Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

Mirror, Mirror

For over a thousand years, people went to the Oracle at

Delphi for insight, wisdom and even prophecy.

Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Archimedes and Alexander

the Great all visited Delphi.

Today, the Oracle is relegated to a footnote in history,

classified as Greek Mythology; but to the people of that

time, it was as important as the Google search engine

combined with the Philosophy Department at the

University of Berkeley. If you wanted to know something

important or to access the wisdom of the ages, you

needed to go to Delphi.

Inscribed over the entrance to Delphi were these words,

“Know Thyself ”.

The great Socrates, to whom, together with his student

Plato, we owe much of our western philosophical foundations, took these two words, “Know Thyself as his


primary maxim and it was the cornerstone of all his

works. His famous saying, “an unexamined life is not

worth living,” is demonstrative of his belief in the

importance of self-knowledge.

Pythagoras, the great mathematician, father of modern geometry and metaphysician said , “Know thyself - and

thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the


Lao Tzu, the great Chinese sage and author of the Tao Te Ching, wrote, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing

yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength;

mastering yourself is true power.”

According to the Buddha, self-reflection (self-knowledge)

was the only dependable way to wisdom and


The Catholic theologian, St. Augustine, said that the only way to transcend the limitations brought on by sensory

perceptions of the material, transient world and to

comprehend the unity and beauty of all creation was

through self-reflection.

The great American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson,

wrote that, “What lies behind us and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

And, the Victorian poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson, wrote,

“Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three

alone lead one to sovereign power.”

Ayn Rand wrote that a person needs to acquire knowledge of external reality and self-knowledge in

order to discover and choose his values, goals, and



Millions of books about success are sold each year.

Most people, perhaps including you, who buy these

books are looking for the road map that leads to success,

are searching for that best, proven method to become

more in order to fulfill their desire to have more of all

that life has to offer.

I have written this book to provide you with both the

map and the method; but the first and most important

step of your journey is to Know Yourself as you are; and,

to know where you are at right now, where you are

starting from and why you are embarking on this journey

to a chosen destination called success.

So how do you come to know yourself? First, you simply

redirect your attention from the external world of event

and circumstance to the internal world of thought,

feeling and belief.

You must learn the discipline to spend time with

yourself, by yourself, every day in order to stay in touch

with the evolving you. Meditation is your best method to

do that.

What good is a road map with a destination clearly

marked if you do not know where you are starting from?

And, of what purpose is the desire to become more if you

do not understand who you are already?

If you desire to have success, to be happy and fulfilled, to

find meaning and purpose in life, then you must get to

know the real you and where you are at currently.

So, let me ask you a question… who are you?


I love to ask people that question. The most common

answer I get is, I am John Smith or whatever name they

call themselves. My answer is, well, that is your name,

but who exactly are you?

Sadly, most people cannot answer that question. Can


So, who exactly are you? When you look in the mirror,

are you that physical body?


You have a body. It is not you; it is something you have.

You already know this. So does almost every thinking

person. Your body is like your name. It is not you. It is

just something you have.

Yet, most people will still say things like “I am sick,”

when their body is undergoing some process. Your body

is the vehicle that enables you to get around on Planet

Earth and participate in the many physical experiences

available here. Imagining that you are the vehicle is as

silly as thinking that your identity is tied to your car. (A

common foolishness indulged in by many young men

who imagine their own value is enhanced by the sexiness

of their vehicle.)

You are not the home you live in, not the clothes you

wear, not the car you drive, nor the body you have. You

are not your job, not your role in society and not what

other people expect you or perceive you to be.

These are just things you do or have. If you do less and

have less than me, does that mean that you are less than

me? No, you are the same basic essence that I am.


So, if you are not these things that you do or that you

have, who exactly are you? When you look in the mirror,

are you the mind that observes the body you see?


You have a mind. It is not you; it is something you have.

If you stop and ask yourself, “Who am I?”, the question is

formed in your mind (perhaps even answered); but who

is it that is asking the question? The mind is simply the

tool you use to ask the question. It is not you. It is not

your essence.

So, what is the essence of you? Is it simply your

awareness of self? If so, what are you aware of being? If

your awareness increases, does that mean that you

become more?

If that is so, then perhaps I can enhance your awareness.

Let’s first take a look at your physical beingness.

Your body is a miracle. It is made up of 75 trillion

individual cells (maybe you have an extra billion or so in

that spare tire you carry around), each with a defined job

function, and all working together harmoniously to

provide you a great place to hang out and enjoy the

multiple trips around the sun that you get to take whilst

working a job, getting married and having offspring.

These cells, in turn, are made up of recycled multi-billion

year old stardust. We are carbon-based creatures. Carbon

molecules are created in the nuclear furnaces we call stars

when 3 helium molecules are fused. When these stars

exploded or went super nova, these carbon molecules

were distributed in space and then came back together in


our planet and ultimately in the life forms that came to

inhabit this planet, which, of course, includes you.

