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The Formula

Most people have it all backwards.

They think that if they have certain things (education,

opportunities, money, connections, tools, experience);

then they can take the right steps (utilize their education,

take advantage of the opportunities, invest the money,

leverage their connections, make use of the tools, use

their experience) and, as a result be successful.

Even many of the so-called personal development gurus

and success coaches get it wrong.

They will tell you that the success formula is: 1) get the

right information, 2) put it to work in your life and 3) you

will be successful. It almost makes sense, doesn’t it? But

it is not. This is backwards. The formula is not have, then

do in order to be. This is like swimming upstream.

Wouldn’t you rather go with the natural flow of things?

The formula is, and always has been… Be > Do > Have.

I prefer to say it this way because it is a continuous

progression: Become > Enact > Attain.

Become what you need to be

in order to

Enact what needs to be done

in order to

Attain what you desire to have.

Everyone clamors for more; more stuff, more money,

more success, more satisfaction, more acclaim, more


fulfillment, more happiness, more love. Now you know

that the secret is that in order to have more, you must

first become more.

How do you become more?

Who you are depends upon what you think about all day

long, what you believe to be true about yourself and your

world, how you feel about yourself and your place in the

world and what level of intentionality you bring to bear

on everything that you do.

So, in order to become more, learn to think bigger and

better thoughts, learn to place your attention on the

ideals you create, rather than on the passing events and

circumstances of everyday life; learn to adopt

empowering beliefs about your potentiality and about

the possibilities that are available to you; learn to respect

and honor yourself and learn to be passionate about your

ideals; and learn to always be on purpose instead of

allowing yourself to get distracted from becoming,

enacting and attaining ever more.

Create a grand new Prosperity Paradigm for yourself and

for your world. The world needs you to be successful.

When you adopt the Prosperity Paradigm for yourself,

you also create a new vibrational pattern in the collective

unconscious of all humanity and thereby, you make it

possible for more people to become capable of achieving

their own success and abundance.

So, go ahead and create that massive success you have

always dreamt about. You deserve it.

Leslie Fieger

June 21, 2008



Appendix One

Abraham Maslow based his psychology on his studies of

healthy and successful people rather than taking the

direction of most psychologists and studying illness. He

discovered that most, if not all, healthy individuals are

motivated toward becoming self-actualized.

My guess is that includes you.

Maslow’s model proposes that individuals move up from

one level to the next only when the needs of the lower

level are satisfied. It is an effective way to look at what

motivates people to live the way they live.


However, people often forego the needs of a so-called

lower level in order to pursue the needs of a higher level,

sometimes at a huge detrimental cost to their overall


I believe that prosperity, wealth, happiness, personal

fulfillment and self-actualization are achieved when a

satisfying balance of all aspects of your beingness is

achieved. I define those five aspects as being material,

physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Let’s take a quick look at how Maslow defines each of his

five areas…

Physiological Needs: breath, water, food, shelter, sex.

Safety Needs: physical safety, physical health, financial


Belongingness Needs:

friendship, family, sexual

intimacy, love.

Esteem Needs: self-respect, confidence, achievement,

respect of others.

Self-Actualization: need to learn, explore, discover and

create; desire to grow, to transcend self, to contribute to


What are your primary motivators? Where is your

attention focused?



Appendix Two

Free Resources from Leslie Fieger





Beach Bar


Online presentation based on this book


Suggested Websites

Chuck Danes’ Abundance and Happiness site will support your success. Subscribe to his Enlightened

Journey newsletter, which will add value to your life in so many ways.

Sign up for Mike Dooley’s Notes From the Universe to get daily inspiration that rocks.

Register with Success Magazine to fill your head with good ideas and positive affirmations.

If you are involved in Network Marketing, check out the

Networkers Magazine.

To get and stay healthy, start taking daily Inspirin

Become prosperous! Click here now to join me living the Beach Bum Lifestyle.

Suggested Further Reading

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success: A Practical Guide

to the Fulfillment Of Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra

Napoleon Hills Keys To Success by Napoleon Hill

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Mastering the Inner

Game of Wealth by Harv Eker

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

The Instant Millionaire by Mark Fisher 174

The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer Other Books by Leslie Fieger

(Available through


This book was written to be a bedside reader. It is

collection of ideas, insights, tips, tools and techniques

that will empower you to realize your dreams. Read one

of the short chapters before going to sleep each night and

you will be inspired and empowered to create the

successful and fulfilling life you both desire and deserve.

The Master Key

This is the third edition of the 1995 bestseller (25,000+

copies). It is a modern, abridged and annotated version

of the almost century-old classic self-study course "The

Master Key System" that was also referred to as "The

Secret of Success". This is a compilation of proven

metaphysical principles and time-tested philosophical

truths that you can use to produce real life, testable

results in your life.

