Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Envisioneering Your Reality

You may not have heard the word “envisioneering”

before; but it is a great word. It is a great word because it

describes how powerful you are when you align yourself

with the scientific processes that the universe uses to

make things manifest.

Envisioneering is a combination of envision and

engineering. To envision means “to create a picture in

one’s own mind or imagination”; and engineering means

“the application of science and mathematics by which the

properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature

are made useful to people” (Webster).

So, envisioneering means: Using the laws governing

matter and energy to take a vision from pure imagination

and to make it real (realize it) in the everyday world.

Of course, the very first step in getting what you desire

is to actually decide exactly what it is that you desire.


Strangely enough, most people do not do that very well.

People will say they want success or happiness or wealth,

(which are really quite nebulous terms unless and until

they are clearly defined), but they don’t actually know

what they mean because they have not defined them

enough for them to be personally meaningful.

Over the years, I have spent considerable time mentoring

and coaching people about how to create wealth. One of

the very first questions I ask people that I mentor is

“what does wealthy mean to you?” Not one in ten people

have thought enough about it to actually be able to define

it for themselves, let alone precisely explain to me what

the word wealthy means to them.

It is not up to me to define what wealthy means to you or

anyone else; and, in fact, being or feeling wealthy is very

variable. Each person has different standards and

expectations. Having one million dollars in the bank

might enable many people to feel quite wealthy; but I can

assure you that if Donald Trump was reduced to having

only a meager million dollars in his bank account, he

would feel quite impoverished.

I have a holistic general definition that I offer people,

which is that “wealth is an abundance of physical,

emotional, mental, spiritual and material well-being.” It

is, however, up to each person to specify what wealth

means to themselves. It is up to you to define your own

success. If you allow others to do it for you, or if you

assume some societal standard, then you will forever be

wearing hand-me-down ideals that will not quite fit.

The other major problem that people seem to have with

deciding exactly what it is that they desire to have (in

addition to lack of specificity) is that they often describe


what they say they want by what they don’t want. For

example… most people I ask to define financial freedom

(which is one of the ways they answer my request to get

more specific about what wealth means to them) say that

it is freedom from debt and money concerns. They don’t

want debt and they don’t want to be concerned about

money. But what do they actually want? Don’t know.

Can’t say.

Before you even begin the process of creating success in

any area of your life, whether it be your intimate

personal relationship or your material abundance, you

must very clearly decide and specifically define exactly

what it is that you desire to have.

Define it by what it is and so not define it by what it is

not. If you define it by what it is not, your attention will

be forever focused on its opposite and you will tend to

continue to create that opposite rather than the actual

thing or effect desired.

If you truly want to be wealthy, I strongly suggest that

you stop and define your success this very day. At the

end of this chapter, you will find some exercises to help

you in this process.

The beginning of any intentionally created event or

circumstance in your life is to first create the ideal in

your imagination.



Embellish it with all the details and clarity you can

muster. Feel and affirm its reality in order to build your

belief muscle. Visualize it in its completeness. Support its

veracity with vision boards, written affirmations and by

designing specific plans to effectuate its realization. Keep

your attention focused on this imagined ideal and do not

allow any current outside events and circumstances to

distract you from its reality.

Remind yourself that whatever can be conceived in

imagination and believed in wholeheartedly, can

invariably be achieved, if you take the necessary steps in

accordance with certain tried and true principles. All

wealth is the product of a creative, directed and

intentional consciousness.

The future is a blank slate. Peter Drucker once commented that the best way to predict the future is to

create it. It is the visionaries who create the future. If you


want to be in control of how your life turns out, you need

to become a visionary and practice envisioneering. Your

imagination is the creative workshop in which you

construct your reality.

It never ceases to amaze me. Almost everyone peers into

the future through a rear-view mirror. The future is

imagined as a continuation of the past. I suppose there is

a certain security in that; much like a padded cell. Hardly

anyone practices creative envisioneering.

To be an envisioneer, you must first have the courage to

look into the future with the recognition that there is

nothing there yet, except that which you imagine; and

then, the force of will to imagine a personal ideal; and

then, the impertinence to believe that the imagined ideal

is real. In fact, you see it as being more real than all that

has come before or exists in this present moment. In

short, you must be an idealist.

Each of us, unfortunately, is educated to be a realist, to

deal with things as they are, to see the world as it is and

to 'realistically' go about making our way within what

already exists. In other words, we are trained to be

creatures of event and circumstance.

Those who decide to shape events and circumstances to

match what they envision are the idealists. They end up

as the movers and shakers, the leaders, the ones who

create personal success, cultural innovation, the future

and also, ultimately, history as well. The average

employee is a realist. The entrepreneur is an idealist. A

realist is a creature of event and circumstance; an idealist

is a creator of event and circumstance.


Each of us may aspire, in our hearts, to be prosperous, to

be fulfilled, to live a life of purpose and passion.

