You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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7. What is right and what is wrong?

What is actually right and what is wrong?

It seems that criticizing is the favorite pastime of most people in the world.

Generally you could say that criticism is showing others their mistakes – in things, behavior, events or decisions. In my opinion about 1 percent of criticism is justified. Justified criticism is, for example, when a mathematics teacher corrects a test. In arithmetic 5 x 5 = 25 is a true fact. If the student has a different result, then he or she has not yet understood the applicable laws and should be helped through constructive criticism to understand them.

Any criticism I make that is not based on the laws of nature is therefore only an interpretation through the filter of my own personal opinion of what is right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, natural or unnatural, good or bad.

If it's a result of my own opinion, it is by definition not transferable to the opinion of another, because by definition it is just my own opinion. Any criticism of another person's lifestyle comes from the false belief, or rather from the dogma, that there is a right and wrong way to live. False assumptions are the reason for all conflicts that we find on this planet! Starting with the smallest family argument, up to the wars between whole populations or religions! Why does one ethnic group hate another? Only because their traditions and customs are seen as inappropriate. Why do religious zealots have something against people who don't take religion as seriously?

It's only ever about what people see as right and wrong, but in actuality this criterion should only ever be associated with your own goals. If you want to buy something to eat, it is of course right to go to a grocery store and not to a car dealer; if your fuel tank is empty, you should drive to a gas station and not a tree nursery.

But these statements are based solely on logic. Most ideologies are based on the idea that the world needs to be improved, and to uphold that, you are supposed to fight for a better world in the name of justice. Taking the law of attraction into consideration in this case, you come to a very simple conclusion: those people fighting for a better world will always be doing so, no matter what direction the world takes. It's simply not possible, can never be possible for everyone to concur with all circumstances in the world for the simple reason that everyone is unique and not wired in the same way that a herd of animals is. Since everyone is very individual, it's not possible, and also not necessary, that we are all of the same opinion.

Why do people in Europe look to the Middle East and criticize their lifestyles there? Why do people from the Middle East criticize the lifestyles of those living in Europe? The world is just the result of the thoughts of 7 billion people. It shouldn’t be better or worse than it is because that is not possible. Would someone call a supermarket “bad” just because there are things there that they dislike or are disgusted by? They also contain unhealthy items which could kill some people, which could trigger an addiction, etc. Does that make a supermarket “bad”?

No, it's merely a reflection of the habits and desires of individuals in that region. Unsold items will disappear from the shelves, popular items will be given more shelf room. Walk into any supermarket, look at the selection and you'll find out what the people in that region prefer.

It's the same with the rest of the world thought up by 7 billion people. If you believe that alcohol is not good, then you don't need to buy it, but why judge those who do like alcohol? Do you think there is too much violence on television? Why is there so much violence on television? Because it merely reflects the demand of the population in that area; the ratings clearly influence what will continue to be shown and what will be broadcast less or not at all. Nobody forces you to watch it. By not doing so, you are taking a step towards having it viewed less. The world is perfect: it has everything on offer: to each their own! If the Creator had wished that we all want and love the same things, then he would have created us to be more like sheep.

But he has given us the freedom to decide on our own what we want and like. Choose what you want, always focus your attention on that and you will observe how more of this enters your life. If, on the other hand, you focus on things that you don't like, then those things will enter your life much more: it's your choice. So think, dream and talk about things that you would like and you will lead a life that others envy. Don't focus on the things you don't want; realize that those are creations, manifestations of other people and you don't have to like them. But just as you wouldn't walk through a supermarket and complain about the things you don't like or are disgusted by, don't bother about those things in other areas of your life either. Your reward will be a wonderful life.