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A Word on Enlightenment


In my journey, I never sought Enlightenment - I only ever sought God. I didn’t seek Enlightenment, because frankly, I didn’t even know what it was.      Know that whatever you seek, will also start to seek you, and when you unite, the union will then bind you. Those who seek Enlightenment, become bound in so many traps of Enlightenment when they get it, that they never get out of it. So, seek God, for He is what is beyond the highest rung of the ladder of Enlightenment. He is the Light which is the source of Enlightenment, whereas Enlightenment is only that what emanates from Him. If Enlightenment is all that one ever seeks, then when one eventually attains even the lowest level of Enlightenment, they will get caught up in just that stage thinking that they have arrived at the destination, and that this is all there is to it. In reality, there is an infinity beyond it. Beyond this infinity, is the Almighty.      My ignorance of Enlightenment, was what kept me safe from the entrapment of Enlightenment in my journey to Him. I would like you to keep your ignorance on this topic too.

Just seek the Almighty – if you attain Him, the rest will come with it, and will immediately become meaningless in comparison.