It was mentioned above that when life is continually going wrong, or adversity is being experienced that there is a very simple solution.
That solution is consciously recognizing.
Here is another of life’s dynamic paradoxes - as humans evolve, the last to know is humans. What we are suggesting is that the source of human consciousness is operating ahead. This means that the very nature of life and reality requires a reflection of the process to understand. As an example, there is no daily awareness of the aging process. Yet, when an old photograph is looked back upon, the changes can be seen. The result being that the individual then has a conscious awareness that a change has taken place. If there is no conscious awareness, then one would not know a change had taken place.
What is often overlooked is that the change took place, not with the mind alone, but by using consciousness to bring it to the conscious mind. Think about it, as if evolution never comes to the conscious mind, then no evolution ever takes place and whether one is conscious or not, then no evolution happens.
So going back to the phrase, ‘as humans evolve, the last to know is humans’ gives a definite pointer in the direction to understand the dynamics of being human. That is, being the last to know is an indicator that if we do not know, then we are not conscious of it and if we do know, then there is a consciousness about it. Though the most important aspect is that nothing in your reality can or will change without you first becoming conscious of it.
While one might say that the above is not true because irrespective of their conscious mind, evolution and changes just happened. Like war, murder, lottery, billionaires, birth and death, they all just took place regardless. However, nothing happens, will happen, or can ever happen without you first becoming conscious of it. While we understand this is taxing, please give it some thought. That is, nothing ever happens without consciousness.
For example..
A man was born, grew into adulthood and developed into a genius. He invented and designed a new gadget. This gadget went global and he became a noble prize winner. He married, had two children, gracefully grew old and passed away peacefully.
Who was this man?
Exactly, you do not know because there is no conscious awareness of him. Therefore, he came, lived, and died all without you knowing, and what you do not know about, there is no consciousness of. Yet, here is the paradox. Once there is a consciousness, the very thing that did not exist, now exists and there will always be a consciousness of this.
For example…
You will always know the nameless gentleman above simply because it has been raised to your conscious. Yet, no consciousness equals no existence.
Yes it is deep and yes it can be quite a task to grasp, but please stick with it because our own studies have shown that consciousness is the ultimate dynamic of the entire universe, life and reality itself. It is our understanding that consciousness is the core creator, builder, and manifestor of life.
The upside being that when life is going wrong, and adversity is upon one, then consciousness is the dynamic to reduce, dissolve and rectify it.
To consciously understand is tiny sentence that as stated earlier, holds an unlimited amount of power, for until something is consciously recognized, understood and more importantly processed then adverse events will not go away.
This is where consciousness as the creator can be put to the ultimate test. Adversity cannot go away because this is a polar dynamic of the universe. In other words and as much as this sounds distasteful, because adversity is created using consciousness, it cannot be undone without first becoming conscious of the process that not only created, but that which goes onto govern it. It’s a little like tying a knot in a hosepipe, then expecting the water to flow. As you already know, if the water is to flow freely, first the knot must be picked apart, and undone.
The first step in the process is to recognize and accept life is going wrong, gone wrong, is negatively adverse, etc. Though covered in its own module Getting What You Want NOW (Transforming Inner Resistance), accepting resistance equals a reduction in resistance, which immediately and positively impacts any future adversity.
In short what is being outlined is that there are only ever two paths that can be followed. That is accept or reject, resist or allow, etc., and it has already been proven that rejecting situations suppresses but does not disown them, and resisting only creates more of the same. With that in mind, and as difficult as this may appear right now, accept and allowing adversity to be is ironically the way forward.
For example…
Have you ever noticed that when something goes wrong, particularly when fretted, dwelled, or worry about, then another similar event happens? The Scottish have an old wive’s saying that ‘bad things always happen in threes’ and the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs states that as far back as the 14th Century, it was noted that ‘a misfortune does not come alone’.
Well, it is our understanding that not only does like attract like, but it will go on doing so until it permeates the conscious mind. That is, with things happening in threes and the notes misfortunes that do not come alone are reminders that it takes several events, at least three to notice and seek their meaning. As similarly and at the polar opposite end of the scale, there is also the superstition that good things always come in threes, which again is perhaps an indicator that it takes three to notice.
In accepting and allowing, adverse events become noticeable.
Yet the very nature of consciousness and discovered human dynamics suggest that the very act of consciously noticing and then accepting and allowing, disempowers the adversity. This is so and backs up the suggestion that consciousness creates because once consciousness has your attention, then there is little benefit in creating deeper adversity.
