Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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Failure to Succeed

 (A note on failure)


Most of us are taught to avoid failure like a plague. We're taught that failure is a bad thing and that it will bring shame and embarrassment. Here's where the problem lies;  Failure is a key ingredient in success. One cannot be attained without the other. Failure is the process of learning. What makes the greats great is that they've failed more times than most have ever tried. 


It's easy to feel sorry for ourselves and to give up on our dreams. Every day we're  bombarded with media and peers that aren't shy to tell us how we can't do this and we can't do that. They fear the unknown, so they encourage us to do the same. "Stop day  dreaming" they tell us. "Be realistic" they say. Well... imagine if the Wright Brothers  would have taken that advice! We wouldn't have planes today. Imagine if Mark  Zuckerberg would have listened, we wouldn't have Facebook! - Which has completely  revolutionized the way we communicate. Thomas Edison found 10,000 ways in which a light bulb wasn't created before he finally accomplished his dream. 


Failure is the process of elimination. You keep taking action towards your dream, making adjustments as you go through the process of failed attempts until you've reached your dream. 


If you spend your life avoiding failure, you are spending your life avoiding growth and development. Failure is the pathway to success. 


Start today to embark on your journey with a resolve to take your failures on as a process of learning and personal development on your way to achieving your own personal greatness. 


You were created to become a light to the world. You have a special gift and unless it's  shared, you are depriving, not only yourself, but others of those gifts. If you have a desire for something that's pulling at your heart strings and won't let go, you MUST  pursue it! THAT is your gift to the world!