Dickey's School Show by T Kraghunathan - HTML preview

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Ashok Reddy casually walked up to the Administration building and climbed up the staircase to the first floor where the teacher’s common room and convenience facilities were located. He pushed the door and walked into the sprawling and well-furnished Room used by the teachers... Stella the class xi teacher was pouring over a newspaper spread over a glass topped   table, with a pair of scissors in one hand ready to snip off a bit of the paper containing some interesting news item... She looked up to see Ashok Reddy walk towards her. She dropped the scissors and raised a hand in greeting and asked, “Hello Ashok, How are you and what brings you to this drab staff room.

Ashok responded cheerfully, “HI Stella, I am just looking around. If you call this drab, I do not know what you will say about my cubicle. I wanted to check with you on one matter. Stella, do you know Aaarti, the granddaughter of Judge Vikarm. I think she is in your class.”

Yes, Ashok. I know her pretty well. A smart kid. What happened to her?’ she asked with genuine concern in her tone.

“Nothing.’  Ashok did not want to rush.

“Then, why this visit?” Stella probed.

‘Did she submit any article for the exhibition?’

Stella was silent

“Why are you asking about it, now?”

‘So she submitted an item?’ The question hung in the air for some time.

Stella stared at him.

’ Well, I want it back.’

You want it back?

Yes .I want to take it back to the house. Aaarti’s grandmother was here this morning asking for it. The chief has asked me to collect it from you and return the same to the family. It seems the kid had brought it here without informing any one.’

“It is not here, Ashok.”

‘Why? What happened to it?’

Nalini gave it away.

She did? To who?

Satish  Agarwal.

Ashok whistled.

‘Are you sure?’

Yes. Nalini was fascinated by that stuff. She talked about it with Satish Agarwal, who has been visiting her frequently in recent days. Once when he was here, she asked for that item to be brought to her chambers to be shown to Satish. It never came back to the locker’

Are you sure?

Yes. I asked Nalini about it as there was an entry in the register.

“She asked me to write in the register that the item was returned as per request.” 

And you did.

‘No I did not .The register still says item was moved to principal’s room.’

But you are not sure that she had given it away to some one?

‘I am sure. I asked about it again. She told me that Satish Agarwal took a fancy for it and bought it away outright.’

Are you sure, Stella? This is important.

‘Yes, I am sure. Why is there any problem?’

Not yet. Stella, I suggest you forget the whole thing. Forget that I asked about it. And do not mention my interest in the item to Nalini. Is it clear?’

Stella nodded her head, with a confused look in her large face. Ashok came close to Stella and patted her hand in a friendly gesture and walked out.