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A Word on God


It is a hopeless pursuit trying to describe or explain God. For this requires the listeners and readers to believe, and all belief is useless. Therefore, it is vital that one must come to know God.

In order to know God, it is even more vital that you first know yourself.

Instead of questioning, ‘Who is God?’

Ask the question, ‘Who am I?’

Sit or lie down in silence, and with your inner voice, chant ‘Who?’ Just concentrate on the sound and intention. Sounds and intentions transcend the limits of languages.

Who is the question. Am is the Answer. The question and the answer will both lead you to the same destination.

‘Am. Am. Am. Amm. Amm. Aumm. Aumm.’

When ‘Who’ or ‘Aum’ is realised,

Then the I, and its desires, begin to become obsolete, although still present.

With this, self-realisation takes place, and you begin to realise your Origin. This is the first stage in Enlightenment.

With continued practice, the realisation that Aum or Am is the One energy that is in all becomes established.

All that vibrates as One with the vibration of Aum or Am is creation.

All creation has a beginning.

Therefore, all creation also has an end.

It is then realised, that your Origin is not from One-ness, but from No Thing-ness; None-ness.

Various languages contain names for God’s State of No Thing-ness. These are not God’s names, but simply a description of His State.

God doesn’t ever introduce Himself by name and never has. He simply Is. In His realm, He is the only One - so of what use is a name when names are simply a method of differentiating one from another?

The best-known names in the world for describing His States of  None-ness are Allah (or more correctly: Al-Lah) in Arabi (modern day Arabic) and Shiva in an other-worldly language.

Both essentially mean ‘Without Form’; ‘AntiMatter’; ‘The None’.

The None Form.

The None Beginning.

The None Ending. The None Male.

The None Female.

The None Creatable.

The None Destroyable.

The None Body.

The None Thing.

Only when you become no body, and no thing, will you know Eternal Bliss.

Eternal Freedom from pain and pleasure. Eternal Freedom from matter itself.

This happens when one attains Union with the Almighty, known as Moksha or Mukhti.

This is known as God-realisation.

Otherwise, at best, you will have to make do with the sickly sweetness of heaven.

Even the heaven-bound, eventually cry and beg for Eternal Bliss. If you think bondage of desires and pleasures and addictions feel good, I urge you to give liberation a try.

This is what this game of life has always been about.

Just like all games, there are keys, guides, and principles.

Study what I have written, learn to play the game, and win if you wish.

If not, at least don’t be a corrupt player unknowingly.