Castle, Mine 3 - The Family Grows by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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4. High Hill.


Eustace and Gideon came into the Library one raw morning whilst I had a steaming cup of  soup warming my hands. It was not particularly cold in here, the room the Fire Room saw to that, but it was a comforting feeling for my poor hands.

'Well you two what can I do for you?'

Heir, you know that large area that looks over the farm, the place we call High Hill.


Gideon has an idea for that area, as far as I know Nick and Robin have stopped using that field, apparently the soil is fairly low in depth and Nick told me we had a crop failure last year.

'Yes Eustace I think it was barley and I think Robin told me it was only suitable for grazing now.'

Well Heir what I was thinking perhaps we could put sheep up there, something I know about and give me something to do on the estate. This from Gideon who farmed sheep in OZ .

'Well as you both know I leave all the farming and the estate generally to your nephews so you need to bring them into the conversation. Seems like a great idea but needs you four to discuss and decide. Being a shepherd is hard work Gideon so are you up to it still, and maybe your two growing boys could be involved.' Anything to get those two fire starter lads onto a safer level.


So that day we adults loaded up the cart and the two shires, and trundled our way over to the Home Farm to collect Robin and go on up to High Hill. It was not really a hill just a plateau of land with a fantastic view overlooking the whole estate. We boys when we we were young used to track up here in the summer, erect our tent and get blown away a few days later. Shelter there was none, thus the amazing view. Nick had bought a picnic basket so we all sat down on the grass and had a cup of tea and egg sandwiches. I suppose the acreage up here was something like twenty or thirty and the plateau carried on for at least two miles encompassing our neighbours land as well. Yes it had been a perfect spot for aircraft taking off and over on the neighbours land was the tarmac apron and concrete shelters. I think Nick said he kept beef on that part. We got up and inspected the three wire fencing and Gideon shook his head.

They would be through that in a thrice, he said and shook his head.

What would you need then, Uncle? This from Nick.

At least some square wire fencing or three more wires low enough to stop lambs going though.


They decided to cost out and plan, the party then checked the land for grass cover, but there was still the remains of the barley stubble, so a reservoir of water would be needed  until the grass had completely taken over. We sat down again and watched the Shires munching their way across the paddock. I leant back and watched the sky and listened to the babel of voices around me. The sun was not hot but it did had some warmth and it felt as if spring was at last around the corner. I must have dropped off as I was abruptly woken by a scream that sounded like Grand-papa is dead!

'No I am not Robroy and what the devil are you all doing here, and for goodness sake Jess will you leave those Shires alone, they were eating and enjoying the air.

They were ravenous Uncle Heir!

'They were not, they were just eating the left over barley stalks and were being quite and placid before you lot came hurtling up to High Hill. And where are the other Adults? You've frightened them away!'

I am glad you had not died Grand-papa. This from Robroy.

Are you stuck to the ground? This from Fig who had just arrived on the scene his short legs not coping with the steepness of the slope.

'No but you both can help me up if you will.'

But as I said it the huge head of Rob came down close to my head and I clasped his bridle and he reared his head up so I at least was now standing and I gave him a brief stroke along his broad neck, then a pat.  I could see the others in the far distance no doubt deciding where to put a water tank, they were on the higher side of the plateau and I decided that gravity would do the trick in filling any container. Then I immediately thought of the old cast iron bath we had in storage downstairs under the East Wing.

We have an old bath under the East Wing that might do and rig up a ball and cock to fill it. Robroy standing beside and reading my mind as he often did!

'Yes the one me and your sainted great grand father poured cold water onto your Father and Uncle.'


'They were acting up and splashing the water all over the bathroom, I only helped in filling their bath water again.'

With cold water!

'At least it was clean, unlike them!'

But cold.

'Are we going home soon, somebody get Rob and Tinkle hitched up please.'

So all the children gathered up their two pets and herded them between the cart shafts then did up all the leather traces, expertly I must admit. At last I was lifted up onto a bench seat already stacked with children whilst Robroy and Jess on either side of the Shires walked them over to the adults. I heard Robroy say to his Dad that they could use the old bath under the East Wing and Nick said what a brilliant son I have that will be a excellent idea.

And so home to more tea and a large cake that cook had just baked. Well it looked like Gideon's wish for a sheep station was once again in the offing, but the cake had marzipan around it and it was delicious. Dulcie came down to join us all sitting around the dining table and she just managed to swipe the final piece.