Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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Intuition vs Chip


We all experience that nagging voice inside our heads that fill us with negative thoughts and feelings. What if this voice was a physical person, would you entertain their opinion  by letting them influence you or would you tell them to back off and be quiet? 


Personally, I have a low tolerance for negative people. I do my best to associate myself with people that are uplifting and inspiring. I associate with people who will support me in my personal greatness. 


We'll call this voice Chip. From now on when you hear that voice telling you how  worthless you are and that you aren't good enough to do something, picture him as a person completely separate from you. He's the Chip on your shoulder. Chip's job is to  keep you small and playing the game of life at a lower level. He wants to keep you from  embarrassing yourself by speaking up or making a difference. He encourages the emotions of anger, sadness and fear. 


Chip is most present when you are stressed or upset. He will fill your head with all sorts of thoughts that seem logical for the moment, until you break loose and realize it was all a bunch of deception. 


Chip's worst enemy is your intuition. Your intuition is your wise spiritual companion. She is never wrong and will lead you to all things that will bring you peace and happiness.  We'll call her wisdom. Wisdom is always there, but unlike Chip's loud obnoxious voice, she speaks softly. She will encourage you to move out of your comfort zone and into a  higher playing field. She is the guiding wisdom of your soul. With her help, you will be in an ever-progressing state. She will help you to reach your greatness. 


We live in a fast-paced world with so much noise. If we do not take time for ourselves in  a quite environment, we may not hear her voice when she speaks. Once a day at the  least, you should take a moment to pray and seek the guidance of this spiritual  companion. It is through prayer that we can communicate with this heavenly messenger. 


You may ask questions; share your fears and worries, your successes and anything else that will help you gain a greater understanding of your current or past situations.


The key to unlocking wisdom is through humble prayer. Humility is a special ingredient  that will unlock wisdom that you never thought was there. All the answers are already  there but unless you are in tune with this spiritual companion, you will never unlock it. 


I like to define humility as spiritual power. It's in knowing that you don't know that answers will appear. When a person believes they know everything, they are not  receptive to new knowledge and wisdom - because they "know everything". When you  acknowledge your lack of knowledge before asking for answers, you will become a receptor of great wisdom. 


Be careful as you interact with Chip. The more you entertain his lies and deception, the  stronger he will be and the more he will show up. You need to make a resolve today that he is no longer welcomed in your house (mind). 


The same is true with regards to wisdom. The more you heed (take) her counsel, the stronger she will get and the more she will feel welcomed to show up when you need her most. 


Another aspect that is crucial to be receptive to this spiritual companion is to live worthy  of her companionship. Most of us have at least a general idea as to what is right and  what is wrong. The more you live in the right (according to your knowledge and  understanding), the more present she can be in your life. This component is crucial if you want her to stay strong in your life. 



Chip is the enemy to your success, happiness and greatness. He wants to keep you small, unworthy, fearful, angry, and/or sad. 


Wisdom (your intuition) is there as your gentle, spiritual companion to guide you on your  path to true joy and greatness. She is never wrong and will inspire you to take positive action. She will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and forever growing and becoming more. 


The more you entertain the one, the stronger they get. The more you ignore or forcefully  reject the one, the weaker they get. Your job now is to do all you can to heed your spiritual guide and reject Chip at all costs. 


Now that you have a general understanding of the influences you will deal with on a  personal internal level, let's take you through the 5 steps to becoming your greatest you.