Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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Have you ever been super excited to start something new but for some reason you kept putting it off till tomorrow and it never got done? Have you ever wondered why it is that something can have your full attention for the moment, but then the following week it's  just a thing of the past? 


This is called The Law of Diminishing Intent and it's been the culprit for many people not accomplishing their goals. 


Example: It's the New Year, you have a goal to lose some weight and you are super  excited to achieve your goal of losing 30 LBS in 90 days. You're meaning to sign up for  the gym, but work calls you in and you don't have the chance. You say something like  "I'll go sign up tomorrow". Tomorrow comes along and something else happens that  takes your attention. You say... "Well... maybe tomorrow." The 3rd day you say "I'm  never going to get to sign up for the gym" and well.... you never do. This has you feeling like a failure with every goal you put off. 


What just happened here? You were super excited to accomplish your goal. You had  the belief that it was possible. So, what happened? The problem is that you simply waited for the perfect moment, and well... there isn't one.


"You don't need to be great to start, but you do need to start to be great."


I've been a culprit of the Law of Diminishing Intent many times and in many areas of my life. It wasn't until I learned of the law that I begin to beat it. And the best way to beat it, is by getting started quickly and staying focused thereafter. 


The law of diminishing intent is the law of procrastination. Every day you put something  off, the less likely you are to do it. The best time to take the first step is when you are  excited about it. The steps outlined in this book will help you to start fast so that you  don't become a victim of this law. What you've already learned up to this point will allow  you to neutralize any limiting beliefs that may hold you back from getting started (The Belief Reversal System) and provides the 3 steps to getting started quick on taking the first step (Starting the Process of Achievement).


Don't become a victim of the law, be a conqueror of it. Whatever's got you excited, start  right now! Put the least important stuff on hold and get moving and you'll see that you will easily beat this law and you will feel empowered by staying on course. 


Now that we've covered the trap of procrastination, let's refocus on getting you moving.

You've got your goal, we've eliminated your limiting belief, and now you're doing your research! Remember that your next step is the most important. Don't get stuck researching for too long. Take that first step and start moving forward. You will make mistakes and that's perfectly fine. All of the greats have been through it and you will too.


 As you start moving forward the next step will fall into place. You can do it!


How do you feel right now? If you've taken your study of this book seriously and applied the steps outlined, you must feel more empowered than you've ever felt in your life! This book has just unleashed a power within you that you didn't even know was there.


The following chapter will be of great service to you on the journey of accomplishing your life's goals and dreams. I'm about to teach you how to become the best at everything you tackle!