Alexandra’s DragonFire

The tale of a teenage girl who, while on vacation in Costa

Rica, encounters the mythological dragon named Pythos

hidden away in a cave beneath the active volcano,

Arenal. Adventures ensue, both physical and

metaphysical, as Alexandra explores the splendors of

Costa Rica with her travel writer-parents and as Pythos

takes Alex on an even more exciting adventure... the

exploration of the mysteries of the meaning and purpose

of life. A story of magic and myth, rainforests and


rainbows, walking in cloud forests and flying in the

clouds, quetzals and quests, tea parties and tempests, and

so much more. Come explore with Alex as she discovers

the wonders and beauties of Costa Rica and as she, at the

same time, also discovers the even more beautiful and

wondrous inner landscapes of heart and mind. Video.

The DELFIN Trilogy

The world renowned DELFIN Trilogy has been called

“the most comprehensive and effective personal

empowerment product ever created”.

Book One: The Initiation will enable you to take control

over your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well

being and destiny. Become a creator of the circumstances

of your life instead of remaining in the common

condition of most of mankind, which is being a creature

of circumstance. It is your guide to achieving personal

wisdom and finding your life's purpose. Read Chapter 1

Book Two: The Journey explains that life is a process... a

journey. Each of the twelve chapters contain perspectives

and techniques which empower you to decide for

yourself who you are, where you are at this moment,

why you are here, and to what purpose you journey

through life. Once you have a clear understanding of

those important questions you will achieve the clarity,

motivation and inspiration to be an active and joyous

participant in your personal journey. The application of

your own awareness creates your own road map to

success and happiness.

Book Three: The Quest deals with the nature of reality,

creation, and transmutation. It contains the keys you will

need to unlock your potential to become the master of


your own destiny -- to be able to define your own reality,

to create your own happiness and fulfillment, to

transform into what you have been designed to become.

All three books of The DELFIN Trilogy are augmented by

supplemental MP3 audio files. For more information, go


Leslie’s books are also available for your iPad or other

Tablets & eReaders

Live Events with Leslie Fieger

Leslie is known around the world for empowering the

people who attend his talks and seminars. He has

educated, motivated and inspired thousands. His unique

blend of philosophical knowledge, metaphysical insights

and down-to-earth explanations spiced with humor

make it possible for all who attend his live events to

begin immediately to produce dramatic positive changes

in their lives.

"I have worked personally with most of the big names in

personal development. Nobody, but nobody, explains the

practical relationship between the metaphysical and the

physical, the spiritual and the material, better than Leslie

Fieger. If you truly want to have success and happiness

in your life, you'd be wise to heed his work." ~ Hugh


For information on places and dates of his speaking

events, or to book Leslie for private functions, go to



Become what you need to be

in order to

Enact what needs to be done

in order to

Attain what you desire to have.

Always remember that you do deserve

to be the success you desire.

Become an envisioneer.



Live long and prosper! 




Prosperity is the abundance of

ALL things held ideal in mind

and dear in heart.


Your Prosperity Paradigm

11 Steps to Creating & Living a Super Successful Life

By Leslie Fieger


Your Prosperity Paradigm

Copyright © 2008 by Leslie Fieger

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form nor by any

means, electronic, mechanical, photographic or

phonographic process; nor may it be stored in any

retrieval system, or otherwise copied for public or private

use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations

embodied in articles or reviews –without prior written

permission of the copyright holder and publisher.

The author of this book does not dispense medical or

psychological advice or suggest the use of any technique

as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or mental

problems without the advice of a licensed physician,

therapist or health care practitioner either directly or

indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer

information of a general nature to assist the reader in the

personal quest for material, physical, emotional, mental

and spiritual well-being. In the event that you, the reader,

choose to exercise your right to use any of the

information in this book, the author and his agents

assume no liability for your actions.

ISBN 978-0-557-47767-8


Other books by Leslie Fieger include:

Alexandra’s DragonFire

The Master Key


The Delfin Trilogy, which consists of…

The Initiation

The Journey

The Quest

All are available at or through

Also see page 163 of this book for more information on

each of the above mentioned books.


This book is dedicated to my parents, Audrey and Al

Fieger, who brought me into this world, gave me so great

a head start on the adventure, were there to support me

when I stumbled, celebrated my successes and are still

my cheerleaders. My parents are my heroes.

They grew up during the great depression and were able

to come out of that difficult time, forge a path for

themselves and build a life of substance, plus create an

attitude of open ended possibilities for their nine


Amongst the hundreds of books in my house, as I was

growing up, were such success classics as Napoleon

Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Dale Carnegie’s How to

Win Friends and Influence People and even that great LP

recording from Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret.

I also grew up listening to Harry Belafonte sing The

Banana Boat Song “Come Mr. Tally man, tally me

banana…” and other calypso songs.

It is no wonder I now live in the Caribbean and write

books about creating success.

Thanks Al and Audrey for everything.

This book is also dedicated to you, the reader. I hope it

serves you.



Your Prosperity Paradigm

11 Steps to Creating & Living a Super Successful Life

Introduction: A Masterpiece