When Things Keep Going Wrong (Transforming Adversity) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 4 - How Can Adversity Be Reduced, Even Switched Around Altogether?

There is little doubt that adversity affects not only individuals, but groups and whole cultures. For example, Jack led an individual life of adversity, and it could be said that born into certain parts of the world, one’s whole environment would naturally be adverse. Though what can be done about it?

Well, there is an emerging understanding that all adversity stems from the mind of the individual. To stand any chance of reducing, or reversing, the power of imagination is required. That is, before believing the world happens, we must move to the premise that nothing happens without you. That is, if you did not exist, then neither does the entire world. Yes, it’s a tough concept to grasp, though for short while, please allow yourself to follow this path.

Without you and your mind, there is no reality right? OK, we hear you say that life has gone on prior, and will go on after your passing, and this may indeed be true. Yet for you, nothing exists beyond your own existence right? OK, let’s not get too far out, as this is merely a tool in developing awareness that there might only be YOU, and that everything in and around your reality could be a projection and reflection of your own overall consciousness. Though please note the word used was ‘could be’ and this is not a statement of fact. It is a model used to reduce and dissolve adversity, as it has been discovered that those who lead a life of privileges appear to be using this very system.

Now we are at the spot whereby at some point in life, your mind may have already pondered the above concept. Yet, for obvious fears, it was dismissed and rejected as a crazy idea. In fact as we have already seen with Jack, the more adverse life gets the less probable the thoughts of “conscious awareness” creating” become. However, if this were truth, and Jack was right, then life and reality would be deemed ’luck of the draw’, but it does not appear to operate this way.

We suggest there are secrets to the universe, but these are only secrets because they are not readily accepted, and while there is no intent to patronize, please consider the following example;

Imagine a Monk lodges and application to become the next President of the USA, yet he has never set foot outside Tibet, let alone possesses any knowledge of America. What do you think the public reaction would be?

Most, are likely to deem his proposal as inappropriate. Though irrespective of his intelligence, and higher state of consciousness, what is really being said is that he lacks a certain understanding, is limited in his awareness, and ‘he just isn’t one of them’.

The same can be said between those like Jack who experience a life full of adversity, against those like John, who seem to breeze through life in harmony. There is a growing understanding that there is no curse, no bad luck, and no random choices. What appears to be between them is a lack of understanding, through a limitation of awareness. However, because Jack’s perception convinced him that perception was the creator, and John’s awareness could perceive and know this not to be the truth, the route to living a life of privileges remains John’s secret.

Though John does not attempt to tell Jack his secret for the same reason a parent does not explain deep science to their child. That is, Jack just won’t get it, and he won’t get it because his attention is following his perception, which locks him into the believing that which he is perceiving.

While it has been written many times before, that “perception follows attention and attention goes where perception influences”, rarely do we stop to fully consider this. That is, “attention”, or better said, “full on focused attention” is where consciousness is used to engage with something. If we are not conscious of this, then more often than not “consciousness” just follows an individuals perception, simply because it has no other choice.

Remember Greg perceived Duncan to be lazy, though this is most likely only a personal opinion because Greg’s perception has locked him into this thought processing. Well, John just knows that Jack is caught up in a similar struggle. If John explained that he uses perception as a tool, and that his true guide is his overall consciousness, then it is most likely Jack would ridicule him and laugh.

Though before rejection or dismissal of the above, is it coincidence that those who live a life of minimal adversity, and enjoy more than the average privileges mostly use their inner system to interact?

Is it luck that the happiest, most content in life appear humble and calm?

Is financial and material success really just a blessing?

Is it coincidence that privileged individuals live amongst other privileged people? And that individuals experiencing adversity live near other adverse people?

Is this really just random?

Although it is easy to say yes, lengthy studies of adversity show that there are indeed common denominators to suggest otherwise. In other words and perhaps for the first time, what is being outlined is that harmony, privileges, fortune, freedom, vitality, and longevity etc. are all bi-products of an individual’s “truth”.

Though in layman's terms, what is truth?

Living one’s truth translates to acquiring a level of consciousness to perceive that there is indeed an intelligent system of interactive dynamics, and then living from the rules that govern these dynamics.

Not only that, truth means ‘consciously’ knowing that there is no separation from inner and outer reality, and that changes on the inside, eventually vibrate through to and reflect on the outside. Though in living one’s truth, the individual disassociates from the negative ego. Not their entire ego, just the negative aspect, and they take direction from their overall consciousness. This is vital information, and it is a key element in developing the skills that are required to acquire it.

