Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Living in Grace

If you were to take a piece of paper and a pen and start

now to write down a list of all the blessings that you have

in your life, it would occupy you for the remainder of the

days you have available to you.

The hand that grasps the pen, the mind that catalogues

the blessings, the will that makes the choices, the lungs

that breathe each breath, the heart that pumps your

blood to your brain, the eyes that enable you to see the

words, the ability to read and write, the sunshine that

lights the page, the opportunity to choose the attitude of

gratitude are just a few quick examples of the endless list

of things that you have to appreciate.

Your life is filled with blessings. Most of these you take

for granted, not even thinking about them. This devalues,

not only the things themselves, but also you, yourself.

Learning to honor all things as being valuable, even

sacred, and understand how blessed you are to have the

opportunity to play this game called Life on Planet Earth

increases the value of you, your life and opens you up to

receive even more abundance and blessings.

Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. The choice to

adopt and hold a moment-by-moment attitude of

gratitude is the choice that differentiates those who

suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune and those

who are blessed with a joyous and abundant life.

Yes, that is correct. It is not the actual events and

circumstances that occur during one’s journey through

life that determine whether or not a person is happy and


prosperous; it is the conscious and willful choice to be

grateful for all the bounty that life has to offer AND to be

grateful for the opportunity to participate in and

contribute to the experience of life, which enables and

empowers any individual, regardless of circumstance, to

have a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Like everything else on the path to mastery, gratitude is

a choice. You can choose to wait for some meaningfully

pleasant situation to arise and then feel gratitude in

response, or you can choose to be grateful at all times, in

all circumstances, and watch as the world conspires to

assist you in your path.

If you are grateful for what you already have, the world

will conspire to give you more to be grateful for. If you

are resentful of what you already have, the world will

conspire to give you more to resent.

Moreover, the true master learns to be grateful, in

advance, for the things that are idealized and desired.

Why? Because, being grateful in advance for some

attainment or accomplishment does two very important

things: first, it tricks your subconscious into believing

that the goal is certain and second, it convinces other

people, with whom you must interact to achieve your

desires, that you know what you are about, that you are

a winner.

When your subconscious is convinced that the goal is

certain, it will provide the ways and means of fulfilling

or achieving that goal. Since your subconscious is

connected to the great collective subconscious of

humanity, it also informs this ‘morphic field’ of your

profound intent and the result is that the people,

resources and conditions for fulfillment will show up in

your life. All this will happen because you chose to be


grateful in advance of the havingness. The act of being

grateful in advance is proof of your faith and belief in the

actuality, eventuality and realness of the manifestation of

your desired ideal.

And when other people are convinced that you are

convinced of the realness of your goals because of your

demonstrative gratitude for their reality, they will rally

around you and provide both physical and metaphysical

support for you and your goals.

The benefits of the physical support (the investment of

time, effort and money) to contribute to you and your

goals are obvious. What may not be obvious, to those

unfamiliar with the laws of the universe, is that the

metaphysical support is even more crucial. The added

belief of others in you and your goals brings an ‘aura’ of

success about you that creates, in turn, even more

support for you.

The knowledge that all things, existent and potential,

are, at their pure essence, a myriad of interlocking and

interwoven vibrations of pure energy and that the

emanations of your consciousness (and the emanations

of the other individual consciousnesses of the people

who associate with you) interfere with and interact with

pre-existing vibrations to create new patterns that result

in the manifestation of actualities is what denotes

wisdom and mastery.

If other people are convinced that you are a successful

person, their energetic output (thought and belief) will

serve to enhance your own power to enact the Law of

Attraction to produce the results you desire.


All this, and more, happens when you choose to hold

and to express gratefulness for what you have and what

you claim or expect to have as you journey through life.

Begin each day with an expression of your gratitude for

all the blessings that life has bestowed upon you and

your day will be filled with even more and greater


The choice is yours. Every breath you breathe can be an

expression of gratitude. Existing in a state of gratefulness

is very alike existing in a state of grace. Your blessings

multiply constantly.

