A Peek Into Sonia's Cherished Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Third Daughter Enters University


Sonia’s third daughter named as, Synthia completed O-levels and A-Levels gorgeously under University of London.

It was not long before she was attending the same university in the city as her sisters did.

Things went well at the beginning for Synthia. But somewhere in the middle, her heart did not get along with her university. On  top of that, she felt lonely at home without her sisters. She missed all the fun and chatter she had with them. She would do anything to turn back the clock to have all that fun and laughter back in her life. That is how she reached a decision – an important decision in her life.

She started applying for universities in Canada in her field of interest until finally the grand day came joyously when she had an offer letter from a reputable university.

Accordingly, she started taking daily actions towards her dream. Finally the day arrived when she would be confronting student visa at the Canadian Embassy. She answered all questions smartly in the interview at the embassy and earned herself the gem visa.

She started taking preparations for leaving the country. She went shopping with her Mom and bought suitcases. She packed them and weighed them.

The great day she would fly approached. Her parents were heart- broken to depart from their little daughter as well. Sonia started crying at the airport. Her hubby hugged her little girl several times.

Synthia said goodbye lovingly and promised them to be back during vacations. She was excited about her journey and to be in the same nation as her sisters.

Yes, she would excel, of course, like her sisters. She would do a masters and find her soulmate. It was obvious she was following her sisters’ footprints in the sands of time.