However, this is only the beginning and it is by no means the solution, or the end of adversity. As all of life’s wrongs, misfortunes, and adversity have been created by the individual self, then consciousness’s first role is to gain attention of itself.
While you might think of yourself as a human being, and a solid object in the physical world of material and matter, consciousness knows you are not and science also suggests otherwise.
Let’s not lose our self only to outline the obvious. That is, science professes to have conclusively proven that humans atomic structure is 99.9% space, and 75% of that is water. According to Albert Einstein, the same material that makes up a wooden chair, or metal table, also makes up you. That is, E=MC2.
According to Cell Biologist Dr Lipton, who says there are trillions upon trillions of individual cells that go on to form and maintain the physical body. Did you catch that? What he is suggesting is that us humans are made up of around 10 trillion or so individual cells that somehow bind together forming the illusion that we are one big human. He goes onto propose that human cells are electromagnetic in nature, operating with a positive and negative magnetic charge, which convey energy signals at the speed of 186,000 miles per second.
Though in layman's terms what is this really saying? It is stating the obvious - and that obvious is that this reality which is often referred to as an illusion, is most likely so.
While the above can appear mind boggling and is perhaps far removed from your everyday world, it is being outlined to state that while it may give the appearance of, life is not 100% real. Though this is not a suggestion to live from a premise of wild unfounded fantasies, nevertheless our suggestion is to not take life, and the things in it, too seriously.
To the physically attached, it may look, feel, taste, touch and smell real, and that’s what it is supposed to do. Yet for the individual living free from adversity, their understanding is otherwise. Therefore, please consider that in order to live free from adversity, the consciousness within is only requirement you need.
Unlocking adversity can be thought of like unlocking a safe, since a safe requires a combination of numbers, a key, or both. When addressing adversity it is not too dissimilar. That is a combination of real life past events, combined with an access key to unlock these events is required.
Though decoding the combination is a simple mechanism of matching past and present adverse events to their deeper meanings. The complexity arises when one’s own human dynamics such as perception, ego, beliefs, judgments, and opinions get in the way.
While this might sound easier said than done, whenever and whatever is going wrong on the outside of life, is a direct reflection of a deeper meaning on the inside, and it is the inside that we will access with the key called consciousness.
So now we are going to take a real life adverse event and apply the dynamics of consciousness to unlock it.
As an example…
Penny was a media mogul that during her early career, things were going seemingly well. At her fingertips were over fifty employees, a movie production company and access to major influential figures.
Fast forward ten years and Penny is divorced, her media business had failed, and the production company had lost major revenue on the last three silver screen movies. In short, what she had built in the first ten years of her career had slid and were all but lost in the proceeding ten years.
Yet why had this happened?
According to Penny, she had not changed her tactics, her attitude, policies, work ethics, determination, and she was now at her wits end. With little to no idea why, or how her professional and personal suffering was at such an adverse and negative level, she was now becoming angry, bitter, and fearful that she may indeed never recover.
Though, while we fast-forwarded ten years, it is now necessary to reflect and reverse. Remember it was said earlier that ‘overall consciousness’ operates ahead of reality? Well, when these dynamics are accepted and applied to real life, they can have remarkable and profound effects. For example, now we have the added benefit of knowing where in life Penny has arrived, what she has and is experiencing, and all we need do is begin to wind the dial on her combination lock, so to speak. In other words, imagine a movie that you have already seen. You know the beginning, middle and end. In fact, you now know which event led to the outcome of the end.
Though, what if you want to have a different ending, how could that be achieved?
Well, going back re-writing and re-shooting the end is required and in a sense, if Penny is to change her future, there are specific human dynamics that require similar treatment.
For example did Penny arrive where she is in life through back luck, bad karma, or random misfortune? During her rise, she accumulated millions of dollars, yet during her fall she not only lost millions, but experienced a brief period of imprisonment, relationship breakups, business rejections, actual business failures, and a serious decline in lifestyle.
While it could be said that Penny is just one of millions, if not billions that experience personal and professional adversity, and it’s place in life is to make one stronger, when we begin to roll her combination dial back, there is indeed evidence to demonstrate otherwise.
Penny stated the following:
Penny assumed her initial ten year rising was solely down to her.
70% of her past employees spoke of another scenario.
Penny assumed her divorce was due to her husband’s lack of motivation.
100% of her family and friends believed otherwise.
Penny assumed her media business failed due to bad staff.
100% of past employees described otherwise.