Being grateful denotes your knowledge of, and

application of, one of the most important aspects of

creation… who you are and how you are produces what

you have.

And gratitude, of course, makes what you have all that

much more enjoyable.

Most people sleepwalk through life, unaware of the

majesty of this universe we live in and participate in

creating, unappreciative of their own opportunity to

become conscious creators and contributors.

Those who are fully awake live in a constant state of

wonder and appreciation that in some moments even

escalates from wonder to joy and from appreciation to

that state of profound gratitude for the gifts of life and

self-awareness that is called bliss.

There exists a magical power in the feeling of gratitude.

Yes, a magical power.


However, before I talk about the magic of gratitude, I

want to talk about its opposite. Not the lack of gratitude,

not even ingratitude; but resentfulness.

Powerful emotions attached to specific repetitive

thoughts make things manifest. Intentional thought

combined with heartfelt desire is how masters and

winners create the circumstances and events of their

lives. This powerful knowledge is one of the most crucial

things a person who desires to be a creator instead of a

mere creature needs to know and integrate into their life.

There is a dark side. Just as what you love/desire can

come true, so too, as even the bible reminds us... that

what you fear shall come to pass. You can easily witness

the power of fear making things happen in many

people's lives. A victim's attitude often creates events that

cause that person to say, "see, I told you so." They don't,

of course, know that it was their very own fear that

attracted the bad thing into their life. It is the proverbial

self-fulfilling prophecy.

It works the same with gratitude and resentfulness.

When you walk around with the attitude of gratitude, life

does not just seem better because of your psychological

take on life, it actually is better because of the magic

creative power of intentionally combining positive

thought and positive emotion.

However, if you adopt the attitude of resentfulness,

things don't just seem bad... bad things actually do

happen more often than they would otherwise.

Resentfulness is insidious. Once you start to resent the

circumstances and conditions of your life, you begin

attracting more things into your life that you will not

welcome UNTIL AND UNLESS you change your



Some molehill appears on your path and your

resentfulness makes it into a mountain blocking your

way forward. The next thing you know, a real mountain

shows up. Why? Because you attracted it by your way of

being. And now it is harder to be grateful instead of


That is why masters at the art of living see obstacles as an

opportunity to learn, to grow, to become more powerful;

and, winners see obstacles as proof that they are

traveling the high road. They know that the flat, wide,

easy road is the path of mediocrity. It is wide, flat and

easy because it is well traveled by the majority, those

who do not aspire or dare to achieve great things, or to

challenge life and themselves to deliver more than the


Losers resent winners. You see it all the time. Even the

average person delights in the often public trials and

tribulations of the high achievers. These people

stubbornly refuse to comprehend that it is their own

resentfulness that actually makes them losers with much

in their own lives to resent. They also don't understand

that the winner is grateful not just because things are

going right, but because it is the initial choice to feel a

sense of gratitude that makes things go right in the first


Resentfulness is insidious. You may not even be aware

that you harbor an unconscious resentfulness of

successful people. But pay close attention! If you even

once have thought that such and such a person does not

deserve the success they have accomplished, there is an

element of resentfulness in your heart. This resentment

will handicap you from achieving your own success.


Learn instead to celebrate the successes of everyone.

After all, you would want others to celebrate your own

success. It is the simple application of the Golden Rule…

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Learn to celebrate other people’s success. Extend your

empathy when they stumble.

If you want to be a winner, start being grateful; start

existing in a constant state of thanksgiving. Start

celebrating your own life and your own blessings right

now. You don't need some annual celebration of some

romanticized historical event to feel grateful and give

thanks. As long as you are still breathing, you have much

to be thankful for.

Begin right now. Make a list of all the things that you

have to be grateful for having already received. Let me

start you off with some basics you may not think of on

your own.

 You can read. One out of every five adults alive

today is illiterate and cannot read this sentence.

