Dickey's School Show by T Kraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Dickey was visiting Bolaram unit of commando training centre of southern command of Indian Army to review the training programme. H had exactly a month to retire and the Army headquarters was kind enough to allow Dickey visit every one of the units he was associated with over 35 years of Army life. The last station was Hyderabad because he had decided to settle down after retirement at Hyderabad along with his four other child hood friends. They had built a nice bungalow near the cantonment in a place called Marredpalli. Their new house was called Friend’s nest. The other four had already moved into the house. Dickey was the youngest of the lot and he too was all set to join them after completing his last assignment with the commando unit.

The message came just as   he was concluding his post training review. It was from Kaddu and she appeared desperate. The message simply said,” Dickey, am in trouble, please contact Col Prabhu immediately. Code red to operate”

Dickey smiled. It was like old times, exchanging cryptic messages. He called up Col Prabhu and as the commanding tone of Col came on line, Dickey said,” Dickey here. Just got kaddu’s message .what is the problem? do you want me to come home?”

‘Hello son, so nice of you to call so soon. Yes, there is some trouble. They have kidnapped Judge Vikram. His wife Shanta and her children are here. Kaddu was with the judge. We know where she is. There is a case going on against Prakash Agarwal, the chit fund baron. He has defaulted on interest payment to a large section of population, who are baying for his blood and as you know Kaddu has taken up their case and got Prakash all tied up nicely legally. Vikram is sitting on the case and Prakash has asked for change of judge citing the fact that Kaddu and Vikram are friends. Court refused to entertain his request and Vikram is all set to pass the judgement. Prakash is applying pressure to force an out of court settlement. Kaddu said, no. Prakash has started playing rough and the last session in the courtroom was interrupted by Hired goondas who thrashed the court staff, broke up all furniture and captured the judge and escaped .Mouli went to help Kaddu and got mercilessly thrashed but he stood by Kaddu. They are all being held together with the judge Home Ministry is talking to Prakash and he is having an upper hand because some big political head is also involved. It is a mess and police are waiting for instructions. George is here and Vittal is taking the flight from states to be with us. I want to make our move to save the judge and our sis and her friend Mouli. Kaddu felt you should know about this and I said no, considering the fact that you are busy .Yet, she has sent you the message.’

Dickey heard all this. He knew that the col would be mad at Kaddu for contacting him over ruling col’s advice.

Dickey said, “I am free for next two days. I have a bunch of fifteen hard core commandos all ready to showcase their recently acquired skills for public cause. I will send them to the city for an n evening .They can be handy.”

Okay. That is good news. Come home by five and bring your friends. I will call George over.

“Where are the Dogs?”

They are here.

“I think we will use them if George will spare them”

No sweat. He has been complaining that the dogs have become fat because they do not do any work.

Okay, Dada. I will see you by five.

Yes, son.

The relation between Col and Dickey is very close. They grew up in the same house. Col was always a Dada, an elder brother and for the col Dickey was always the chotu. Dickey’s father was a driver in Col Prabhu’s house. The driver died in a tragic accident leaving behind a two year old son and a young wife. The wife went back to Nepal leaving behind little Dickey to be taken care off by Shankar, a leading Doctor in Poona. Shankar brought up the little one as his own son   .Prabhu was 7 years older than Dickey and maintained very affectionate interest in the little boy. When Prabhu graduated from NDA Dickey swore that he would follow his Dada very soon. Seven years later Dickey also passed out of NDA, and was attached to Prabhu’s unit. The two brothers remained close to each other right through service and shared many adventures in far flung battle fields of SriLanka, Congo, Palestine, and Indochina, Malaysia. In the cantonments of  Indian Army, the duo became extremely popular for their Bravery and leadership qualities under most trying situations. Dickey passed off many promotions so that he could stay with his Dada. Stories about Dickey punching the army chief of Staff in the nose for insulting Col Prabhu, is still doing the rounds.  

Dickey borrowed a jeep from the transport department and drove towards Maredpalli. The traffic was thin and he made good time. He had instructed his team to be in the vicinity of Secunderabad court. Soon he was in front of the massive gates of his new home and an elderly Nepali lady opened the doors. Her face lit up the moment she saw Dickey, she moved to the side to allow the car to drive in and park near the portico. She ran after the car and helped Dickey to remove his overnight suitcase; Dickey gave her a hug and pinched her cheek in a childish way .They walked together into the sprawling living room, from where a flight of stairs led to the first floor rooms. He told the lady “Mai, some hot tea and anything to go with it. I am hungry” .Col Prabhu   walked in slowly with a big smile of welcome. Dickey ran into his wide open arms like a young child. They stayed together like that for a few moments in silence. ’So you are here. Excellent. Go up and have a wash. Your tea and some hot pakoras will be ready in a moment’

Dickey ran up the steps whistling an old tune.  He rolled on his bed, opened the cup boards and looked at the fresh looking set of dresses hanging in the wardrobe. He peeped into his bath room and toilet and was thrilled that everything was so well arranged, just like his old house in Poona. For some time his thoughts wandered about those early days with his foster father, mother and brothers, friends. He smiled and said a   few words of thanks to the god and rushed through wash, change of clothes. He came down to the dining table dressed in his typical, informal dress of white round neck T-shirt and Khaki shorts

Dada was sitting at his place and Mai placed a tray of Pakoras and steaming pot of tea .Dickey pulled the tray towards him and poured out tea into two cups and pushed one towards Dada who looked up and smiled his thanks. Sipping his tea he started briefing Dickey about developments relating to Kaddu,  judge Vikram and the case. ’PRESENTLY Kaddu and vikram are being held in a house close to the court. Police have got it surrounded but are waiting for instruction from home minister because involvement of party VIP in the scam. This is a politically a very sensitive situation and police have their hands tied. Mouli is stuck with Kaddu. There are ten goons with them all armed and looking dangerous.

Prakash is stationed in another place, a hotel room across the road. George is holed up in the same hotel in a room across the Prakash’s room .He has got his gun all ready; His room door is wide open. He is waiting for the guy to step out  .George has taken over the hotel temporarily, with the owner all tied up nicely and pushed under his cot..

We are waiting for you to show up and stir things a little.

You have any ideas

Dickey looked at Col and said, ‘yes, I have.’

What is that?

Lob a grenade into Prakash’s room and send the sweeper to clean up the room.

Col and Mai laughed out aloud.

Dickey asked Mai,’Did I say anything stupid, Mai?’

Mai got up and cleared the tray and walked towards her kitchen. On the way she said,” I am making biryani for the evening .you better finish your work and be on time for dinner. Dada likes his food hot. Biryani tastes like rubber when cold. That means you have less than two hours to clean up this mess and get kaddu,  vikram and that kid Mouli here safe and sound. Poor Shanta and her children are worried sick. Shanta’s  father came and took them to his house. .And another thing, chotu, you take good care of yourself. Did you hear me?”

Mai, you know I am selectively deaf. But the word Biryani sounded loud and clear .Two hours is lot of time to squash a crap like Prakash.

You just stay here and watch.