Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

Following Your Bliss

Everyone likes to feel good. You don’t eat that piece of

chocolate cheese cake because it is good for you. You eat

it because for a few moments, you get to feel good.

That beer buzz while watching the ball game on the boob

tube does not add any value to your life, but it gives you

a feel good fix.

If you are honest with yourself about what motivates you

to do almost everything you do in life, you will discover

that you are looking for ways to feel good or to cover up

some basic sense of unease in your life.

Unfortunately, almost everything that most people do in

order to feel good is only a temporary fix. Whether you

are shooting a needle full of heroin up your arm or

shopping for that new pair of shoes or listening to some

motivational talk, or even reading this book, the feel

good feeling will soon pass and you will be left needing

that next hit. Sound familiar?

There is, however, a way to feel good more often and

more consistently without having to resort to these false

and, at times, even destructive ways of seeking pleasure.

In Chapter Two, I mentioned that your feelings can be

used as a kind of guidance system. When you are not

feeling good, you can use that as an indication that you

are not living your purpose and your passion; and,

instead of looking for some temporary fix that is really

only a distraction from your malaise, you can instead

look for the real solution, which is to become ever more


self-actualized and on purpose with how you live your


The ability to be happy is, to a large degree, dependent

upon the level of personal fulfillment you can achieve

from self-actualization.

A self-actualized person does not need to go looking for

things outside of themselves in order to feel good. They

know that happiness is available at any time, no matter

what external events and circumstances are occurring.

Self-actualization is not a destination; it is a continuous

process. Humans are ever more capable of learning, of

becoming more, of using more of their talents and skills,

of discovering new ways to express themselves.

Self-actualizing people have certain attributes that enable

them to experience greater levels of happiness. And, of

course, these are attributes that you can choose to take on


I have listed here the top ten attributes of self-actualized

people for you to consider owning and practicing. If you

will work each day at taking these on in ever greater

implements, you will soon find yourself feeling good

about yourself, feeling good about how life is unfolding

for you and feeling good about what you are in the

process of becoming and creating.

1. Acceptance. Self-actualizing people have greater levels

of self-acceptance. They are not in denial about their

flaws and weaknesses and do not feel guilty about their

errors and omissions. Instead, they work at improving

their way of being.


Self-actualizing people also are more accepting of others

and tend to recognize that the shortcomings they see in

other people are also, to some degree, present in


2. Reverence. They have greater levels of self-esteem.

Even though they recognize and accept their own

imperfections, they honor themselves as being sacred

creatures and have an innate sense of respect for

themselves and their ideals.

Self-actualizing people also honor the sacredness of all

other people and of all creation. They recognize that, at

some essential level, they are connected to all things.

3. Perception. They have a clearer sense of what is

important and what is trivial. They are able to stand back

and look at themselves, their thoughts, beliefs, feelings

and their actions. They can be the observer as well as the


Self-actualizing people are able to stand back from the

events and circumstances of life and see them for what

they are… transitory happenings that do not change the

greater reality which is the destiny they have set for


4. Honesty. They don’t tend to hide behind some mask or

false identity. They are willing to be themselves in front

of other people and do not attempt to live up to the

expectations of other people.

Self-actualizing people also do not deceive themselves

about themselves or about the reasons for their actions.


5. Individuality. They are not conformists. Although,

they may not appear to be non-conformists, they have

learned to think for themselves and have opted out of the

crowd mentality.

Self-actualizing people don’t accept other people’s

opinions or the news at face value. They recognize

propaganda when they see it and understand that they

must be vigilant in maintaining freedom of thought and


6. Commitment. They are committed to living a full and

meaningful life and know that by creating ideals and

setting specific goals, they are taking charge of and

honoring their own life.

Self-actualizing people are also committed to making a

difference in the lives of others through the contributions

that they make by their creativity and commitment.

7. Motivation. They are self-motivated and do not need

to have constant outside stimuli in order to feel inspired

to take action. They use what they are passionate about

to motivate themselves.

Self-actualizing people are also motivating forces in other

people’s lives, often inspiring others to perform at higher

levels than they would normally. Their own passion

ignites a fire in other people.

8. Appreciation. They are grateful for all that life has to

offer. Problems become opportunities to grow.

Opportunities therefore abound. Obstacles become

challenges to gain power. Challenges produce rewards.

Rewards become blessings to celebrate. Blessings

multiply. Achievements become milestones on the


continuous road to success. Milestones become the

legacy, the gift they leave behind for others to emulate or

to take inspiration from.

Self-actualizing people are also appreciative of the

contributions of others and express their gratitude, not

just verbally but by demonstrating their appreciation

through direct contribution to the other person’s life.

9. Mystical. They not only have a sense of the sacredness

of all things, including their own dreams and ambitions,

they have at times a mystical sense of unity with all other

people, with all things, with all of creation. This sense of

unity or peak mystical experience induces a sense of

wonder and a sense of personal power to be at cause.

Self-actualized people are often inspired to share those

mystical experiences with others because they have come

to know that this sense of unity with all things is the

greater reality than the day-to-day events and

circumstances of life.

10. Imagination. They are envisioneers. They practice

creative envisioneering because they know that the

creative power of the human mind is the source of all

wealth, happiness and personal power and fulfillment.

They are therefore very creative people.

Self-actualized people share their vision with other

people, not just to get them to assist in the actualization

of that vision; but also to teach through action that

everyone can be creative and can design a life of success,

constant growth and attainment.