 You can afford to buy this book. About half the

population on this planet lives on less than $2 per

day and cannot adequately afford to pay for the

basic essentials of life, let alone some book about

improving the quality of their life.

 You have the opportunity right now to create an

abundant, fulfilling and contributory life. Most

people are unaware of how to go about doing

that. Remember this: if you are reading this, you

should know that you are better off than the

overwhelming majority of other people on this


There are so many things to be grateful for that you could

spend all day every day simply listing them; yet so many


instead spend so much time cataloging their various

perceived misfortunes. Complain, complain, complain is

the common refrain.

Complaining about the trials and tribulations of life

seems to be the norm rather than celebrating the joys and

wonders that are present in everyone’s life, no matter

what circumstances they may encounter in any given


This focus of attention on what is not considered the

ideal not only creates an attitude that prevents the

enjoyment of the blessings you do have, but also

contributes to ensuring that you will continue to create

more frustration and disappointment.

When you make the conscious choice to begin expressing

your continuous gratitude, you will find that the quality

of your life improves dramatically and that the success

you desire is attracted into your life.

You have, right now, and always, the chance to

appreciate and to honor all you have been given. You

have, right now, and always, the chance to enjoy the

pleasures of walking around on planet earth. You have,

right now, and always, the chance to make a meaningful

difference in the lives of other people.

Give thanks. You'll end up with plenty to be grateful for.

To be grateful for something means to appreciate its

value. The word appreciate has two meanings. I’ll let

Merriam Webster’s dictionary explain…

1 a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of

b: to value or admire highly c: to judge with heightened


perception or understanding : be fully aware of d: to

recognize with gratitude 2: to increase the value of

An investment that appreciates over time becomes more

valuable. Anything that you have that you appreciate

becomes more valuable. If you really appreciate what

you already have and what you are enabled to idealize

and realize, then your life will become filled with even

more valuables to appreciate.

You can express your gratitude to some deity; you can

express your gratitude to the universe; you can express

your gratitude to thin air. It matters not to whom or to

what you express your gratitude; it only matters that you

FEEL grateful. It is the emotional energy that creates the


The energetic strength of your consciously chosen

emotional output can transform your life from frustration

to fulfillment, from paucity to prosperity, from lack to

abundance, from failure to success.

Change your overall attitude and predominant feelings

from fear into love, from resentment into gratitude, from

misery to joy and you will find yourself empowered to

create a life of success almost as if by magic. Fear is a

choice of attitude. Love is a choice. Resentment is a

choice. Gratitude is a choice. Misery is a choice. Joy is a

choice. Knowing that, what do you choose?

The word scared can be transformed into the word

sacred simply by moving the letter ‘c’. Similarly, your life

can be transformed simply by moving your seeing

(perspective) of life and its many blessings.

The magic power of gratitude is this: the more you are

and feel grateful for what you already have, the more


that you will have to be grateful for. Do you want more?

Learn to be more grateful.


Quick Review:

The attitude of gratitude makes life more enjoyable and

brings ever more things to be grateful for having. It is an

endless upward spiral.

Gratitude has a magic power that convinces your

subconscious, other people and the universe that you

recognize your own value and the value of the many

blessings you already have and thus, you deserve to have

even more to appreciate.

Direct Action Steps:

Each day, before getting out of bed, spend ten minutes

expressing your gratitude for all the blessings you have

in your life. Mentally list a few of these many things that

you enjoy having and your day will unfold as if you were

especially blessed.

Each night, before going to sleep, spend ten minutes

expressing your gratitude for the things that you are in

the process of creating. If you fall asleep while doing this,

it is even better, because your subconscious mind, that

does not sleep, will be working to process this

information and will supply you with the ideas you need

to make your dreams come true.


"It is not by prayer and humility that you cause things

to go as you wish, but by acquiring a knowledge of

natural laws”

~ Bertrand Russell

“Every person has free choice. Free to obey or disobey

the Natural Laws. Your choice determines the

consequences. Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the

consequences of his choices.”

~ Alfred Montapert