Penny assumed her three silver screen movies failed to derive profitable revenues due to lack of support.
Public feedback suggested her movies were not understandable entertainment.
Penny assumed her prison sentence was an injustice
Family and friends said they seen it coming, warned and encouraged her to take appropriate avoidable action - 100% said that Penny ignored any and all advice.
Above is all but a short list of Penny’s adverse experiences, though what can be gleaned from this?
While it may come across as a series of scenarios that she said this, and they said that, and it’s anybody’s guess who is right or wrong, there are common denominators that convey one’s truth.
For example, when thoroughly researched, could 70% of Penny’s past employees hold the wrong perception of her? Was 100% of family and friends wrong about her divorce and was the public feedback about her movies wrong?
Well, yes they could all be wrong, though it is highly unlikely. It is unlikely because with each passing event, Penny’s adversity deepened, and with each passing year, the negativity also deepened. Though when does it stop?
Well, through our long-term research, adverse events have shown to continue compounding themselves until either a bitter end, or a conscious inner change. Please do not think this is a fear driven sentence, as it is based on factual observations and real life unfolding. If Penny was not living and operating from a state of delusional thinking, then it is highly unlikely that she would be experiencing adversity after adversity. As we can see from her life above, rejection and non-expectance compounds it further, and the inability to recognize adverse events, led to more.
Though how does one like Penny know they are off balance, straying away from their truth, delusional in thinking, and fully responsible for creating their own adverse demise?
After all, declaring an individual to be off balance, delusional and unaware is a strong statement. Nevertheless, when listening back, does the TV talent contestant who sounds like a cat hear the voice of an angel, or do they hear the same screech as the audience and judges? Does Penny really believe everybody and everything in life is wrong? Likely not. While the contestant is desperate for fame and fortune, and Penny is desperate for success and recognition. There is a part of the self that takes over and begins to control the situation. This aspect is the ego, though more specifically; it is the negative side of the ego.
At her core, Penny like the contestant knows when they hurt, commit an immoral act, go against the flow, and wander from their own inner path, but the difference is they allow it to be overlooked. They hear and perceive the outside world, yet they make a choice to push aside, ignore, and continue doing their own thing. However, they are not committing selfish acts, nor are they doing it intentionally. Their egos are powered so high, that there is little to no communication with the inner self. Albeit unconsciously, and totally unbeknown to them, it is their ego’s that are running the show, and this is why they are not in conscious control of their dynamics. It is why they appear to ignore sound advice and common sense, reject and push aside any form of corrective guidance.
Nevertheless, this is the first digit for the combination of unlocking. That is, before any possible access to adversity can be gained, the negative aspect of the ego is brought out of hiding and asked to stand to the side.
This can be achieved in two ways:
1 - Brute force - This is achieved by ignoring the ego, while forging ahead to unlock adversity. However, this is strongly advised against as entering into any head-to-head battle with unfamiliar dynamics generally results in compounding failure.
2 - Consciously ask the ego to step aside - This is the preferred, easiest and most beneficial path as already outlined, when consciously engaging with the ego, the ego will happily accept direction. It accepts it because it is already taking direction, albeit sub-unconscious, the ego is currently under the influence of consciousness, it is just that the conscious self is not conscious of this.
In engaging and requesting one’s surface mind and ego to step aside, the instruction is to overall consciousness. That is, irrespective of an awareness of, you are intently instructing consciousness to perform a job. However, as already stated earlier, as consciousness does not discriminate, the outcome is deterred solely by the strongest energy in resonance to your overall perception.
Therefore, if you genuinely connect and instruct your conscious mind/self to go off and identify adversity, then a remarkable chain of electromagnetic processes swing into place. Please consider that the subtle self will automatically begin a sub-unconscious search to hone in, and attune to past adverse events. Assurance is given that once intention is consciously set, then the process gets underway.
In a relaxed and fully conscious state, ask your mind to consciously engage with the inner self. Outline that there is no timeline, meaning no rush. The following should be posed to the conscious mind –
“Irrespective of my surface reality, current beliefs, or outcome. I desire to know the core of my ADVERSITY (that is, why are things going wrong) and what’s causing adverse events in my life, MORE than I desire not to know. I am fully prepared and accept full responsibility in dealing with and processing with what arises, and I genuinely SEEK to know, understand and dissolve my own core adversity. I now in this moment, give my conscious self a clear directive to go off, search and find the root core of my core adversity. I ask that irrespective of my current perception, beliefs, conscious, sub or unconscious, any stored emotions, and my conscious and unconscious intentions that you set aside my own individual thoughts and opinions to locate and raise these associated experience, or experiences to my conscious mind for processing. I ask that you do this NOW!”
