Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Falling in Love

So, you have now created that perfect and wondrously







Congratulations. You have just thought something into

being. You are becoming an envisioneer and a conscious

creator of the circumstances of your own life.

The creative power of intentional thought is the most

important discovery ever made by humanity; and, when

an individual human being makes the decision to begin

to think on purpose, she begins the process of self-

mastery which will take her from being a mere creature

of event and circumstance to becoming a creator of event

and circumstance.

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You should know, however, that, as important as your

thoughts are in the creative process, your emotions are

even more important.

Your emotions and feelings are important for two

reasons: the first is that they are a guidance system that

tells you if you are on track; the second is that the

creative power of thought is multiplied many times when

a specific and strong emotional current is attached to the

thought or ideal.

Let’s deal with the second aspect first (just for fun).

When a profoundly held, passionate feeling is attached to

an ideal (which is just a consistent thought form held in

mind), one of the most basic laws of the universe begins


to act on your behalf. That natural law, which is always

in operation, is usually called The Law of Attraction.

This law defines that “like energy is attracted to like

energy.” You can easily recognize it in action in the

physical universe as the forces called gravity and

electromagnetism. Both are invisible forces. Invisible they

may be, but without them, our universe would not exist.

That is how important and powerful they are. As

invisible and intangible as the energy of emotion may be,

it is also extremely powerful.

Your passionate desire for your ideals and goals will

attract the people and resources you need to effectuate or

make real your ideal. You should already have seen and

recognized that passionate people attract other people to

their cause. (Because there is also a Law of Polarity,

sometimes these ideals also repel people… those who are

not aligned with their ideal and would not, therefore,

contribute to its realization.)

You may not, however, have yet consciously recognized

that resources are also attracted to a passionate desire

combined with a clear ideal. Resources like money,

systems and opportunities are also drawn to the

harmonious energetic output called passion. Sometimes

it seems like magic how those people who have the drive,

the desire, the ideal are lucky enough to fall into

situations where it all comes so easily to them. Now you

know why. It is The Law of Attraction in action.



Now, you may not yet know that your emotional output

is energy and that you broadcast this energy at all times;

but nevertheless, it is a scientific fact. You have even

recognized or felt this energy. Have you ever walked into

a room where there was an extremely angry person?

Even before they said anything, you felt the bad vibes.

They are broadcasting this energetic output like a radio

station broadcasts radio waves. Have you ever been at a

rock concert and felt the waves of energy flowing

between crowd and performer? Same thing: emotional

energy being emitted by people.

Like energy is attracted to like energy. That is the way

things work. You stay on this planet, even though it is

spinning at 1,000 miles per hour and produces a huge

amount of centrifugal force entirely because “like energy

is attracted to like energy”. (Your mass is attracted to the

Earth’s mass. They are vibrationally and energetically



The things that show up in your life show up because

of what you think and what you emote. What you think

and how you feel is your energetic output. It is really

simple: you attract what is most alike or in alignment

with how you are being energetically.

Have you ever noticed that people who are afraid of

being victimized end up being victimized? It is the same

Law of Attraction in action. Fear is powerful; so powerful

that wolves can smell it and sharks can sense it from

miles away. You may fake being brave, but your fear is

pouring out of you like a big signal from one of those

super radio stations. It attracts that which is attracted to

that form of energy, what is most aligned with it. You’ve

seen it in print before, “What you fear shall come upon

you.” Fortunately it is not fear alone that creates results.

The four most consciously powerful ways of feeling that

will bring to you those things that are held ideal in mind

and dear in heart are: Desire, Passion, Gratitude and Joy.

In fact, the secret of enacting The Law of Attraction to

work on your behalf is to:

1- Attach a fervent desire to a clearly defined and

consistently held ideal

2- Be passionate about your life and your ideals.

3- Feel grateful for the multitude of blessings you

already have and that you will have in your life.

4- Be joyful. Enjoy being alive. Enjoy having the

things you have.

Desire is the metaphysical equivalent of gravity. It draws

things of like vibration together as surely as gravity

draws hydrogen molecules together to form stars and

holds planets in orbit around stars.


Unfortunately, many people are incapable of allowing

themselves to feel the intense desire necessary to enact

the Law of Attraction in any discernible way. We have

all been cultural trained to suppress our desires rather

than express them. In Western civilization desire is

treated as a sin. In Eastern cultures desire is said to be the

source of all suffering. Both of these erroneous memes or

paradigms serve to prevent individuals from becoming

the powerful creators that they are capable of becoming.

