Words by Words of Roshan - HTML preview

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A Word on Life


What is life? It’s been asked throughout all the Ages, fully answered in none.

Life is this: Life is God’s soul, having a series of infinite experiences through the creative channel of His mind over His matter. You, being, are His matter. Some beings have the ability to only give God pleasant experiences, and therefore only have pleasant experiences themselves. Some, like you and I, have the ability to choose freely – and give God a kind of a roulette of experiences. Some of these free ones, consciously give God good and healthy experiences by laughing, loving, caring, living harmoniously, and by keeping all forms of innocence intact, while some others give God bad experiences through a lack of consciousness by killing, hurting, stealing, lying, slandering, living disharmoniously with nature and destroying all forms of innocence.

This begs the question: so, why did God grant free will, if most choose to exercise it for bad?

If you are not interested in the answer, please gift this book to a friend – it is not for you.

If you are interested, then study every word - for although I have written these words, the inspiration, knowledge and Guidance to write them came from the Authority beyond me, to whom I’m a servant.