However, living life as a realist makes it almost

impossible to succeed in achieving these ideals. If you are

to have any hope of making real your ideals, you must

learn to become an idealist and to practice the art of

creative envisioneering,

The main contrast between the realist and the idealist is

that the realist sees with his eyes open and the idealist

sees most clearly with his eyes closed. The realist believes

in the explicate outer world; the idealist knows that the

explicate is derived from the implicate inner world of

creative imagination, that the physical arises from the

metaphysical; that all that is created is first imagined.

Realists rely upon the definite. Idealists rely upon the


It is often said that idealists are out of touch with

(physical) reality. But, it is the realists who are the ones

who are out of touch with the greater (metaphysical)

reality; and idealists are the ones who mold and shape

their own, and our collective, future reality. They are

envisioneers; creating the future they imagine; living

their dreams; enacting their inner vision; using

metaphysical principles to form and fashion the physical

actualities they desire.

Idealists (envisioneers) create the future that the realists

end up (by default) living in, having no choice but to

cope with the existing reality, while the envisioneer is

still busily creating a new dream. If you want to live the

life of your own dreams, you must become an

envisioneer and learn to ignore the comfortable

constraints of reality.


The envisioneer has taught himself to believe in what can

be imagined more than in what is temporarily existent in

the external world.

Do you want more out of life? Envision more. Become a

dreamweaver. Start imagining the possibilities that lie

open to you. Start believing in your own power to

imagine an ideal and then to make it real.

Of course, you must begin from where you are presently

at. Where else can you start from? So, there is no point in

denying your current situation. It is, after all, the result of

your previous method of thinking; the result of your

previous way of being and behaving in the world, the

result of your existing paradigms.

However, there is no reason at all to expect that the

future will unfold as the past has happened, or even as

the present exists, except that you imagine that it will.

That is, if you are prepared to imagine something else,

something bigger and better, something that actually fills

your heart and mind with joy and excitement.

I like to remind everyone that everything (and I mean

everything, including your own concept about who you

are, why you are alive and what you are capable of

doing) exists entirely in your own imagination. That is

often a difficult concept for people to ‘grok’ (understand

at a soul level); but it is nevertheless true.

Your entire everyday reality (and your whole

perception of the universe) is constructed entirely in

your imagination in each moment, filtered through

your belief systems, ingrained ways of thinking about

reality and your emotional entrainments.


Take few minutes and watch this video presentation to

receive affirmation of what you just read.

Video 1 Video 2

The great good news is that, if everything exists entirely

in your imagination, then you can imagine, idealize,

visualize, envision anything you define and desire to be

true for you, and it can become true.

The universe is not some machine or mechanically

unfolding process that was created billions of years ago

during the event typically called the Big Bang. It is an

evolving living entity seeking self-expression and self-

actualization and it is continuously re-creating itself each

quantum moment.

This is a critical understanding; not just for cosmologists

and quantum physicists - it is critical for anyone who

wants to come into a full understanding and application

of their creative power. If you want to be able to create

the ideal events and circumstances of your individual

life, you need to know how the universe is created anew

in each new moment.

You are you; an individual, complete unto yourself… a

Holon. But, you exist within and are inseparable from the whole, universe. Your existence is governed by the

same rules that govern the existence of the universe.

Your ability to be consciously creative is enhanced by

knowing and applying the universal creative process.

The universe blinks in and out of existence each and

every moment; it goes on and off; it recreates itself. This

all happens at the sub-quantum level, so you are not normally aware of it.


When you observe (perceive) the universe, even your

little corner of it, you tend to think of it as a continuous,

moving process… like a movie. But just like a movie,

there may be the illusion of a seamless continuity, but

the reality is more like a series of still images strung

together to produce movement and momentum.

In a movie, the individual frames run at 24 per second,

too fast for the eye to capture the individual images so

that they all seem to run together to produce the illusion

of one continuous moving picture. The actuality is that a

movie is a series of still shots, each one being just a little

different than the one before.

At the quantum level of universe, the process is exactly

the same except that the individual frames run at billions

per second… a very high frequency. In fact, there are

billions of different frequencies, all acting in a grand

harmony, to create the moving picture of a temporal and

spatial universe.

So, when you look out your window and see the leaves

of a tree moving in the breeze, what you are seeing is a

series of individual snap shots strung together to

produce the illusion of leaf movement, each snap shot

somewhat different than the previous one as the various

fermions, bosons, photons and imaginatons flash in and

out of existence.

(Imaginaton is a word I made up. Just as a photon is a basic

wave/particle of light, an imaginaton is a basic wave/particle of

thought energy.)

So what, you might wonder, is the relevance of this to

your life and how it unfolds. Everything! Whether you

are ignorant of, or aware of, how universe (and


everything in it including you) is re-created anew each

moment, you are still a participant. You can choose to be

a passive participant (like you imagine a rock to be) or

you can choose to be an active participant THEREBY

actually influencing how the next quantum snapshot

turns out.

Watch Video

Yes, such is your power. Here’s how it works.

All this blinking on and off, the frequency of the master

vibration, is subject to the various interplays of the

innumerable sub-frequencies of the various vibrations of

the individual parts of universe (all Holons in their own


The Pacific Ocean, for allegorical example, is made up of

various little wavelets. If you toss a pebble from the

shore, you create a new set of waves and the whole

behavior of the ocean changes. You may not notice it, but

it does. Say the pebble is an asteroid that slams into the

ocean from space, you might then notice? Well, sure you

would. Just ask the dinosaurs.

