Your Prosperity Paradigm by Leslie Fieger - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

Playing By The Rules

Ah, the rules…

How can you play to win if you do not know the rules of

the game?

Creating success means winning, according to your own

definition of what it means to win at the game of life. In

other words, winning means to create and live a

successful life according to your own ideals and


If you want to win, you will need to learn to play by the


Of course, there are rules. There are rules that govern

almost everything. There are rules that determine the

behavior of raindrops falling and planets orbiting stars.

There are rules that determine the behavior of electrons

and the behavior of black holes. There are rules that

govern why an apple falls to the ground and how matter

can be converted to energy.

And, there are certain fundamental rules that apply to

the essential existence of the universe. There is a reason

that all things happen the way they happen.

All science (the search for the why and the how that

things happen they way they do) is based on the

fundamental assumption that there is a cause behind

everything, an identifiable process (or series of processes)

that causes the world to be the way it is and to behave

the way it does.


Why ask why? Why ask how? We assume that there

exists an answer. When something happens, we assume

(take for granted) that something caused it. Reason says

that there must be a reason. It is our nature to ask

questions (why and how), so we expect there to always

be an answer, even if it is difficult to discover.

When some fundamental process that answers a

profound question is discovered and identified, it is

called a Basic Scientific Principle or a Natural Law.

Question: Why does the apple fall to the ground?

Answer: Gravity, which along with the Weak Nuclear

Force, the Strong Nuclear Force and Electromagnetism is

one of the four fundamental forces that enable the

existence of the universe.

Metaphysics understands that every physical thing or

condition has some metaphysical cause. I am using the

word metaphysical here as that “which is beyond the

physical”. Since these Principles or Laws are beyond the

physical, they can be called Metaphysical Laws.

These Laws or rules determine how the physical world

comes into being and behaves. It is common also for

people to equate metaphysical with spiritual, so these

Laws are also often called Spiritual Laws by those folks

who like that terminology.

Many people say that Cause and Effect is a Natural Law,

but since it is the basic assumption that determines the

whole scientific approach, it must be termed a meta-law:

the rule that determines how all other rules are defined.

This basic assumption that all things happen because of

some basic cause (or causes) says that some fundamental

force is always responsible for something else that is

happening eventually leads to the inescapable conclusion


that there is a prime cause. It can’t be “turtles all the way

down”. It is one thing to say that The Big Bang was the

responsible cause of the entire unfolding universe; but

what caused this Big Bang?

Prime Cause is, of course, still a mystery to us, so the best

we can do is to identify certain universal principles or

Natural Laws and use them to understand how the

world works and also to create what we desire to have.

You don’t need to know Prime Cause to start a fire to

cook a meal to alleviate your hunger. You just have to

know how to start a fire. Once upon a time, humans did

not know how to start a fire. Now we do. And we know a

bunch of other important things as well. But, as I have

said before, knowing something is not enough to

produce the effects we desire. You can know how to start

a fire, but if you don’t actually do it, you still can’t cook

that meal.

If success is an effect, then there must be a cause. So,

even if it appears that someone’s success happened by

accident or luck, logic tells us that there must have been a

cause or set of causes.

Even accidents don’t happen accidentally. There is

always a cause. When an airplane crashes, the FAA does

not say, “oh it was an accident” and let it go at that. They

look for the cause and determine how to fix things so that

it does not happen again. Or, if a scientist accidentally

discovers a new chemical compound, he does not say to

himself, “oh, it was an accident” and not attempt to

reproduce the process. He looks for the causal agents.

Strangely, many people live their lives as if everything

were either an accident or as if it were all the

responsibility of this mysterious Prime Cause. Why am I


suffering? It is God’s will. It is fate. It is just the way

things are. They allow themselves to be mere creatures of

event and circumstance. They think that other successful

people are just lucky or blessed for some unknown


Thankfully, there are people who look for why things

happen and then, use that knowledge to make things

happen. These people are creators of event and

circumstance. Without them, we still would not be able to

light that fire to cook our meals or build that orbiting

space station or consciously create any idealized and

desired effect, like success.