Though it all boils down to this:

Individuals who experience privilege over adversity, fortune over misfortune, harmony over distress, freedom over enslavement, all perceive their reality in a similar way. That is, they are aware of a connection between their inner and outer world, a line of consciousness that permeates both, and a system of dynamic conscious interaction.

Though please allow another of life’s paradoxes, and one of the secrets behind the secret.

That is, ‘one must never tell’. There is a dynamic in the universe that states, once the inner truth is shared with outer reality, then all power goes with it. However, as there is not enough word space here to explain the concept of explicate and implicate reality, for now, please accept ‘that it works’. In fact, you may like to take this one step further and try it out in your own reality.

Though it is best seen around a table of extremely privileged individuals, as each one believes they hold the key to a harmonious life, and they do because they are real living examples. Nevertheless, they NEVER speak of the conscious awareness that permeates and guides them because there is a mutual understanding that external reality is a direct result of their inner reality, and any attempt to separate it automatically engages the negative ego. When the ego becomes involved it assumes responsibility and itself to be the creator, and the link to their truth is broken.

That is, have you ever noticed humble individuals like actors Roger Moore and Paul Newman, inventors like Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla, aids such as Florence Nightingale and Mother Teresa, and businesspeople like Bill Gates and Larry Ellison, did what they did, and achieved what they achieved, without publicly sharing their most intimate secrets?

Though we are not referring to their external successes. What is being referred to is their inner world of dynamic interactions, and the system that gravitated them to where they are. Additionally and albeit subjectively, they stay as far away from displaying their ego as humanly possible.

Though, consider that there are a minority of individuals where the negative ego is all but nonexistent, and that ‘humbleness’ is just a bi-product. In other words, what on the outside looks like a kind, naive, innocent individual, is total detachment from the egoic self. That is, these individuals ‘just know’ that if they engage and boast through their external reality, all of live’s privileges will begin to diminish and fade away.

This happens when an individual identifies with and attaches to their egoic perception. When they believe themselves to be separate, and that inner and outer are two, they have broken contact with their truth, and adversity begins.

While this is not a personal indictment of Mr. Simon Cowell, what can be noted is an obvious change in his external reality. That is, during his early years of rise to fame and fortune (2001/2 onwards), he projected vast amounts of public appreciation, gratitude, and humbleness. This produced an explosion in his popularity, personal and professional circumstances. Yet, as of 2012, adversity appears to have taken over. Publications in the British Newspapers such as The Daily Mail suggested that Simon is under excessive stress to the point of cracking up. The paper went onto say, “With ratings for The X Factor in the UK falling like a stone (they are at an all-time low of eight million), plus the fact that The X Factor USA is losing the ratings war, as well as viewing figures for his British game show Red Or Black being so poor, he is facing setbacks on all fronts”.

The paper went onto quote, “Simon is experiencing failure for the first time, and he’s in real trouble because of it. He doesn’t know who to trust, and he doesn’t know how to turn it around. He’s had years of everyone telling him that he is a genius, and of him ruling the entertainment world. Now it’s all falling away. The crisis is real — and ongoing. Truth is that he has long struggled with insomnia, which he attempts to combat with sleeping pills”.

Simon in his own words said, “I’ve got to work out my demons and come out of it. I have to get back to where I was years ago”.

As it was outlined earlier and irrespective of intelligence, wealth, fame, or otherwise, adversity does not discriminate. Furthermore though not commonly recognized or understood, for individuals like Simon, there is an understanding that adversity will continue to compound and deepen until the conscious self comes to understand their own truth, how far away they are from it, and more importantly, until adequate steps are taken to rectify it.

While this might sound like gobble-dee-gook, it is the difference between living the life of Jack, or living the life of John, only Simon like most are living both. If adverse situations are not consciously understood, then like the bumping car bumps its way around the circuit, adversity will continue in the same fashion.

So how is this changed, rectified and turned around for the better?

Well, there is a very simple solution that requires a large degree of effort. That is, to consciously understand. This tiny sentence holds an unlimited amount of power, for until something is consciously recognized, understood and more importantly ‘processed’ then adverse events will not go away. They cannot go away because this is a polar dynamic of the universe in operation.

Though in layman's terms what does this mean?

It means when life continually goes wrong, and when negative events and experiences engulf, then life and reality is conveying corrective messages. However, regardless of personal beliefs, opinions and judgments, in a general sense the messages are always ‘positive’.