While this may appear to be over simplistic, it is not. Yes, it was outlined earlier that at the root were simple dynamics. Nonetheless, please do not under estimate this, because at the subtle levels of reality. In particular, at the dynamics of quantum electromagnetics, all hell is breaking loose. This is not meant in a religious context, but in applying the above, sets off the most powerful chain reaction, which will without doubt and in due course, filter through to reality.
Now the egoic self has been asked to step aside, and overall consciousness is tasked to go off and find adversity, initially this may feel a strange and alien concept. Please just allow this to be, as when the above is posed time and time again, with genuine and real curious intent. Then one can be assured that the stuff, which creates, maintains, and keeps you alive, will go off and do its job. This ‘stuff’ called consciousness will do it because it is and always has been following a set of directives. The only difference is that your overall consciousness has been taken and accepting direction from your inner dynamics of which until present, there has been no real awareness of.
Though after applying Step 2, apply your best efforts to stay away from the expectation of miracles, as in our experience the universe works to a set of defined principles, parameters and rules that to date have no way around other than studying, understanding and then applying what works. What can be said is that all of the outlined methods and suggestions have been thoroughly tried, tested and to date have worked with astonishing accuracy. Nevertheless, if things do not appear to immediately work, then as it takes time to digest into the subtle self, please do not dismiss this as a failure. Applied consistently, diligently, yet more importantly with genuine conscious intent, then things will start to happen.
Nevertheless, also bear in mind that the grasping of human dynamics is like learning to ride a bicycle and it is very rare that the first attempt will produce a Tour de France cyclist. Though not a disclaimer, if you struggle to get past the first human dynamic called the ego, then this is a sure indicator of the sheer strength in attachment. If you feel there is a stumbling block that is frustrating and diminishing your inspiration, then please refer back to our website Beyond Timelines whereby you will find additional material in dealing with the ego. However, allow it to be reiterated one more time that in applying step 2‘s highlighted paragraph with persistence, will indeed produce results.
Though get ready because when the ego takes instruction and steps aside, then one must be prepared to not only deal with what comes forward, but to process it and continue.
Assuming the ego has stepped aside, and you will know when it has moved for as in the case of Penny, she would pose the same paragraph while listening to what comes forward.
Listening is another unlocking key towards gaining access to the sub-unconscious. However, remember that we are not attuning into and listening to the negative ego, what is being sought out is one’s “overall consciousness” and there is a major difference.
The ego says I am, while overall consciousness conveys you, we, and when fully attuned to, thy. Though in the beginning and in order to get to know your overall consciousness, let it speak to you the way it feels best.
The Ego says: Overall Consciousness says:
I want this and I want that This is a preference, or that is a preference
I need this, or need that This is a preference, or that is a preference
This is someone else's fault There is an understanding
This is wrong, or that is wrong All responsibility stems from within
The ego judges, criticizes, opinionates, blames, predicts, controls, which in truth is the job of the ego, and without it one may not be human. Though what makes these attributes damaging and destructive is when they are attached solely to the negative side of the ego. Though when in balance, good judgment, balanced opinions, and control are all perfectly sound character traits to possess when operating from a position of one’s own truth.
Assuming that the ego is stepping aside, the next unlock in the combination is “beliefs”.
While overall consciousness does not believe in anything, the individual self believes in almost everything.
Remember Gregg believed Duncan to be lazy, and Penny believed she was solely responsible for her business successes? Yet, Penny did not believe she had anything to do with her prison sentence, as the TV talent contestant did not believe the judges or public opinion.
These are simple, yet perfect examples of how belief fools one into thinking beliefs are real when in fact, all beliefs are personal opinions, judgments but are in no way indicative of their truth. Beliefs feed from perception, and perception fuels itself from sight, sound, taste, touch or smell, with the final additive of intuition. Yet, in holding onto the concept that beliefs are real, locks one into tunnel vision, and thinking only from one way. The outcome is that life and reality is perceived and viewed this way, or that way, but not for how it really is.
Nevertheless, beliefs create a multitude of problems, in a sense that when an individual believes one way, it gravitates there whole being one way.
For example, if Penny strongly believes in her movies, it can be said to be a sound positive attribute, which ultimately will gravitate her towards the desired goal. However, when others do not buy into that same belief, then her personal belief can become her nemesis.