Hungry? Want to cook some food? Learn how to light a

fire. Then light it. Let hunger be your motivation, not

your condition.

Want success? Learn how to create success, then, go

about doing what is necessary. To want can mean “to

lack”; to want can mean “to desire”. Lack is a condition.

Desire is a motivation. Let your wanting be your

motivation, not your condition.

Everyone has the choice to be a creature of event and

circumstance or to become a creator of event and

circumstance. In other words, you can become a

consciously causal agent and the effects that are the

events and circumstances of your life can be molded by

your desires. How? By learning what the Natural Laws

(the rules of the game) are and learning how to apply

them to make things happen.

The Meta-Law :: The Law of Cause and Effect: There is a

cause behind every effect.


There is a reason why things are the way they are.

Nothing exists in isolation. In other words, there is

always an explanation or understanding of how things

came to be and are the way they are, of why things

happen the way that they do happen.

In today’s world, believing that things happen for no

reason, or without a cause, or because of luck is accepted

as superstition. Yet strangely enough, many people

somehow think that their life is the way it is because of

luck or fate. A person who can think rationally knows

that this is superstitious nonsense. Any effects you have

in your life are the result of certain identifiable causes.

We know that viruses or bacteria are the cause behind

certain infections. We don’t blame them on luck or the

gods, like people in the Middle Ages blamed The Black

Plaque as being God’s wrath and some people today

blame AIDS on God’s judgment. That is superstitious


Likewise, if we study success, we can see that it is the

result of certain causes. We don’t, as rational human

beings, blame it on the gods of fortune. That is

superstitious nonsense.

What you have as results in your life are effects. What is

the cause of these effects? In the ways that count most,

you are. It is only when you accept full responsibility for

your life that you gain the freedom to be at cause.

People who blame the results in their lives, the effects

they experience, on outside events, conditions and

circumstances relegate themselves to being mere

creatures of circumstance at the mercy of fate.


People who accept responsibility for the effects they get

to experience step up to the place of power called being

at cause and can therefore assume the godlike ability of

being able to determine the flow and shape of their own

lives and thereby, create their own destiny.

Once you have accepted the fundamental principle that

lies behind all that it means to be human in the universe

called Cause and Effect, then you can move on to

understanding and applying the other Natural Laws to

your life in order to create the success you idealize and


The Eight Major Natural Laws ::

The descriptions that follow will give you some insight

into how much potential you have to be consciously

creative and how powerful you will become when you

learn to “play by the rules” and apply these natural laws

to the way you live your life.

Of course there are people who do not consciously know

about these Laws and still manage to create success. As I

have said before, many times, the secret of power lies not

in the knowledge, but in the application. So it is possible

for someone to make the direct application without

actually having the knowledge. You can light a fire

without knowing exactly what processes enable a fire to


But it is better, if you want to be consciously and

intentionally creative, to have both the knowledge of

how things work and then the will to make the

application and put this knowledge to work.

By defining these Natural Laws here and describing how

they work, it is my intent to empower you to become


capable of creating, for yourself, the life of your dreams. I

can only hope that you accept this challenge. It is entirely

up to you to apply this information to your own life.

The Law of Comprehensiveness: all is one.

All apparent distinctions, separations, dualities and

existent things are united in one grand unifying schema.

You may seem to be a distinct thing; but you are

inseparable from the whole. That distant star may appear

to be completely separate and removed from you; but

you are intimately connected to it. Some event that takes

place in your world may not immediately be perceived as

being directly related to your life; but it is, in fact, a part

of who you are.

The uni-verse is one song. Each part of it is a separate

note, each adding to the complete harmonic. Even the

spaces between the notes are an integral part of the

music. It is possible to identify a certain part and call it C-

sharp or The Milky Way or Leslie Fieger; but that does

not mean that it exists separately from the whole.

You exist within and are an integral part of the universe.