Your capacity to feel intense desire is a divine

characteristic. Your ability to attach desire to an ideal

amplifies your personal creative power.

The sub-quantum wave form of potentiality is collapsed

into an actuality by the energetic output of the

observer/participant. You become a creator of your own

reality by collapsing the infinite potentialities inherent in

universe by your energetic output, which is composed of

the combination of thought and emotion. Create the ideal

and make it as clear and precise as you can, attach the

desire and make it as intense as you can and you

empower yourself to transform your world.

Desire engenders passion. Passionate people are exciting,

charismatic and attractive. Passion is both infective and

effective. Passionate people enroll other people into

assisting them in achieving their ideals. Be passionate

about your life and your ideals and others will support

you just to feel your passion, your energy, your

enthusiasm, your fire.

Passion is the fire that lights your path and fuels your

commitment as you walk into a future of your own


Passion also enables you to feel more alive. In fact, you

are more alive when you are passionate about something,



such as that ideal you have envisioned for yourself. A

life without passion is not a life, it is merely an existence.

Envision that ideal. Become passionate about it. If the

ideal you have set for yourself does not engender your

profound passion, it is not the right ideal. Choose or

create another one that does kindle your passion to ignite

and burn bright.

I’ll talk about gratitude and joy in other chapters at some

length, so I’ll skip those other two aspects of using

feelings to utilize the Law of Attraction for now.

Let’s look now at that first reason why your feelings are

so important to the creation of your ideal.

Your feelings are an internal guide that tells you if you

are following the right path. If what you are doing feels

enjoyable, then you are on track. Keep going. However, if

what you are doing feels distressing, then you have

allowed yourself to become distracted from what is


important to your personal fulfillment and success and

have strayed from your path.

Yes, occasionally, you may feel frustrated or

uncomfortable as you pursue your ideal. I love to hike up

mountains and there has been many an occasion when I

felt that I had reached the limits of my endurance and felt

like quitting; but when I forced my mind to focus on the

ideal (the top of that ridge) and remembered that

awesome feeling of exhilaration that comes from being at

the top, I was able to continue on and reach the top. It

was the thoughts of quitting that saddened me. As soon

as I re-focused my attention on what was important,

rather than the tired legs and lungs, I was able to feel

good again about the strenuous effort.

So, when I say that your feelings are your internal guide

that informs you if you are on your right path, I am not

speaking about momentary and fleeting emotions, but of

those pervasive feelings of despondency or uselessness

or malaise that last hours or days. These feelings are clear

indications that you are not on your true path to success,

happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.

Remember that I define wealth as a holistic and

harmonious blend of physical, emotional, mental,

spiritual and material well-being. If your emotional well-

being is quite obviously not there, then you need to do

some serious self-examination to determine how it is that

you have gone astray and then figure out what you need

to do to get back on track with being in sync with your

defined ideals.

The title of this chapter is Falling In Love. I think you can

see now that one of the major secrets to consciously

creating a successful and fulfilling life is to learn to fall


in love with your ideal, having an intense desire for its

actualization and being hyper-passionate about its value.

Moreover, your life will be so much more rewarding and

filled with ease and success if you learn to fall in love

with life itself, with you yourself and with the enormous

potential you have to continuously self-actuate and

create whatever you can imagine and believe in as real

and true.

Both ancient proven metaphysics and modern quantum

physics tell us that our personal vibratory output

influences how things unfold in our reality picture. Your

thoughts and your feelings are, like everything else in the

physical universe, energy as defined by vibration. Your

personal vibratory output (a mix of thoughts and

feelings) interacts with the pre-existing background

matrix of universal vibratory output to create an

interference pattern. That interference pattern is what

you perceive with your consciousness (your attention)

when you look at your world.

Since you can consciously choose what to think and how

to feel, you can change your personal vibratory output

and hence change the interference pattern that is created

when your vibratory output interferes with the universal.

That field of influence is relatively small in the universal

scheme of things, but it is big enough to actually

determine how the events and circumstances of your life


Although there is a huge variety and subtlety to human

emotional experience, all emotions are a subset of two

primary ways of feeling. One is fear and the other is love.

Both are extremely powerful and creative. Desire and

passion, along with joy and gratitude, compassion,


happiness, etc are aspects of the emotion of love. Distress,

worry, hate, anger, anxiety and disgust are aspects of the

emotion of fear.

