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A Word on Energy


Energy is what all matter is made from. Matter is the accumulated by-product of the energy released from anti-matter colliding with itself. Humans call these collisions ‘a big bang’, God knows them as little beats. The faster energy vibrates, the subtler it becomes and thus, is of higher energetic vibration. The slower energy vibrates, the grosser and denser it becomes and is thus, of lower energetic vibration. The higher your consciousness rises, the higher the vibration of your energy. The lower your consciousness sinks, the lower the vibration of your energy sinks. Energy always attracts like energy based on the frequency of vibration of that energy – while opposite energies always repel. Always remember this: Both the good and the bad, always think the other side are bad, for they repel each other.        All energy moves in orbits – in circular patterns. Whether they be protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules, compounds, cells, planets, galaxies or even entire dimensions, they all move in circular motions for the circle itself is the shape of perpetuity and motion. When one lowers one’s consciousness, changes happen in the body at a sub-atomic level way beyond the level that any microscope can analyse. The atomic structure of matter changes negatively, through what science calls ‘ionisation’, and becomes unaligned with its anti-matter counter parts – or in other words, the matter of your body becomes unaligned with your soul. It is this what one realigns when deeply meditating. When atomic structures become unaligned, the soul, or consciousness, slowly starts to become ‘lost’, weak, and open to further attack by the ego, and Ego.

The consciousness-lowering deed one has committed is recorded in every proton, electron and neutron in all of the atoms of the body, as the very soul itself complains to Karma, because the mind, and the ego, ignored its warnings. You don’t want to antagonise Karma. Whenever you do something bad, there is a voice telling you it’s bad. This voice is your soul. This is the thought that comes without thinking and therefore, is not the work of your mind. The language of the soul is the intuition that I mentioned in an earlier chapter. However small and faint this voice is, it’s always there and you know it. Sometimes it’s so faint, that you can’t hear it in the chatter of your mind and ego, but it’s always there telling you whether what you’re doing is wrong.       There are many ways to lower one’s consciousness, and most of them are obvious and don’t warrant explanation. However, there are some things one does that lowers their consciousness without them even thinking much of it.

To name just a few, these are: keeping bad company, touching bad company or letting them touch you unnecessarily, or doing anything with an intention to make someone envious. Anything that results in negative energy directed towards you, is detrimental to the status of your consciousness when it is already weak - unless you are protected through your own vibration, which most people aren’t, as this protection only starts at 75% and above, while most people are at 40% and below. In my experience, I’ve only ever seen children of 12 and younger to be higher than 45%. Babies are the most neutral at 50% as everyone is given a fair start, every time they’re reborn on the neutral plane of Earth.

Every time someone with a lower state of consciousness touches you, they lower your consciousness because energy is free flowing, and just like water, it always seeks equilibrium due to Duality. Every time you touch someone of a higher consciousness than you, you also lower theirs, unless they’re at 75% or higher, which is the lowest level of Enlightenment, the level which most know as the Enlightenment. Be careful when picking your company – no company is always infinitely better than even slightly bad company. If energy is the vibration of matter at an atomic level, and if Karma is stored in those vibrating atoms, then understand this: Karma and energy are transferred through matter touching matter.

The longer the touch, the more intimate the touch, the more sexual the touch, the more powerful the effects are. Young girls especially, should be very careful, for young boys start lowering their consciousness far sooner and far quicker than girls - although girls most certainly catch up by the  late teens, and then it’s just a matter of competition between the two sexes. When someone of a much lower consciousness touches you, or is near you, these are some of the effects you may experience: tension and pain inside your bones and tendons; uncomfortable tingling sensations in your forearms, hands and the back of your neck; tiredness and weakness without exertion. If you ever feel this way, firstly take note and stay away from these people, for they are energy vampires. These people, without knowing, leech energy from others to top up their own energy, which they have lowered through their actions. You may also unknowingly be one of them. So, learn to know yourself.