All things that exist in our universe are entangled in the

same web of energy and consciousness. That includes

you. Entanglement is the term used in Quantum Physics

to describe the fact that all things, no matter how far

apart and separate they may seem to be, are connected at

some basic level and thus, when one thing changes, other

things also change.

What that means is that when you change your behavior

or your way of thinking, the world also changes. Since

you are a choice enabled creature, you can make a

conscious choice to change yourself and thus have an

effect on the universe.


Such is your power.

The Law of Conservation: energy can neither be created

nor destroyed.

Everything is energy and cannot be destroyed, only

transformed from one state to another as enabled by the

Law of Allowingness. Matter is a state of energy. Light is

a state of energy. Thought is a state of energy. Motion is a

state of energy. Emotion is a state of energy. Since energy

cannot be created, almost all your personal acts of

creation are simply the conscious and intentional

transformation of energy from one state to another.

There is one exception to this law and that is thought

energy. Whenever you think a new original thought, you

are creating a new wave of energy. This amazing power

of the human mind to originate a thought is literally a

divine power. Most of the time, most people are not

utilizing this power. Their thinking consists of repetitive

patterns of old unoriginal thoughts. Nothing new is

imagined or conceived of and no new energy is created

by this repetitive recycled thinking pattern.

Even focused, intentional thought does not add new

energy to the universe. The tremendous power of this

type of thought is its power to transform already existing

energy from one form to another. (see the Law of


Totally new, original thought, however adds to the

totality of the universe. The universe is a sea of energy

and any new thought that adds to that sea is new energy.

Your imagination therefore can actually cause the

universe to become more. That is how powerful you are.

Universal intelligence thought the physical universe into


being and you are endowed with the power to create

new thoughts and therefore add to the sum total of


Imagine that. Claim your power.

The Law of Harmonics: everything is vibration.

Energy vibrates in certain ways and has certain

characteristics, like frequency, periodicity, amplitude,

and shape. Frequency and periodicity are the time

related aspects of vibration; amplitude and shape are the

space related aspects of vibration.

The song of the universe comes together as one grand

harmonic. If there was no harmony in the way the

various interlocking and interconnecting myriad of

vibrations that make up the physical universe interplay

with each other, it would not exist. There would be chaos

instead of a cosmos.

A wave packet, like a Quark, is a harmonic. Quarks make

up protons. Without protons, there would be no atoms,

no molecules, no universe. The very existence of the

universe depends upon harmonics.

Your body exists because of harmonics. If all the cells of

your body did not agree to work together in harmony,

conducted by the director whose name is

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, you would not be able to have a


Your thoughts are vibrations. If they lack harmony, we

say they are discordant. When the results that show up in

your life are not “in tune with” the ideals you hold for

yourself, then it is because your thoughts are discordant,


not in harmony with your ideals and not in harmony

with Natural Laws.

Since you have the power to choose how and what you

think, you are enabled to create a life of harmony and

success or… discord and failure. It is up to you.

That is how powerful you are.

The Law of Polarity: everything exists in pairs of


All energy has polarity. There is negative and positive.

We have electricity because we understand the Law of

Polarity. Imagine your life without electricity. Try also to

imagine life without the polarity of male and female,

light and dark, up and down. Impossible.

Nothing would even exist without polarity. Atoms are

composed of negative and positive energies, electrons

and protons. Protons, themselves are made up of quarks.

Quarks come in pairs of polarities, called Up and Down,

Strange and Charmed, Top and Bottom.

The Law of Polarity is also evident in magnets. There is a

North Pole and a South Pole. Line the magnets up with

the north poles all facing one direction and they will be

attracted to each other. Place the magnets North Pole to

South Pole and they will repel each other. In your life,

what you resist will persist because you are not aligning

yourself pole to pole, you are attempting to force two

opposites together.

In every adversity, there is the polarity of advantage; in

every advantage there is the polarity of adversity.


Even though we only exist in this present now moment,

we perceive the polarity in time of past and present. That

polarity enables us to have memory and to plan for

(imagine) the future.