According to our latest and greatest understandings of

physics and cosmology, all the sub-atomic particles,

atoms and molecules that exist in the entire universe

were created in the big bang event. So, therefore, every

element that exists in your body existed at the genesis of

the universe; which means that the molecular memory of

your body extends back in time to the very beginnings

of the universe. Additionally, all the elements that make

up your body will survive the demise of your body and

will be recycled into another use in the ongoing evolution

of the universe.

So, while your personal physical beingness may be a

transitory event, the elements that comprise your body

are as old and ageless as the universe. You just may not

have been aware of that fact before I brought it to your

attention. So, now that your awareness is enhanced, is

your conception of who you really are enhanced as well?

But, as I said earlier, despite how miraculous it may be,

you are not your physicality. It is only an aspect of your

total beingness.

Let’s take a look a look at that other wondrous aspect of

the miracle of you: your mind.

Your mind can envision and contain the entire universe.

Maybe you don’t spend a lot of time conceptualizing the

universe, but Stephen Hawking does. His mind is a

human mind, just as is yours; and the human mind is

complex enough to do just that. If your mind can

potentially envision the entire universe, then it can

certainly envision all the success you desire.


It is the human mind that has first conceived of and then

created the computer I am using to write this book,

conceived and created the International Space Station

that floats in space some 200 plus miles above my head as

I sit here writing, conceived and created the Internet (that

is accessed by and connects one billion+ people) where I

found out the altitude of the space station and where you

can find just about all of the accumulated knowledge of

humankind. Imagine that.

If, as is said, knowledge is power (at least potential

power), then you are more powerful than every single

human being from previous generations who has ever

lived on this planet. Why? Simply because you have

access to more knowledge than the kings, moguls and

philosophers of previous ages. You also live in a time

when the average person in developed countries enjoys

more wealth and comfort than the kings of old.

It is the human mind that also creates all the wealth we

enjoy as a species or as individuals. It is your mind that

will create the success, wealth and personal fulfillment

you will get to experience and enjoy as you travel

through life and around the sun as it, in turn, travels

through space and time.

Just imagine how fortunate you are: you have access to






understanding about how the human mind works than

the billions of people who lived before AND more than

the majority of people who are alive now. Your potential

is limited only by your imagination and those nasty

limiting paradigms I wrote about in the Preface.

So, here you are, alive in the best time ever to create

wealth and success for yourself, knowing full well that


your mind is capable of creating almost anything you can

imagine. (The famous quote by Napoleon Hill is truer

today than it was when he first wrote it. “Whatever the

mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”)

Yet, you have not achieved all you desire. Why?

Perhaps, it is because you are not making proper use of

your mind. If, you can achieve whatever you can

conceive and believe, then it may be possible that the

vagueness of the ideals you hold and the limiting beliefs

you have are defining (limiting) your ability to create that


What are your predominant thought patterns? Why are

you thinking what you think? To what end or purpose do

you think the way you think? What are your beliefs

about your ability to create success and your

deservedness to have great wealth? Maybe it is time to

think different thoughts and to choose to adopt bigger,

better beliefs. Your immediate response to these

questions might tell you that you are limiting your own


Please answer the following questions honestly. Nobody

is listening except you.

Do you believe that you deserve to have all the success

and wealth you desire? Or do you believe that you are

not good enough, smart enough or educated enough to

have a truly abundant and luxurious life?

Do you believe that the potential to create wealth is

unlimited? Or limited only by your imagination? Or, like

most people, do you believe that there is a limited supply

and that when one person has more, it means others

must have less?


Allow me to tell you a story about how a belief can limit

your success. This past Saturday, I went down to a

favorite beach bar to socialize with friends. I ran into a

lady who I have known for the past two years. She is a

bright, creative, caring and pleasant person, who, like

most people, gets by with a comfortable life, but does not

have any great level of success in her business or

personal life.

She asked me what new projects I was working on (after

I had asked her the same question) and when I replied

that I was working with a group of people to help them

become millionaires within one year, she said, “Wouldn’t

it be nice to live in a world where no one wanted to

become a millionaire?”

I replied, “Wouldn’t it be better to live in a world where

everyone was a millionaire?” She then explained to me

that it was people’s drive to have more that was

destroying our environment and causing poverty

amongst the world’s poor. Whoa. Big limiting belief.

Let’s take a closer look at what she said…


The pie is limited. If you have more, I have less.


The more you have, the more damage you cause.


Rich people are morally inferior. It would be a sin

for her to want more.

It is easy to see that she will never achieve any great

levels of success because she believes that it is morally

wrong to want more. She definitely does not have a

prosperity paradigm.

Most people are not aware that these same subconscious

control mechanisms are limiting their own ability to


enjoy a prosperous and fulfilling life. Until and unless

you examine your own assumed beliefs about wealth and

your deservedness, you will not be free to discard these

limiting beliefs.

Now, let’s take a close look at the reality, not the


Wealth is created when someone creates value for others.

