You Can Do It! by Andreas Boskugel - HTML preview

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13. Is it really sufficient to order from the universe only once?

Almost everyone has heard the claim that you only need to order what you wish for once and soon after it will appear in your life. This claim is found in the world bestseller “The Secret”. Just order once, as in a catalog, and it will come to you.

If that was the case, then truly every person in this world would be healthy, happy and filthy rich. Yes, even the homeless person on the park bench would immediately order a million and a wonderful woman.

This is, however, not the case! It doesn't work this way! It never has!

Your subconscious radiates vibrations that are 50 times stronger than your brain!

If your brain says “a Porsche, please” and your subconscious says “I am a poor sod” 50 times louder, what do you think will more likely enter your life?

If you want to have more in your life, then it is YOUR job to fill YOUR subconscious with daily thoughts of the mental equivalent of the events or objects that you want to have!

It is often said that the first million is the hardest. That's because it takes a while to convince your subconscious that you are a millionaire. Once your subconscious is permeated by this idea the next millions flow into your life more easily.

I've just finished reading “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield. He writes a thousand times that you have to act differently if you want to achieve different results. This is true, but it is also true that no one can change their behavior on command; otherwise there would be no more poor people, smokers, or overweight people. Before you are even in a position to change your behavior, you have to change the thoughts that cause this behavior. But not even that is possible: You can't simply walk out of the house in the morning and think differently than you normally do!

There is a reciprocal effect between your thoughts and your subconscious that can be quite fatal:

Your thoughts characterize your subconscious, but the content of your subconscious determines your thoughts!

It's a cycle that you should try with all your might to break if you want to change your life. Starting with your parents, relatives, teachers, etc. EVERYONE has affected your subconscious before you could defend yourself against these suggestions. Everyone told you everything you were NOT allowed to do, COULDN'T do, and DIDN'T deserve.

When you began to think for yourself at some point your subconscious was already full of this damaging content which affected your every single thought!

The only thing that you can consciously do is to change the content of your subconscious!

That is the only thing anyone can do! To consciously sit down and force yourself to focus on your intended goals twice daily for 10-20 minutes! On the desired end result! Your subconscious thinks in images, which is why whatever images you input, are much more powerful than every thought! So, shoot a film in your mind of your desired achievements and look at that film again and again! You'll feel really good doing this!

Then and only then will the content of your subconscious change!

Only then will you be sending out a new vibration!

Only then will your thoughts adjust accordingly!

There is no other way to change your life. Jack Canfield did it exactly this way, as shown in the film “The Secret”. First he began every day, several times a day to visualize the lifestyle he would have if he were earning 100,000 dollars a year. That's how it all began, and then suddenly he had another idea (other thoughts) which brought about other actions. But it is very important to understand that it was exactly this sequence that he followed!

So, if you want to change something, first of all begin to visualize the end result and then let your new thoughts lead you to your goal!

The “how” is not something you need to know; the “HOW” will always be created out of the “WHAT”. Leave the “HOW” to the universe to figure out.