Imagine that, you can create a plan for how the future

unfolds for you. What power you have.

The Law of Attraction: like energy is attracted to like


Gravity is a prime example of this Law of Attraction.

Stars are born because of this law. Where would you be

without a star to hang around? Your world, Planet Earth,

is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. That is a lot of

centrifugal force. Why are you not spun off into space?


The mass of your body is attracted to the mass of the

planet. The basic elements of your body are made of the

same elements as the planet. They are alike and are

attracted to each other. Matter is energy. Like energy is

attracted to like energy.

Everything is composed of energy. Your thoughts are a

form of energy. Your thoughts create electrochemical

events in your brain. Your neurons spark when you think

and this measurable electrical energy is broadcast out

from you into your world.

Your emotions are a form of energy. You know that from

experience. You can feel a person’s anger or fear or love.

You are feeling the energy emitted by that other person.

Beliefs are ingrained repetitive thought patterns. They

are standing waves of thought energy. Your intentions


are purposeful and consistent feelings. They are standing

waves of emotional energy.

So, like all forms of energy, your thoughts, beliefs,

emotions and intentions attract and are attracted to

similar forms of energy.

You attract that which is most like how you are being

and behaving.

Since you can choose how and what to think, how and

what to believe, how and what to feel and how and what

to intend, you can choose to attract into your life any

ideal you can create in your imagination.

I stand in awe at your power.

The Law of Allowingness: everything can be

transformed from one state to another.

Matter can become energy. Ice can melt to become water;

water can boil to become steam. Steam can drive a

turbine to produce electrical energy. Energy can become

matter. Quantum physics describes how that occurs all

the time. Evolution can occur. An example of evolution is

that Hydrogen can become Deuterium. So too, can

mutation occur. An example of mutation is that Helium

can become Carbon. So, too can a unique creation occur.

Imagination can become reality. Thoughts can become


All things that can be thought of can be made real, be

made manifest. If you can think it and believe in it and

desire it and intend it, the potential for its manifestation

already exists. You do not need to invent the process for

it to come into being. It is already there. You may have to

discover it, but you do not have to create it.


Whatever exists already in your life can be transformed

from what it is to what you idealize.

And, since you can make choices about what ideals to

create in your imagination, you have the power to

transform your life in each and every present moment.

The Law of Abundance: everything multiplies.

Darn good thing too. Imagine what dire straights we

would be in if one kernel of wheat planted yielded only

one kernel of wheat as a crop. A single grain of wheat,

when planted, will yield about 85 new grains of wheat,

84 of which can be turned into flour with one saved to be

re-planted to yield yet another 85 grains.

There would be no need for that campfire to cook your

meals without the Law of Abundance.

The universe is expanding. New stars are being created.

More people are being born. The original energy released

by the Big Bang is still being transformed into more

complex forms of matter.

Wealth is the abundance of things valued. Poverty is not

a lack of wealth; it is the abundance of the lack of things

valued. Problems multiply when you focus your

attention on problems. Solutions multiply when you

focus your attention on solutions. Obstacles multiply

when you focus your attention on obstacles.

Opportunities multiply when you focus your attention

on opportunities.

Since you have the power to choose where you focus

your attention, you have the power to effectuate the Law

of Abundance and bring into your life more of the things

that you are focusing your attention on.


What exactly are you focusing your attention on these


The Law of Compensation: everything is in balance.

There is a cost to everything. Nothing can appear or be

made manifest without some transformation taking place

that causes the apparent disappearance of some other

thing. I say apparent disappearance, because that other

state of energy has not actually disappeared; it still exists

“in potentia” and the Law of Allowingness will enable it

to return if the proper conditions are brought to bear.

Human beings instinctively understand that this Law of

Compensation exists and various philosophies attempt to

describe it and most societies attempt to impose it in

some practical way on its membership. Karma is one way

it has been described. Sin and retribution is another way

of describing it. Effort and reward is yet another way to

describe it. Sowing and reaping is another allegoric