Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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In this chapter, I'm going to teach you how to use that negative cycle discussed in chapter 2 to your advantage.


As we discussed, most people suffer from limiting beliefs and are held back daily because of it. Most people are not even aware that they are in a cycle. You're fortunate enough to have come across this book and are now in a position of power.


You've heard the old adage "Knowledge is power" right? But you may not be aware that knowledge is only power when it is applied. I'm about to teach you applicable steps you can take to completely transform your negative beliefs into empowering and positive ones - creating a belief system that will make you 10 feet tall and bullet proof, so to speak.


When you know what your limiting or negative beliefs are, it puts you in a position of power because you are now in a position to make a change.


The chart below is one that really has a huge impact on my clients. I actually help them to target their limiting beliefs quickly and transform them into their positive counterpart which immediately empowers them with the belief that they can do and accomplish anything they want.


Question: What is one thing you've wanted to do for a long time, it's been nagging at you, but for some reason or another you've placed it on the back burner? (You probably have a few, but just pick one.)


Why haven't you pursued it?


If you've printed off your workbook, you can follow along and write down what I explain next. If you don't have the workbook, you can go there now, download it and print it or simply grab a pen and a piece of paper.


Example: I've always wanted to earn $3000 per month working from home but... I'm afraid to fail and waste my time and money.  

When you state your goal and then hear the word but... get ready for a limiting belief. Write it down. Say your goal, followed by your limiting belief, out loud.


Now, how does that belief make you feel? (Most people say... bad, horrible, like a failure, etc.)


This is how you will recognize your limiting beliefs from now on. When the word but... follows your goal and brings out negative emotion, that is a limiting belief.


 Now I want you to write down the exact opposite of that limiting belief.


Example: I am going to earn $3000 per month working from home because... I am capable of learning and am willing to work hard to make it happen. It will be time and money well spent.


 When you've written down your new belief, say it out loud.


How does that belief make you feel? (Most people say... good, incredible, empowered, like I can accomplish my goal, etc.)


This positive emotion will lead you to act in a positive way. Most people will act on emotion and justify with logic. If you can alter your emotions, you can alter your actions, which will ultimately alter your results.


Notice that your circumstances haven't changed, only your belief in you. You can use this with any goal you've been putting off. If you don't go for your goal after using this system, it won't be because you can't, but simply because you don't want to or don't want it bad enough. You've just freed yourself from an "I can't"! Now it's either going to be I CAN or I don't really want it bad enough to do the work required to get it. You are now responsible for the outcome. You are no longer limited by a made up limiting circumstance.


One thing to remember when adopting this into your life is that, the new empowering belief, even if it doesn't lead you to accomplish your goal, will always serve you better than the old limiting belief. You are now set free from the belief that you can't do it and trust me; this new belief will seep into other areas of your life quickly. You will feel empowered! You are now operating from a more positive state of mind and have given yourself permission to accomplish everything you want in your life.


Notice that the real power behind stating your goal, whether positive or negative is in saying it out loud. When you say something out loud and write it down, you've just converted that thought into a physical thing. The more you share your belief with others, the stronger it will get, whether positive or negative. So be conscious about what you are thinking and saying out loud. You want to be sure that what you are thinking and saying is helping you to move forward, instead of holding you back. 

Now I give you a challenge...

My challenge to you is to choose one of your closest friends or relatives - the one that would support you in going for your dream. And share your new belief and goal with them.


Sharing your goal with someone else will do two things:


1. Make your belief stronger (Because you will gain the support of a friend or relative) 2. Keep you accountable for accomplishing your goal.


Every time I tackle a new goal, I always share it with people I know will support me. I also share it with all of my Facebook friends.


I once had a fitness challenge of putting on 5lbs of muscle in 90 days. Every day I would let my Facebook friends know that I went to the gym and what I was working on for that day. When I thought of missing a day, I thought to myself "There are 100’s of people on my Facebook who will know I skipped a day and that will give them permission to go easy on their own goals"


If you are on Facebook, the best way to keep yourself accountable is to make it known. Share your goal and your new empowering belief with all of your Facebook friends in a public Facebook status. This will help keep you accountable for accomplishing it. Try it out! You'll also want to periodically keep them updated on your progress so that they see you consistently acting toward your goal.


The more people involved in the process the greater your chances for success!


As you sincerely apply what I've shared with you in this chapter, you will be Able to overcome any doubt you may have in relation to your goals. Whatever is holding you back; you can reverse it and take away all barriers that stand in your way. This will completely free you to accomplish all of your life's desires and help you in the process of reaching your life's potential.