Both fear and love work to attract to you the thing that

the emotion is attached to. Hating war creates conflict.

Loving peace creates harmony. Unfortunately there are

also some people who love war and that passion creates

more war. Also, unfortunately there are some people

who also know how to engender fear in the populace in

order to control their responses and limit their ability to

be self-reliant and consciously creative. If you have

learned to prefer security over freedom and safety over

opportunity, you are motivated mostly by fear. Is that

truly how you wish to live?

Anxiety about debt creates more debt. Passion for

prosperity creates more prosperity. Fear of failure leads

to failure. Love of success leads to success.

Just as you are not normally aware of 99% of the 60,000

thoughts you think each day until and unless you decide

to pursue personal mastery and begin examining how

you are thinking and why you think what you think, you

probably do not normally pay attention to how you are

feeling in most moments and whether or not that feeling

is one of love or fear. To help you achieve some clarity, I

have listed the most common feelings.

If you are feeling any of the things in the following list,

then you are coming from the emotion of love: adoration,

affection, fondness, liking, caring, compassion, desire,

passion, joy, bliss, delight, gratitude, gladness, happiness,

ecstasy, pride, zeal, exhilaration, pleasure, contentment,

hope, optimism, enthrallment, amazement, euphoria,

jubilation or rapture.


If you are feeling any of the things in the following list,

then you are coming from the emotion of fear:

aggravation, annoyance, anger, rage, outrage, fury,

wrath, hostility, ferocity, irritation, exasperation, disgust,

revulsion, contempt, envy, jealousy, hurt, anguish,

despair, gloom, grief, sorrow, misery, dismay, guilt,

shame, regret, remorse, isolation, loneliness, rejection,

defeat, insecurity, humiliation, insult, fright, horror,

panic, anxiety, tenseness, apprehension, worry, dread or


And just so you know… I did not make up this list; it was

adapted from a psychology textbook titled, Emotions in

Social Psychology by W. Gerrod Parrot.

Hormones and other chemicals produced in your body

and brain by the feelings associated with the emotion of

fear cause illness and distress. Hormones and other

chemicals produced in the brain and body by the feelings

associated with love cause health and well-being.

Create that ideal, fall in love with it; fall in love with life,

with yourself and with your ability to be creative and

you will live longer, be happier, healthier and more


The following paragraphs may offend some readers and

befuddle some others; but in order to provide some

further elucidation about what level of desire I am

talking about and why there is so much power in

attaching that desire to your ideal, I must clarify what

real desire and passion is all about.


In his seminal book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes about the transmutation of sexual energy into

creative energy.

The kind of desire that carries real power is exactly like

the passion you feel when you are in love or in lust with

another person. This is the type of “tear your clothes off”

feeling that you are aroused to when you desire to make

love to your partner.

The truly empowered person is one who has learned, as

Hill says, to transmute much of that sexual energy into

creative energy and not squander it in vain physical


We have, culturally, so many moralistic assumptions and

beliefs about sexual energy that we prevent ourselves

from fully understanding what it is and what it is capable

of achieving when applied to a specific purpose.

Just as sexual energy can be used to awaken the power of

Kundalini through Tantric ritual, so too can sexual energy empower you to become your most creative.

Sexual energy is also closely related to charisma and

charisma attracts not only people, but wealth and power.

So, learn to lust after your ideals. Fall in love. Be

passionate. Imagine that your ideals are the sexiest thing

in the world.


Quick Review:

Passion is the fire that lights your path and fuels your

commitment as you walk into a future of your own


Desire is the metaphysical equivalent of gravity. It draws

to you the things, people and circumstances that you

need to effectuate your ideals.

If the way you are feeling is not pleasant, then you are

not acting in tune with your ideals. You are out of

harmony. It is a sign that you need to change how you

are being.

Direct Action Steps:

Spend ten minutes at the beginning of each day focusing

your attention on your ideals. Imagine how it feels to

have these as your reality.

Work yourself up into a fever of lust a few times a day

about the things that you are in the process of creating in

your life.

Whenever you find yourself feeling those feelings that

are a subset of fear, stop, breathe and focus on your ideal

and begin to feel loving.


"To me, there is only one form of human depravity -

the man without a purpose."

~ Ayn Rand

“In the works of man as in those of nature,

it is the intention which is chiefly worth studying.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

