A Peek Into Sonia's Cherished Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Sonia and Hubby Experience Emptiness


Sonia and hubby after returning home from the airport, cried together and held hands.

They found solace and comfort in each other. They missed all their daughters definitely. But that is how life is. Now they needed to socialize more with friends and relatives. Mourning  over their daughters would only keep their spirits down. That is exactly what they did. Just like the two of them experienced romantic moments at the early stages of their life, they went to the beach and spent time in the nature environment with flowers, grasses and trees.

Somehow they cheered up in each other’s embrace and company. They reminisced the old times and it seemed to them those moments had returned again. They felt blessed and thanked Almighty God for everything in their life. They would be united with their daughters during vacations and have grand dinners.

But that can wait. They found life in each other’s company. And that was important.

Good work Sonia!! You did a great job as a wife and mother. You deserve credit for showing your daughters their life directions and how to embrace life. Really Sonia, I as an author, would like to give you extra credit. So wonderful and graceful of you!!