Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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This chapter is about your potential for growth and how to accomplish your life's highest goals.

I call it Your Infinity Growth Potential. You are an infinite being and as such you have divine potential. You have the potential to be and do whatever your heart desires.


Most people have a very limited view of themselves and a daunting view of their goals and dreams. They look at their big dreams and say "That's too big for me to accomplish! " "I can't do that." "I don't deserve that." Etc.


The problem isn't that your goal is too big, the real problem lies in you being too small or in other words, your belief of yourself being too small. I'm going to show you the process by which you can build yourself up to accomplishing your dreams.


When we have the belief that our dreams are too big, we usually end up shrinking them to fit where we are. This limits our potential and we end up settling for way less than we could have become and/or attained.


When you look at yourself as too small, you may do the same, but fortunately I will be showing you how to make yourself bigger, therefore allowing you to become your goal's equivalent.


I'll show you how to do this, but first look at the chart on the following page. This will give you a visual as to what I'm explaining. 


Right now, you're that pea sized circle at the beginning of the spiral. Your goal? Well... that's that HUGE watermelon looking thing at the end. When you look at where you are now and then look at your goal, you think to yourself "Not only is my goal super far, it's also super big". So, what can you do to attain this goal?


The secret to accomplishing anything you want in life is... *you must only focus on the next step.


Simple? Yes it is, but it's probably the #1 reason most people never get started! Most people never look at their goals in steps.


They simply see the big picture and say "I can't do that!" If more people would simply break it down into bite-sized chunks, more people would accomplish their goals.


What sequence of steps must be taken to bring you to your desired goal? In other words, where should you start? If you look at the overall picture, it can seem too big to accomplish. If you work first on the small steps that lead into your big goal, you will become the person necessary to accomplish it.


When you're standing still, there's not much hope for getting to your destination, but as soon as you take that first step, notice what position you are in... Seriously, try it! - Your body is leaning in to take that next step. Now you're in action!


If you're the little pea sized circle, where should you focus next? If you look at the circle just next to yours, you'll see a slightly bigger circle. It's a bit of a stretch, but nothing you can't handle. It may push you just beyond your comfort zone, but you can handle that. That's where your focus should be.


Here's the thing... once you've accomplished that first circle, you have now increased your size - you've become that circle. Now you should be focusing on the next circle and so on and so on until your goal is just slightly bigger than you. You can now look at that goal and say "Well... it's a little bit of a stretch, but nothing I can't handle". Now you are just on the brinks of accomplishing something you once viewed as impossible.


Congrats! You've made it!


As you adopt this view of your goals, there's nothing you can't accomplish that you want to accomplish.


It's also extremely important for you to make a conscious choice to enjoy the journey. Many people have their eye on the prize and don't enjoy the journey on their way to their goal. It's important that you enjoy the process of attaining your goal.


"It's not as much the attainment of the goal that matters, but who you become in the process of attaining it. That is what makes you great.”


Don't wait till you have the prize to be happy. Start now and you will live a full and vibrant life. In chapter 5, I will show you the step-by-step process to get you started in pursuing your goal. The first goal you should seek to accomplish is the one you brought up in chapter 3, where I taught you to change your negative, limiting belief into its positive, empowering counterpart.


The next chapter will be the first step to accomplishing your goal. I'm extremely excited for you! The first 3 chapters changed your view. The next chapter is where we begin to change your life.


Are you empowered yet? I sure hope so, because I've given you some clear and simple steps to transform your view and I'm about to give you everything you need to transform your life.