There is an understanding that when the above is allowed into your reality, it has the ability to not only positively effect, but it can go onto constructively redefine your whole existence.
The understanding being talked of is consciousness, or if you like conscious awareness.
In other words, there are individuals that are permanently immersed and their whole existence is a constant battle, an uphill struggle, full of trials and tribulations. Yet at the opposite end there are indeed individuals who do not struggle, live an entire existence from a premise of privileges, harmony, good fortune and longevity.
It is the difference between Jack and John, privilege verses adversity, misfortune verses fortune, disease verses harmony, death verses dimensional shift, which ultimately comes down to the difference in ‘perception’.
However theoretical this module is, is it really possible to create a desired reality through a shift in perception?
Yes and No.
Yes, in a sense that perception along with the ego is working hard to maintain your reality, and the way your reality is, is the way you perceive it.
A change in perception means a change in belief, attitudes, judgments, opinions and so forth. In the real world, this amounts to what you buy into you become and what you don’t buy into you don’t become.
No in a sense that all desires stem from the egoic self, and where there is a desire, you can normally find a core fear. Dissolve the fear and the desire goes with it. Nevertheless, please do not think that one would then go onto live a lifeless life, no this is not the case. Yet, when desire. In particular desires fueled by core fears are processed and dissolved, then they are replaced with preferences.
That is, you may prefer to be a trillionaire, a politician, or a policeman, but instead of burning with a desire, the preferred thing is approached with a genuine ‘take it or leave it’ approach. Not a lacks attitude, but one whereby there is no real desperation, or insecurity, just a ‘I can have it, or I can let it go’ and the consciousness running through me will decide.
What does this have to do with adversity?
Well, when the negative ego is attached to one’s perception then adversity is a surety. The measure is when adversity is viewed from its bigger picture of positive adversity and all events and experiences are then perceived for their communicative meaning. That is, whatever the adverse event or experience, hidden in there somewhere is a constructive message and when this message is consciously understood, then adversity subsides.
Nevertheless, whatever the level, when adversity ensues, there is great mileage in shifting one’s perception to one’s bigger picture in life. That is, instantly self-reflect to identify and find its meaning. That way, positive adversity becomes not only a habit, but an actual way of life.
While it could be said that positive adversity is just another avenue of adopting another belief system and that may indeed be true. Nevertheless, there is overwhelming evidence to support the mindset of expanding one’s own awareness and perceiving your bigger life picture.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time and effort to apply this module.
Thank you
I Just Want To Be Happy (Transforming De-motivation
I can’t Do It, Yes You Can (Transforming Fear)
When Things Keep Going Wrong (Transform Adversity)
Getting What You Want Now (Transforming Inner Resistance)
1 Overall Consciousness refers to the commonly understood three levels of consciousness plus. That is the conscious self, the sub-conscious self, the un-conscious self and one’s own interactive intuition. However, for simplicity and ease of understanding we group all these levels of human consciousness into one sum total called “overall consciousness”. Overall consciousness literally means everything that you are within your reality, which includes self-chatter, internal dialogue, a deity, physical, and non-physical awareness.