Also places where people with bad energy congregate or do consciousness-lowering acts such as night clubs, dark alleyways, certain dark and secluded areas of parks, or certain buildings, the energy these people have transmitted in these places, is then received and stored in the surrounding matter of the place. Be mindful of such places. It is not up to me to tell you where you can and can’t go; it is your free will to do as you please. However, all I’ll say is be aware. That’s all I can do: make you aware... The rest is up to you.

Aside from the other things in this book, in which I’ve explained how to raise your consciousness or how to stop it from being lowered, here I will explain how to repair and recharge pre-existing consciousness through the five elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Aether. This will not raise your consciousness - it will just maintain what you already have in good working order.

Fire: Go outdoors, build a small campfire and sit closely basking the palms of your hands and bare soles of your feet in the warmth from a safe distance. Every season is the perfect season to enjoy a good camp fire. If you don’t have the space or the means, make do with a lit candle in your home – it is still better than nothing.

Water: Running water is essential. The more the better, the faster flowing the better. A stream or river is best, while a shower is less than ideal - but still better than nothing. This method is also known as a baptism although there is much more to a baptism, for if performed by a True and Enlightened teacher, gives you a new beginning. A dunking, as such, is not entirely necessary – also dunking in still water does absolutely nothing. The water has to be running, so safely lie in a stream or a flowing river - with all due safety precautions considered and taken.

Air: Go outdoors on windy days with thin or little clothing. Stand and let the air wash your skin. The windier the better, the higher the altitude the better.

Earth: As much skin contact with the Earth for as long as possible is vital. Sit with the soles of your bare feet and the palms of your hands touching the Earth and allow her to heal you. The soles of your feet and palms of your hands have nerve endings specifically designed to receive and transmit energy.

Also, by Earth, I mean natural ground consisting of soil, grass, sand, rocks etc. Concrete, tarmac, gravel and lawn grass with plastic underlays do not count towards a connection with the Earth.     Know that the Earth will always take your bad energy and give you her renewed, clean, and neutral energy. This is why she is known as Mother Earth – take care of her, for she devotedly takes care of you.

Aether: This is the most powerful - for this, you either find a way to go to Space and have skin contact with the vacuum of Space, or find a Godrealised teacher who can take your soul there. Both are almost equally impossible to find, so stick to the first four methods.

Now finally: Energy barriers. The lower one’s energies get the spiritually weaker they become and the weaker one’s barriers become. One may be eating well, practising Yoga of the body, ‘meditating’ and all such good things, however if one starts to intentionally or unintentionally meddle with anybody elses energy fields and Karma but their own, through meddling with their affairs; ‘spiritual cleansing’; ‘spiritual healing’; Reiki; remote viewing of someone’s past or future and therefore invading their privacy, then understand this: Karma will educate you. Moreover, it will continue to educate you until you have the consciousness to realise why it is educating you. Karma is the most relentless, strictest, and brutal of all teachers. And you do not learn until you realise what you have done, or are doing wrong, and therefore, you will continue to make the same mistakes while Karma will continue its onslaught of lessons.

Do not mess with energy if you don’t understand it, and if you think you understand energy then I assure you, you most certainly do not understand it. In order to understand energy in its full capacity, you have to have already transcended the 10 Dimensions and attained Union with 100% consciousness – way, way beyond the first stage of Enlightenment.

So, do not interfere with other people’s Karma and energies if you don’t want to be on the receiving end of the wrath of Karma, in this lifetime or your next lifetime. Often people don’t appear to be doing anything wrong in this life, yet they are suffering dire situations – I advise you to begin contemplating what you may have done in a previous lifetime for you to still be continuing to suffer in this lifetime. You won’t realise it or See your previous lifetimes, or your future, until you reach at least 75% consciousness and are able to review your pasts and future in detail, but still, for now, you can at least contemplate, and this will help eventually lead to realisation. Without realisation of past mistakes, you will continue to be educated by Karma.

Just take good care of your own energies, and mind your own faculties in the ways I’ve explained in this book, in order to ensure good spiritual health. The degeneration or regeneration of your own energy and consciousness is always your own doing in one way or another.

So, learn this book and work towards regeneration, for you will need it as the coming Anti-Christ will take full advantage of your spiritual ill-health and weaknesses; most won’t even know that he is the Anti-Christ unless these words are heeded.