Dickey's School Show by T Kraghunathan - HTML preview

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  Ashok made a formal report to Dickey about his conversation with Stella. Dickey listened to it without interrupting and then asked, “Who is this Agarwal? Ashok, you know anything about him?”

Ashok replied, ’No, not much. But in recent days, he has been visiting our school rather frequently. I will check this out.’

Dickey showed some concern, ’Yes, you do that Ashok. Agarwal is a common name. But I remember that I had put away Prakash Agarwal, who was involved in a scandal. Judge Vikram had passed a rather harsh sentence and Prakash sent his goons to threaten the judge to change the verdict. I had to deal rather strongly and the man ended up in the jail on a15 year sentence. I hope this Sathish is not related in some way. If he is related, then we have a bigger problem on our hand .Please investigate him and let me know. We will inform the police if necessary. ‘

Ashok walked out to his room... He took out the visitors register and ran through the entries and underlined the entries pertaining to Sathish Agarwal’s visit. He noted down in his cell phone, the car numbers and telephone numbers. A call to the RTO’s office and obtained the residential address.

He decided to call on sathish Agarwal’s house just to case the joint. He remembered what Dickey had said about possibility of Sathish Agarwal being related to Prakash Agarwal. PUT AWAY BY HIM FOR GOOD .He remembered the story that was going around the units about how Dickey took on the Hyderabad based goons in a fierce encounter that left behind half a dozen goons maimed and almost killed.