You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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8. Is my body subject to the law of attraction?

Some people know the law of attraction but don't understand it in its entirety: that's why they claim that illness is the exception to this law. But why if you attract an occurrence in your life, should it be any different when it comes to illnesses? All sages agree that the law of attraction is a universal law which everything in the world is subject to; also from a quantum physical viewpoint, it's not clear why certain occurrences should be excepted. Why should an illness be an exception? If everything in your life is subject to this law, there is then no chance that health or illness operates outside this law, it is quite simply not possible.

Many well documented stories of patients recovering from incurable, deadly diseases just by believing in their recovery support and prove this theory. By examining this phenomenon more closely, it's clear that this is a moral issue: understandably, the politically correct stance is that whoever is suffering should not be burdened with the responsibility of their illness as well and they therefore can't have done anything to cause their illness.

This is what Bärbel Mohr (a successful German author) claims in her video “Cosmic Ordering”: “The question arises again and again whether sick people are to blame for their illness. I don't think that they are: our body is a product of our lifestyle and the unresolved traumas of our ancestors. We are guilty as a whole population of the last millennium, but not as individuals. However everyone is born with a key to free themselves of this.” This is a clear statement that ordering something from the universe works, but not when it comes to your health.

Whatever you believe will happen, does happen!

This woman obviously did not find the “key” and this wonderful person had to depart from us so soon because she believed that she was not able to have any influence on her disease.

Bärbel Mohr died of cancer at the age of 46 and her publisher Konrad Halbig said, “We are distraught and can hardly believe it. No one lived more healthily than Bärbel.”

In light of the law, this makes complete sense. If you know the law of attraction, but you don't believe that health is affected by thoughts, and that instead ancestors from the last millennium are to blame, then you must feel a sense of helplessness in this area. You can try to compensate for this sense of helplessness by leading a “healthy lifestyle”.

Let's compare this with someone who never concerns himself with his health, and instead has led an excessively unhealthy life: the rock legend Ozzy Osbourne, whose alcohol and drug use is practically legendary. According to some, he's been on a number of “total binges” in his life: those were times when he spent weeks holed up in his hotel room and did little else but smoke, drink and take cocaine. Even when not “totally binging” he'd regularly consume four bottles of hard liquor and enormous amounts of cocaine every day, while at the same time smoking marijuana and taking over 40 prescription pills. He himself claims that he can no longer count the number of accidental overdoses he has survived. This man is healthy and at 65 he's fitter than ever. There are a number of other similar cases in the rock scene, like Keith Richards or Lemmy Kilmister, who have smoked all their lives and consumed alcohol and drugs of all sorts, but have nevertheless remained healthy and fit enough to give concerts and even go on world tours despite their advanced ages.

Conventional medical researchers are studying diseases ever more intensely and wonder why these diseases have not decreased. You cannot create health by studying disease. It makes no sense whatsoever. You must concentrate on health if you want to become healthy, or else see health as a gift from God and live the way you want: that's how Ozzy has done it. In the end it is your thoughts which influence what happens in every cell in your body.

I will attempt to show this by means of a simple example.

You are walking with a friend through a shopping mall. A normal looking man walks past you and you glance at him. After a few moments you realize that your friend is completely beside herself. Her face is pale and sweaty, her hands are shaking and her knees weak. When you ask her what's wrong, she tells you that that normal looking guy you passed was her first big love and that she'd been with him a long time and not yet gotten over the separation.

If you now examine her behavior, you will realize that she did not consciously create this reaction. She didn't want to become pale and sweaty, nor did she want to go weak in the knees.

This occurs as follows: most processes in our bodies happen unconsciously; your unconscious mind controls your heartbeat, your breath, digestion as well as the hue of your skin, your knees and your sweat glands. Other than your skeletal muscles, it controls everything in your body, literally every single cell.

If you think this process through to the end, you will see that in the truest sense of the word EVERYTHING that your body does can be ascribed to your own thoughts. Truly EVERYTHING!

Your subconscious is simply determined by your thoughts, that's why she had those reactions: she consciously programmed her subconscious to believe that the man was someone very special. Of course you can't give your subconscious a command that it will immediately carry out, such as “Please make me pale now,” that would be play acting and wouldn't work.

But the effect of many years of programming can indeed bring this about.

Your weight

If there was a law that said that people who eat a lot are fat and those who eat less are slim, then that would have to be true all the time and everywhere. I know people who eat a lot and are fat and I know some who eat a lot and are very slim. I know people who eat a little and are fat. So – and this is absolutely logical – food consumption cannot be the primary cause of how fat or thin you are.

Your continuous thinking creates pictures in your subconscious which become inexorably true. Imagine a fat person: for years he hears himself say: “You are too fat.” Probably already as a child he heard “Don't eat so much, otherwise you'll get fat.” Now he is fat, and if he goes on a diet, then that is a general attack on his self-image of “being fat” and his subconscious will do everything to defend it and continue to optimize his hormones, drive down his metabolism, create cravings, etc. He has no chance of losing weight unless he begins to visualize a new image for his body, an image of being slimmer than he presently is.

Your thoughts permeate all your DNA; your DNA is found in every cell in your body. It is your DNA that sends your thoughts out into the universe. If you now think “I am too fat”, then your thoughts permeate your whole body! Your DNA is in every single cell! So now every single cell in your body knows that you are too fat and it will react accordingly. When you then go on a diet, you don't lose weight and at some point you go to a doctor who tells you that you have a sluggish metabolism. And so you think you are too fat because you have a sluggish metabolism. And soon you believe that you are too fat but it's not your fault because you have a metabolism issue.

If you thought of a slim healthy body, your cells and therefore your body would react differently and you would be slim! Who is responsible for your sluggish metabolism? Of course, your subconscious which gives commands to all your cells. And the content of YOUR subconscious is solely determined by your thoughts. Your body has to somehow produce this “being fat” that you think of daily and that you have created.

If you think this causal chain through, back to its source, you will always come back to your own thoughts.

Why are you too fat? Because you have a sluggish metabolism. Why do you have this? Because certain organs (intestines, thyroid, etc.) are too slow or don't work effectively. Why are they too slow or not effective enough? Because your subconscious has commanded it to be so. Why did your subconscious command this? Because you yourself program yourself daily through your thoughts! The same is true if the answer to the question “Why so fat?” is “Because I eat too much.” “Why do you eat too much?” “Because it tastes so good and I can't stop myself.” “Why does it taste so good? Why can't you stop yourself?” Because your subconscious has commanded it to be so. Why...? Because you have thought it this way, who else could have created your appetite if not you yourself? It really ALWAYS comes back to your daily thoughts and the resulting content of your subconscious as the cause!

Visualize your slim body; imagine getting on the scale and it showing you your dream weight; imagine your colleagues congratulating you or asking you with astonishment how you managed to lose weight so easily!

Your subconscious will record this image and will unerringly bring it to fruition.