So, if you want to feel good now and feel even better

tomorrow, instead of running off to the ice cream store


for some extra chocolate or instead of turning on that

idiot box to watch some stupid comedy show or instead

of running off to some motivational seminar to hear some

motivational hyperactive speaker yelling “You can do it!”

or “Halleluiah!”; simply, but progressively, begin the process of becoming a self-actualized human being.

You’ll feel a lot better just making the decision to do that.

And each day that you work at it, you will feel better and


If you really truly want to be happy, then you need to

know that true happiness is not to be found in having

more. There is no great happiness to be found in owning

more stuff, in having more money, in working your way

up the corporate ladder, even in accomplishing more.

The secret to true happiness is to be found in the process

of ever becoming more self-actualized and in the process

of discovering new and better ways to be a contribution.

The late, great Dr. Albert Schweitzer once said, “Success

is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to

success. If you love what you are doing, you will be

successful. I don't know what your destiny will be, but

one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will

be really happy are those who have sought and found

how to serve.”

So, now that you know the secret to feeling good and the

secret to being happy, let’s go beyond that and talk about

how to experience joy and bliss. Wouldn’t you love to

have a life filled with joy and bliss instead of unease and

dissatisfaction? Of course you would.


The title of this chapter is called Follow Your Bliss. I

almost did not call it that. I thought about calling it

something else, like “Becoming Joyful”.

So many authors, coaches and speakers proffer the

advice first offered by Joseph Campbell to “follow your bliss”; and so many people take that advice to heart, but

are unable to discover what their bliss actually is and,

consequently, in the end, just end up being more

frustrated with themselves. I therefore seriously hesitated

to use this cliché. In the end, I decided to use the title and

provide you with some real ways to discover your bliss

and to feel joyful.

I cannot tell you what your bliss is; neither can anyone

else. That is your job. Only you know that secret passion

that your soul holds. Only you can know what gives you

joy. Only you know what will light up your life and

inspire you to greet each day with a joyous expression of

gratitude for the opportunity to play yet another day in

this wondrous game called “life on planet earth”; the

place in space and time where you get to create, to

experience and to share the awesome uniqueness that is


While I cannot tell you what your bliss is, perhaps I can

help you discover it.

Before we look at how you can discover your bliss, let’s

take a look at what will happen to you when you begin to

follow your bliss.

You will experience a clarity of vision like never before. It

will seem as if you had just come out of a cloud bank and

into a bright sunny day. The path before you shines


clearly and any doubt about what direction you are

heading fades away like the fog.

You will experience a sense of timelessness. You will feel

totally present in each moment and each moment will be

the perfect moment. You will be in the flow like an

athlete who is experiencing a peak performance moment.

You will experience being in the right place at the right

time and synchronicities will happen like never before.

The resources, the ideas, the people you need will just

show up as if by magic.

You will experience an expression of your talents like

never before. People will be amazed at the wonderful

things you are able to express and are able to accomplish.

You will become charismatic and you will take on an

aura of purpose and success. Other people will know that

you know what you are about.

You will become more insightful, more intuitive and

ideas will come to you as if your mind is on fire.

Inspiration will bloom in your mind and your heart will

overflow with a feeling of joy.

You will be in love.

That is the place you want to be. You can sense that it is

available to you. You’ve been there before. Perhaps not

since you were a child, but the residual, cellular memory

is still there and it resonates with you. That feeling of

bliss is still there for you to rediscover and to follow.


Take a good, long and honest look into your heart and

discover what inspires you and what cranks up your

passion level. Once you have found that essential truth

about yourself, you can go about living a life of purpose

and meaning and you will feel good, perhaps even be

joyful, most moments of most days.

You may have to go back to your childhood to find that

inner place where your secret passion resides. Most

adults have suppressed their deep inner desires and

passions in order to do what they have thought as

necessary in order to survive and prosper in life.

Perhaps, as an adult, you did find something or way of

being that gave you that greater sense of meaning and

passion, but you did not allow yourself to pursue it

because logic or conditioning told you that it was not

practical. Go back and find it. Follow the thread of your

innermost feelings.

You have unique talents and skills, a unique perspective,

unique contributions to make and a unique way of being

in the world. Why then, would you allow yourself to be

just another cog in the machine? Be you!

Being the real you will produce the bliss. What is the real

you? Only your own heart can answer that. Look deep

into your heart and find your soul’s longing. Then follow


And, living in a state of profound gratitude and

appreciation will produce joy. Learn to see all things as

being sacred. All things include you and your ideals,

hopes, dreams and ambitions. They are a measure of

your own sacredness and your own divinity. Claim



Quick Review:

You will feel good when you are following your bliss,

living your passion and being on purpose.

Don’t look for that feel good feeling in useless

distractions. Look instead to become an intentional

person who is on the path to becoming more, enacting

more and achieving more. Settle for more.

Direct Action Steps:

Begin today to start taking on the attributes of self-

actualizing people.

Make it your daily task to

consciously and intentionally work towards becoming

ever more self-actualized.





“Self-actualizing people, those who have come to a

high level of maturation, health and self-fulfillment,

have so much to teach us that sometimes they seem

almost like a different breed of human beings.”

~ Abraham Maslow

“What good is a road map with a destination clearly

marked if you do not know where you are starting

from? And, of what purpose is the desire to become

more if you do not understand who you are already?”

~ Leslie Fieger

