Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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Have you ever heard yourself say something like "I know I should be doing that, but... I really don't feel like it", "I just can't do any more." "This is my best, I can't go any further"? If so, then you've hit some walls in your life.


We all have them, some of us more than others, but we all have them. The main difference between those who excel in an area and those who don't is what they choose to do when they hit that wall. Most people will stop at the wall. Day after day they refuse to push through it and they go on wondering why they haven't accomplished their goals and dreams.


Look at the chart below, and I'll show you how to extend your wall and out-perform yourself and your competition every time. 




If you always do just a little bit more, you will always be ahead of where you currently are. Every time you consistently break through your wall, you will expand your endurance and ability to out-perform yourself and your competitors (If that's relevant) in that specific area.


Most your competitors will face similar walls that you face. Want to beat your competitors? Simply be consistent in beating your personal walls.


Breaking through your walls will also set you apart from friends and family as a go- getter.


A real-life example of a wall would be dishes or at least that was a wall for me. You see that pile of dishes and think "urrrgh I should really do those dishes, but I really don't feel like it". In this example, you feel that you should be doing something, you want the results of a clean sink, but aren't willing to do what it takes to get it. This is one example of a wall. 


Most people would stop here and not get it done, but not you! Not now! Now that you know this is a wall, you're going to push through it and extend that wall.


The way to extend the wall is by acting despite your wall. This can be difficult at first, but with a bit of practice, you'll be able to break through with relative ease.


Let's go back to the dishes. You see it, you think urrrgh and them remember; " Luc said this is my wall", so you act despite these feelings and do just a few dishes. That's all it takes. 


And then one of two things will happen:


  1. You'll wash 3 dishes, feel good that you pushed past the wall a little and you then  go on with your day. 
  2. You start by washing 3 dishes and find yourself feeling the urge to continue. You  end up cleaning the whole sink of dishes and show the sink whose boss. 



No. 1 is great. You've pushed yourself just beyond your wall. If done consistently, you will eventually be able to do more and more dishes, until you're doing them every day.


No. 2 is better, because, not only did you push past your wall; you neutralized it and showed yourself that it's possible. You showed yourself that even though that wall was there, you have everything you need to bulldoze that wall completely.


Every time you break through a wall, you expand it! The next time around it gets easier and easier. You can continue to expand your wall, time and time again, until you are comfortable with your results.


You can apply this to every single thing that seems to hold you back. As you combine this step with the other 4 steps, you will rule your life and go on to becoming your greatest self. 


You've just completed The 5 Steps Ultimate Goal-Getter Formula! Now it's up to you to stay on course long enough to accomplish them. This part is where most people have a hard time. But don’t despair, keep reading! I’ve got your back!