Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Acting The Part

There are those who preach that writing positive

affirmations and sticking them on the fridge door will,

by itself, magically produce health, wealth and


Although this is a very good and effective way to change

the way you think and take on more empowering beliefs,

it is not a magic pill that will, by itself produce results.

Let me be very plain. Actions alone produce results.

Knowledge, understanding and wisdom can teach you

the best way to act and thus produce better results; but

knowledge alone, understanding alone and wisdom

alone do not produce tangible material results. It

requires action to produce results.

It is necessary to do before you can have. Of course, you

are empowered to do more or behave in a better, a more

effective way, when you have more knowledge and

understanding, but you still must take action before

anything actually happens. You can have the most

glorious vision of a mansion in your mind, but unless

you actually build a roof, the rain will still fall on your


Maybe, if you are some super enlightened soul, like the

almost mythical Babiji, you can sit in some cave in the

Himalayas and manifest all kinds of things without

doing the doing that the real world expects; but I am not

capable of that magic and I suspect that you are not

either, so do not pretend otherwise. It is fantasy to expect


that you can be still and not do anything and somehow,

produce an ideal life. You must take action.

I have written much about how, in order to have more of

what we desire in life, we must first do more and, that,

in order to do more, we must first become more. In fact,

the focus of the majority of my articles and books is

about how to become more. I reiterate, time and time

again, how important it is to acquire the specific

knowledge of success if you want to have the success

you desire.

I also make it a point to emphasize that knowledge alone

is not power; that it is applied knowledge (or action) that

provides the personal power to create. Nevertheless, I

get many emails from people telling me that they have

spent years studying and learning the metaphysical

principles of success, without having any demonstrable

increase in abundance, prosperity or material success.

"Why?" they ask does this stuff not work for me.

In most cases, after some direct discussion, I find it is

because these people are not actually doing the

necessary things to make a practical application of their


Just as you can obtain a degree in medicine, but cure no

illness or save no lives if you do not actually work at

being a doctor; you can know all the principles of

success, but if you do not actually put them into practice,

they will not work to produce results for you. You must


You can, for example, fully understand how the Law of

Attraction works and you can have a harmonious mental

attitude; but, if you want to create material abundance or


financial success and you do not enact what you know

by applying it within the available and proven ways to

produce success, then your knowledge and education is


Mark Twain once commented that people who do not

read good books are no better off than people who

cannot read. I will elaborate on that to say that people

who know, but do not apply, the knowledge of the

conscious and intentional creation of success are no

better off than those who are ignorant of the possibilities

open to them.

Many people mistake the self-satisfaction they get from

acquiring knowledge as being sufficient unto itself. It is,

perhaps, enough, if your only goal is to become more

educated. It is not enough, however, if your goal is to use

that education to produce measurable effects in your

personal world.

Financial abundance, or success, is attained, not just

because you know certain things, but when you also DO

certain things. Things like applying money management

techniques. Things like creating or providing valuable

goods or services that people will pay you to obtain.

Things like marketing your goods and services so that

people will know what value you have to offer.

Prove your understanding of the metaphysical principles

of success and creation by taking action.

If you have, or represent, a product or service that would

appeal to a certain segment of society, then use your

understanding of the Law of Attraction in your

marketing activities. Don't expect those people who

want and need what you have to offer to just somehow


find you. Your harmonious vibrations won't stand out

that much amongst all the noise and commotion of the

world unless you do the necessary marketing.

Enhanced or advanced knowledge and education

produces an enhanced ability to perform; but it is the

performance, your actions, that produce the results (or

circumstances or effects) in your life. Your actions do

speak louder than your words. Don't just tell me, or the

world, what you know and understand; SHOW me and

the world by enacting that knowledge in practical,

result-producing, ways.

The ultimate value (and proof) of what you know is in

the application or use of that knowledge. Do the doing

and you will produce results. Face up to the fact that if

the results you have in life are not to your liking, then it

is likely that your doing is incorrect. If you don't know

what to do to create success, then get the knowledge of

success; but don't stop there, do something about it.

Make the application.

Of course, indiscriminate action is not an effective way

to produce your desired results. You can run around like

crazy, climb 100 mountains, cut down forests full of trees

and be generally frenetic enough to power up a small

city without producing the exact results you wish to


You must do the correct things in the correct way. That is

why you must get the knowledge... so that you will

know what to do. Become more, so that you are capable

of more. Then, do more of what needs doing. Then, and

only then, will you get to have more of what you want.


I'll say it another way... enlightened actions produce

desired results. Understanding how things work is not

enough. You must also do the things that work.

You can sit and stare at your navel all you want, but if

you don't actually pull the lint out, it will still be there


Yes, you absolutely must take the time and have the

discipline to do the inner work first; but in the end, you

must take deliberate, consistent and intentional action if

you want to produce the results.

The formula is: Become > Enact > Attain.

Become what you need to be

in order to

Enact what needs to be done

in order to

Attain what you desire to have.


Quick Review:

Knowledge alone is not power. It is the direct and

specific application of knowledge that empowers.

Direct Action Steps:

Create a daily to do list each night before going to bed.

Review it throughout the day.

You will find each day feels more productive when you

complete items on your to do list. You will also find that

you are more productive and manage to stay on course.



“When you follow your bliss... doors will open where

you would not have thought there would be doors,

and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.

~ Joseph Campbell