This value can be either real or perceived; but it is,

nevertheless, value that someone (or many people)

appreciates and is prepared to pay for.

Wealthy people create more value for more people than

poor people. That is how simple it is. Rich people don’t

take anything away from other people. They contribute

in some way to the quality of the lives of others.

The pie is not limited by anything except human

imagination. There is more wealth in the world today

than ever before, despite the fact that there are more

humans alive today than ever before to share in that pie.

The pie is actually constantly expanding because wealth

is created by the adding of value.

Wealth brings power to effectuate change. Wealthy

people contribute more to the betterment of their fellow

humans than the poor or middle class. Was that

university section or hospital wing built by the

underprivileged? Do the middle class attend those

thousand dollar charity fundraising dinners?

It is no surprise to learn that rich people individually

give more money to charity than average. They can

afford to. What is interesting is that the percentage of


people donating to charity rises steadily as income

brackets increase.

The following figures are extracted from a very detailed

and complex study done by James Andreoni and John Sholz of the University of Wisconsin and William Gale of

The Brookings Institute.

92% of people earning more than $75,000 per year

contribute money to charity, compared to an average of

68% of people who earn less than $75,000 per year. That’s

money. What about time? 48% of people who earn more

than $75,000 per year volunteer their time to charitable

organizations. 33% of people who earn less than $75,000

per year volunteer their time.

Merrill Lynch reports that individuals who had a net

worth of $1 million or more donated an estimated total of

$285 billion to charity in 2006. Millionaire entrepreneurs

donated an average of $232,206.00, more than double the

amount dedicated to philanthropy by those who

inherited their riches.

So, it is easy to see the truth… people who create wealth

for themselves contribute to the overall wealth of

humanity by the very act of becoming wealthy, creating

value and expanding possibilities for others; but they

also contribute more of their own money and time to

bettering the lives of the less fortunate.

So my lady friend’s belief that rich people are taking

away from other people is exactly the opposite of the

truth. They are, in fact, giving more to other people, in

many ways, than the average person. Her belief does not

change the facts. Her belief only limits her own ability to

be a bigger contribution.


She would be (and so will you be) much better able to

improve the situation on this planet by creating success

instead of thinking about how much inequity there exists

in the world. The best way to improve the world is to

improve yourself. Become more. Adopt the Prosperity


An important part of getting to know yourself and then

to become more is to take a good close look at what

beliefs you might be holding that are limiting your ability

to create more success for yourself and thus be able to

make a greater contribution to others.

If you want to know the real you and desire to become all

you are capable of becoming, start by asking yourself the

following questions…

1. Who am I really?

2. Am I living up to my potential?

3. Why not?

4. What beliefs do I have that limit my ability to

create massive success?

5. What predominant thought patterns do I have

that limit my ability to create more?

6. What feelings do I have about myself that limit

my ability to shine my light brighter?

7. Do I have the will to make the personal changes I

need to make in order to become more?

8. Why have I not implemented the specific action

steps that will lead to success?

Tough questions to be sure; but once you have the

personal integrity to answer these questions in complete

honesty, you will know where you are at, the point of

your embarkation on your journey to the greater you that

you deserve to be.


This book can then serve as your roadmap, your

guidebook, your map and your compass that will lead

you inexorably to your destination… that definition of

success that you have created for yourself.

Always remember that you are who you imagine

yourself to be. How grand a being can you imagine

yourself to be?

What image of yourself do you hold in your

imagination? Look in the mirror of self-reflection. What

do you see? Who is looking?

Once you decide who you are, then you can decide who

you wish to become.

If you are not constantly becoming more, then you are, in

fact unbecoming.

You are the grand creator of your own life. Make it your


You will find that life offers you prosperity as soon as the

true, inner, powerful, real you uses your will to create a

congruency of ideal (vision), word (thought), passion

(belief) and deed (action). It really is up to you. Take

responsibility now for your life.

Remember that abundance is the rule. The universe is

expanding. More space is continually being created. New

stars are being born. Human wealth (knowledge, well-

being, prosperity, imagination) is continuously growing.

All it takes to adopt a prosperity paradigm is your own



Quick Review:

Step one on the path to self-mastery is self-knowledge.

Step one on the journey to success is to know and accept

where you are currently at. Once you have done that, you

can design the plan that will take you to creating and

living a super successful life. Commit to becoming more.

Direct Action Steps:

Here is a list of simple, effective things that you can do

starting immediately to get control of your life and start

consciously and intentionally creating the kind of life you

both desire and so richly deserve to have.

1. Spend daily time in reflection, contemplation,

meditation, stillness and silence. Ground

yourself in self-awareness.

2. Work at gaining control of the physical,

emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self.

3. Develop a strong self-image. Get to know

yourself. You are an exceptional individual. You

are unique in the whole universe. You are

special. You are sacred. Learn to love yourself.

4. Think for yourself. Opt out of mass




