Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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Hey up-and-coming Goal-Getter! It’s truly a blessing to have you here and I hope you are as excited as I am about this breakthrough formula! One thing I want to emphasize before we get started on this journey together is how jealous I am of you right now. Yes, I’m jealous of you because I had to learn everything you’re about to learn, the hard way. I had to read countless books, courses, and trainings. I had to experience countless struggles and challenges, and then fail repeatedly to have this formula take form in my life. I didn’t have a powerfully packaged, step-by-step formula for becoming a Goal-Getter. I had to sift through, hours upon hours, page after page, experience after experience, guru after guru, scammer after scammer to come up with the simple, yet profound formula you will be getting today and I didn’t even recognize the system I was applying until I conscientiously analyzed what had been the key steps I’d taken, on a day-to-day basis, to accomplish every goal I have so far.


So yes… I’m very jealous, but all jealousy aside, I am so thankful to have this formula and even more thankful that all of my experience has not gone to waste. Honestly, if this formula were only to bless my own life, it wouldn’t have been worth everything I’ve gone through. Imagine, all of that just to impact one single life? That may be OK for some, but not for me! So, by you embracing this incredible opportunity right now, you are making everything I’ve been through well worth it. Thank you!


Aside from all of the time and effort invested to discover this formula, I have spent many hours packaging up this system for you in the most effective and engaging way possible so that YOU can have the best opportunity to succeed!


Now that you know what kind of effort has gone into the preparation of this moment for YOU, let me tell you what I will do to help you.


As you take what I teach seriously, literally as your life depends on it, from start to finish, you will become empowered, enlightened, and personally transformed. You will have to follow every single detail found in The Ultimate Goal-Getter Formula in order to get the maximum results and experience. You will soon find out that I’m not a “fluff” type of guy. In other words, I work hard to cut all of the fat out of our materials, trainings, coaching, and courses so that all you get is the meat – cooked to perfection and delivered on a platter of the highest quality! And yes, there is a price for such quality and efficiency, but as you will see, the quality is far greater than the investment.


To introduce myself before allowing you to jump right into the material, my name is Coach Luc Despres. I’m considered a Goal-Getter in my field and among my peers. I absolutely LOVE the Coaching experience. Life Coaching is not something I DO, it's literally WHO I AM. I've struggled in the past as I've tried to stick to the job market, quickly realizing that a J.O.B. is not my destiny. As much as I've tried to suppress it, I have never been able to get away from it.


So, being compelled by my true self and my Creator, I've jumped in with both feet and have promised myself that I will never ever again work a J.O.B.!


I am a Life Coach and it’s for LIFE.


My "Superpower" (or what sets me apart from my coaching peers) is apparent in my ability to bypass the critical mind of my clients and prospective clients by logically expressing my ideas and strategies while addressing  objections through powerful, yet simple parables before or as they are thought of and making crystal clear, in a common-sense structure, the principles and systems I teach; thereby establishing a sense of complete logic while also capturing the subconscious for better understanding and greater actionable impact. This “superpower” is what sets me apart and allows me to support you in a powerful way. My ability to inspire change in this way makes your journey at least 10x easier, because you are better able to avoid many of the excuses you may have made on the way to your dream. I call these excuses “limiting beliefs” and they are the #1 enemy to your success in anything you want to do.


My focus when coaching a client is to help them become a Goal-Getter by bringing them through a journey of personal development, enlightenment, belief reconstruction, goal achievement, service based enrichment, and eventual complete life mastery. All of which is done systematically and with room for flexibility and customization.


I believe that without a basic foundational structure and system of daily operations, the success of a client drops significantly. This is why you will quickly see that I have a system in place for pretty near everything.


Want to hear my story? Click Here (Link will open in same window. Click the back button on your browser to return) to watch my interview with Mike Fallat on The American Entrepreneur Show.


I know you’re ready to deepen your Goal-Getter understanding and prepare yourself mentally for the journey… so with that being said, Let's Get Started Now!