very superficial way of life only based on what they see ABOVE the ground or in FRONT of their eyes. I am going to show you how we as humans are similar to a tree. We are no different to nature, we are part of it. There’s a huge part of us that exists that we are unaware of but controls every action we do and word we say. Do you the reader understand everything I have just told you? If not don’t worry we will dig a little deeper.

I remember when I was in school all we learnt about the human body was how many bones we had, and we had snippets of information regarding our organs, a little info on our blood but that was just about it, we then had to move on to a different scientific subject. Very little time was spent on knowledge about ourselves... I wonder why... What we are not taught in schools is that we live in more than one realm at the same time.