With that in mind, beliefs spoken outwardly, and expressed in physical real life appear to work for and on behalf of an individual only when the critical mass of their external life and reality buys into and believes them. Yet on the flip side, we have found that this is none other than a simple dynamics of duality that more often than not, catches almost all individuals out. That is beliefs have exactly the same prospect and potential as all other human energy and can work as much against, as they do for. That is, if Penny’s audience, which is her critical mass, bought into and believed the same as she, then her movies would have been resounding successes. Nevertheless, they did not and it went onto create further adversity and distress.
Though do you remember the earlier phrase that ‘one should never tell’? Well, please allow the validity and truth of this dynamic to be demonstrated.
Because Penny believed, in fact she believed so strongly that the films being produced, marketed and released would be so successful that prior to even getting off the ground she spoke outwardly of there up and coming successes. As Penny’s personal beliefs express through her ego, they in turn dilute, diminish and eventually cancel out the future prospect of success. Though in reality it goes further, as when the successful outcome has dissolved, then the only one to take its place is the polar opposite of failure. Is it then a just a coincidence that the adversity Penny experienced was random bad luck?
What is being outlined is a dynamic that with the very nature of life and reality inhibits total exposure. Nonetheless the interaction from her inner core is not operating smoothly between her inner and outer worlds. In other words, her inner dreams and desires are emanating but have not yet been expressed. At this point, they hold all the potential to become success or failure, and at this point the potential is equal. Though, as soon as perception, beliefs and the ego get hold of this dreamed or imagined desire, then it becomes messed up.
It becomes messed up, and the link of continuity is broken simply because her dynamics have been corrupted and are now operating in a delusional sense. That is, when worked backwards, her adversity, which is the failed movies, is truly adverse for her. Yet step back and we can see that albeit sub-unconsciously, Penny’s negative ego, fueled by distorted beliefs, supported by a corrupt perception, ensures and propagates three movie failures.
How can that be?
Well, think of it this way.
It all starts with the conscious imagination of the dreamed outcome. That is, Penny wanted to be successful. Yet to stand any chance of creating a life of harmonious privileges, truth starts at the beginning. Penny must consciously ask herself, why it is she so desperately wants success. While there could be a multitude of reasons, even solid and sound balanced ones, Penny voiced otherwise.
She wanted success so badly because at the core she felt insignificant and meaningless. To add, she spoke that as far back as she could recall, she felt masses of insecurity but had little to no idea where it stemmed from.
This is the core of Penny’s delusional thinking, and the beginnings of experiencing adversity. Though as Penny and any other individual does not live from a premise of insecurity and fear, standard human dynamics get to work with a series of clever overlays. Though these are covered in core modules such as I Can’t Do It, Yes I Can (Transforming Fear) and should be referred to unearthing and transforming, bear in mind that this is the origins of adversity.
Though fast forward to present and we can see that Penny’s beliefs are founded upon her perception, and that perception is not always one’s truth. Therefore to access the core of adversity, we need to do a similar exercise as previously performed with the ego.
However, it is not a simple act of just reeling off one exercise after another, as human dynamics are not likely to respond positively this way. Though this might sound taxing, your overall consciousness needs to not only know, but be absolutely 100% convinced that your conscious attention is following and is 100% intent on perceiving your overall consciousness.
Did that sound complicated? Please allow a brief breakdown. Overall consciousness is you, yet there is a simple truth that 80% of you operates from the sub-unconscious self, and this is where the rule of 80/20 consciousness derives from. That is, at any one time, the average human being is only 20% conscious of their entire reality, with 80% happening away from one’s immediate awareness.
Where ever one’s attention is directed, then conscious awareness goes to it. This could be thought of like a torch shining in a darkened room, as wherever the light shines, and whatever it shines on can then be viewed. Yet, as the rest of the room is unlit, it does not mean there is no content.
Consciousness and the mind can be thought of in a similar way.
Therefore when the first exercise is performed, the light from the torch shines on the ego, so to speak. Once shone and exposed, it can be thought of as leaving a small glow, but this glow is not enough to light up the entire room. Therefore, and for each human dynamic, we seek out the content of one’s self by continually shining their conscious light in and out.
Now irrespective of belief, please prepare to perform the following exercise. Again, there are no real special requirements other than quietness and to be in a state of relative calmness. In other words and as with all exercise, preferred times are prior to sleep and before rising in the morning.
“Irrespective of my surface reality, current beliefs, or outcome. I desire to know the core of my ADVERSITY (that is, why are things goi