For example…

As much as the world at large likes, even loves Simon Cowell, how many really believe he is the genius that he believes himself to be? It may be recognized that genius and talent is running through him, but that talent and genius is not him. However, if Simon over identified with the egoic self, he would then be duped into believing himself to be the creator. Yet, as this is not the truth of the universe, reality has no other option but to show him his own truth. Therefore since a human’s main motivators are largely by fear and pain, then this is how ‘realignment’ is experienced.

Realignment is the individuals system nudging them back towards their own truth.

For example…

Over the years Simon may have unknowingly, mistakenly and unintentionally drifted, yet the paradox is such like the dog chasing its own tail. In other words, like the dog does not consciously know it’s chasing its own tail, it is most likely Simon does not consciously know the ego is preventing him from knowing himself. He may get bouts of insight, yet “full on” awareness is not there.

In fact the ego is a human dynamic that once over stimulated, runs wildly around the garden so to speak. That is, individuals whom get caught out with this, know not of their inner dynamics. If they did, then the ego could easily be brought under control. Though it must be emphasized that these references are not derivatively directed at Mr. Simon Cowell, or mentioned in a negative sense. On the contrary, the negative ego is an aspect of self, which can fool even the best of us into connecting with it.

Though what holds and maintains the negative ego in situation is the perceptional system of beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and judgments etc. It was spoke of earlier that in order to reduce adversity, the mind, which really means personal beliefs must ‘consciously’ be put aside.

However, before we do that, let us go back to the projection and reflection theory.

As an analogy, imagine life and reality to be like a giant 3D video game, though instead of controlling from a joystick, you are inside and in the middle of this video projection. Imagine that the controller is your consciousness, not your mind, but the consciousness that powers the mind. Yet like all great games, there is a catch and that catch is ’interaction’. Meaning, whatever your consciousness interacts with, you can become.

However, to make a great game flawless, it does not matter whether you are conscious or not of the consciousness that is powering the game. In fact, this is the game. Until you become aware that the consciousness used to guide and control the game is your own consciousness, then all hell is allowed to break loose. In other words, either you are enslaved by a life created by the unconscious, or you have hold of the command center and consciously begin to create it.

As the game of reality has duality, for example, night and day, hot and cold, good and bad, fear and love, pain and pleasure, dreams and nightmares, and they all coexist together. Which one will you choose?

So when a desire is projected, so too is a fear and vice versa. The one that wins has the strongest attachment.

In other words, if the fear is intensely feared, despised, hated, then there is a strong emotional attachment. Likewise, if a desire is deeply yearned, longed, and pined for, there is also a strong connection.

As physical environment show, Mr. Simon Cowell is perhaps a perfect example of an individual who possesses majestic abilities in projecting desired outcomes. Yet, equally and as Newton’s third law of motions states, every action also possesses its equal and opposite reaction. Meaning alongside a desire, there also coexist an equal and opposite potential to manifest it’s polar opposite, FEAR. However, as most individuals already know, not all desired desires come to fruition; likewise not all feared outcomes do either. Nevertheless, the fear can only enter reality if there is an associated attachment.

Our suggestion is that if the desire is not part of your own truth then it will not manifest, likewise if the feared outcome is not part of your own truth, then that too will not manifest. Yet there is a catch. Once and individual gravitates from their own truth, and like a puppy that breaks free from a leash - to a degree anything becomes possible. That is, free will enables the ego to manifest fears into reality, with the adversity being the path of correction.

For example, take an individual who suffers with insomnia. Insomnia is a reactive condition resulting from an overactive mind, coupled with an entanglement of emotions. Furthermore, as insomnia is not a physical thing, simple universe rules state that which does not exist in the physical, cannot be cured on the physical. Though to highlight this as a truth, the individual who experiences insomnia will go on doing so until such a time, that the root core is raised and processed by the conscious mind. That is, the adversity in not sleeping will compound itself until physical exhaustion, and no amount of medication or otherwise will rectify this condition.

This is a perfect example of positive adversity in action, yet it appears complicated only because simple human dynamics are continually being overlooked. That is, what appears an adverse situation, in this case not sleeping, is trying to convey a positive message, you are off balance. Nevertheless, it is nothing more than allowing a dog to bite its own tail until such a time that the puppy painfully learns, that the tail is its own and biting it is not a solution.

When life is continually going wrong and adversity is believed to be negative, personal torture, or downright bad luck, then moving beyond becomes difficult to impossible. Yet when viewed from a fresh perspective like that of the above, then what holds it altogether begins to break down.