Ok, now you have the concept. The universe is a vast sea

of vibration made up of various little (and not so little)

interference patterns caused by the various frequencies

when they interact. These interference patterns are the

snapshots that make the movie. Interject a new

waveform (toss in a pebble) and you change the

interference pattern and the next snap shot is changed.

Keep on doing it and you change the whole future




Your thoughts and your emotions which are determined

your beliefs/paradigms are your vibratory output. This

vibratory output exists within the universe. It also affects

universe. Your vibratory output creates interference

patterns in the quantum ocean of universe. So what?

Well, if you want to change the behavior of the universe,

then change your personal vibratory output: change

your thoughts, change your emotions, change your


You might well say that your little vibrations will not

have much effect on the whole BIG universe, but then,

you really don’t want to change the universe all that

much do you? I mean, you don’t want to change the

orbit of the earth or anything even remotely like that, do

you? You just want to change a few very small things

like the events and circumstances of your life.

Back to the seashore… you go to the beach, the sea is

dead calm today, smooth as glass. You jump in,

splashing and making all kinds of commotion. Your little

immediate area of the Pacific is no longer calm; it is

turbulent. Sand is stirred up, fish scatter, froth and

bubbles are everywhere in your immediate vicinity.


Ripples spread out, the little waves you make even rush

up against the beach destroying a child’s sand castle

built too close to the water’s edge. The young girl who

was floating on her back with eyes closed in the calm sea

a moment before is now having water from your waves

splashed into her face. You have changed reality.

Your mental and emotional output creates a commotion

in your immediate environment and changes the reality

you are experiencing. Change the nature of that

commotion and you change the reality picture of your

immediate environment. Maintain a consistent mental

and emotional pattern and you have a long lasting affect

on your immediate environment. Keep it up consistently

for a long time and you will even change the whole


Let’s leave the seashore and return to our movie set.

You have 24 still frames passing by each second. Let’s

say that all of them except frame #2 in a one second

snapshot is exactly the same as the other 23, what do you

end up seeing? No movement, no change. Now, take a

one-minute sequence, that’s 1,440 separate frames. In

second two of this sequence, frame 3 is different but all

23 other frames remain the same; in second three, frame

4 is different but the rest remain the same and so on until

you come to second #59 and frame 60 is different and the

rest remain the same. What do you end up with at the

end of one minute? 60 different frames spread out

amongst 1380 identical ones producing some minor

illusion of movement but with an unchanged overall


This is how everyday normal passive participation in

universe creates your reality picture. You actually have


about 60,000 thoughts per day; but, 99% of them are the

same old repetitive subconscious self-talk and ingrained

patterns of thinking, believing and feeling.

Occasionally throughout the day you think about your

hopes and ambitions or focus on your goals or think

specific thoughts related to your life’s purpose, but most

of the frames remain the same. You end up with the

illusion of movement and an unchanged reality picture.

You attend some seminar and your thinking patterns

change for a few days and you even notice some changes

in your life, but soon, you revert to your habitual way of

random, unintentional thoughts, emotions and beliefs

and no lasting change happens in your life.

As the universe blinks in and out of existence, it takes all

that happens in one moment to re-create the next. Your

individual thoughts, emotions and beliefs are in this mix.

If you have a unique thought one moment and then for

the next 10, revert to habit (same old), you do not notice

there was a snap shot of universe that was different, but

it was.

If you hold clear, consistent, intentional thoughts

entwined with clear, consistent, intentional emotions

from moment to moment and when universe blinks in

and out of existence, these specifically chosen new

thoughts, emotions and beliefs will change enough

frames in the sequence of snap shots for you to actually

perceive the different universe you have created; at least,

your little corner of the universe… the events and

circumstances of your life.

So, there it is. Simple, yet elegant and profound. Your

thoughts shape your reality. If you want a different


reality, change your thinking, your old belief patterns

and your limiting paradigms. Imagine more!

Since there are more than 7 billion other humans

occupying this planet right now, all of them thinking

and thus producing effects, you are, to some degree,

somewhat limited in what you can create. The realm of

possibilities is restricted by this group mindset… what

Jung called the Collective Unconscious and Sheldrake called Morphic Resonance and Dawkins called the Meta-


Fortunately, since the idea of success already exists

within the cultural meme set, you can create your

individual success by thinking the right kind of thoughts

and by creating and focusing your attention on the ideals

you create in your imagination without having to change

the whole paradigm of humanity; just your own

paradigm about prosperity, abundance and wealth.

I define prosperity as being the abundance of all things

held ideal in mind and dear in heart. Your job is to

figure out what you are holding in mind (as an ideal) and

in heart (as a desire) and to decide to hold bigger and

better ideals and desires AND to consider them as real

and true, despite any seeming evidence to the contrary.

That is envisioneering. It is a very real science and a very

effective technology.

You can study the science of success for years and years

until you become an expert and still not have the success

you desire until you actually take action by making the