You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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14. How do I create belief?

You have to truly believe something in order for it to come true! Who hasn't heard this saying as a child? Everyone says this, even doctors: “If you believe in your recovery, you will become healthy.”

It is almost a mantra among success coaches that you have to believe in your success. Psychologists and teachers say that you have to believe in yourself. Jesus said countless times that whatever you believe will happen, does happen. They all tell us this but no one, not even Jesus, tells us how we're supposed to achieve this belief.

“You just have to believe in it and then you will have it!” a child hears and then tries to use some non-existent muscles in his brain, squeezing his eyes tightly trying “to believe”.

But how do you actually do this – believe, that is?

Believing is a purely mental act, so squeezing and straining isn't any use. Actually, it's really very easy. Believing happens by frequent thinking; having a thought again and again turns it into a belief; it doesn't matter if this belief is good or bad for you. Think again and again that you will do or have something and at some point you will do or have it! Visualizing creates beliefs! Why? Your brain reprograms itself; new synapses are created. Let's say that a child imagines everyday getting an “A” in mathematics on its report card. By visualizing, the child could change herself; her brain would be reprogrammed; new pathways would be created, other ones would disappear and, slowly but surely, the child would become excited and ambitious to learn mathematics and would also be able to understand it better.

In terms of the “hardware”, we all have the same brain. A few grams more or less do not make a big difference. They are all the same! It all depends on which software you download. The “I can't” or “math is too hard for me”-software or the more useful “of course I can”-software. The more often you say “math is too hard for me”, the more difficult it will become because new synapses are also created, in this case the “Math is stupid”-synapses. If you patiently visualize your final goal, your subconscious will install the best possible software. The synapses will then simply link up as you need them to be able to get an “A”.

This relates to all other areas of life, no matter whether you want to create your dream body or material well-being. If you want to lose weight, for example, think as often as possible that you already have. Your subconscious will then let your metabolism increase and change your appetite.

Suddenly you prefer vegetable dishes to chips when sitting in front of the television. The reason for every yo-yo effect after a diet is that that person is not thinking of a slim body, but of what they want to lose. It's the same if you think of wealth every day. Maybe suddenly you get ideas that surface from your subconscious that lead you to wealth. If you often think of something, whatever you think will happen, does happen. And in the same way you can build your beliefs in your health by thinking of your health and occupying yourself with health. In this way – bit by bit, every day – you will come to believe in health.

The same applies to your beliefs in good relationships or in love.