Feelings-Anthology of Short Stories & Poems by Padma Singh - HTML preview

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Shelly Morris was excited to receive a letter for a job interview at the Coles Supermarket in Watergardens Shopping Centre, Melbourne. She had just completed a degree in Business Administration at the Victoria University, Footscray Campus. She considered herself lucky to be given this opportunity. Although she didn’t have hands on experience at the workplace, she had confidence that the expertise she had gained during her three years study at the university will be an asset! She was so excited about the interview, as that was her first application for a job and she received a prompt response. Her mother, Ivy was equally thrilled.

The interview was on the 8th January 2015, and Shelly met up with a few of her University friends to prepare for it. Her friends passed on some interview techniques, and encouraged Shelly not to be overly enthusiastic about the interview.

“Take it easy girl, take it in your stride. Attending interviews are good, it builds your confidence.”

“Good advice,” said her friend Rachel, “Good luck and do well.”

So Shelly kept her excitement under check and quietly went about her business, preparing for the interview. She was grateful to her friends for their support and guidance.

On the day of the interview, Shelly showered, got dressed appropriately and entered the ‘prayer room’ for the first time in years. After the death of her beloved father 17 years ago, she simply refused to prayer, in spite of her mother’s frequent pleas to pray daily for God’s blessings. Shelly being a cocky youngster, refused to listen.

However, today it came naturally to her to invoke God’s blessings to do well in the interview. She took a drop of Our Lady of Lourdes’s holy water and placed it on her chest. Strangely, she felt a sense of calm around her. “Please bless me Our Lady, to do well in the interview today.” She bowed her head respectfully before she stepped out of the prayer room. Just at that precise moment, her mother came out of her room. Noticing Shelly coming out of the prayer room she said, “Hmm…. am I seeing things?”

Shelly walked away without commenting on her mum’s remark. “Mum, on your way to work can you please drop me off at the Watergardens Shopping Centre? My interview is at 10:30am.”

“Of course, sweetie. Have you had your breakfast yet?”

“I will, in a few minutes.” Shelly answered.

“Well, come join me, I’ve made yummy pancakes, your favourite.” said Ivy.

“Oh Mum! I’m not a little girl, you know. I must watch my waist line!” Her mum smiled and called out as she walked towards the kitchen. “Remember it is important to start the day with a good breakfast!

“Okay mum, I will join you in a minute” answered Shelly.

She gathered the folder with her credentials assembled in an orderly fashion, grabbed her handbag and had a quick glance in the mirror. She was pleased at her reflection and said contently, “you look smart, girlie!” and walked towards the kitchen, where her mum had breakfast served and a large cup of coffee awaiting her. “Thanks mum; you are the best mum in the world!”

Her mum smiled and said, “Shelly, remember be calm but confident during the interview and good luck baby, go get them!”

They ate their breakfast in silence; cleared the table and left the dishes in the sink. Her mother ensured that the doors and windows were well secured before they left home.

Luckily for Shelly, her mum worked at Harvey Norman, which was only five minutes away from where her interview was. Ivy wondered what Shelly would be doing at the shopping centre for more than an hour.

As if she knew what her mum was thinking, Shelly said, “Don’t worry Mum, I’m meeting a friend from University, Thomas, he will discuss a few things that are involved in office administration work. He just got accepted for a similar job at “The Good Guys”.

“Alright, sweetheart, and remember be calm, and I will pray for you.”

“Thanks mum, see you at home this evening. Thomas is off today, after the interview, I will hang out with him and a few of my mates.”

“Alright, don’t be late. Oh! Let me know how you went in the interview, okay?”

“Yes mum, I will,” said Shelly as she got out of the car.

Ivy prayed silently for her daughter. Shelly waved to her mum as she walked into the shopping complex.

Thomas was waiting in front of Target as promised. She was surprised to see Rachel there as well. “Hi, this is a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here Rachel,” said Shelly, genuinely pleased to see her best pal there with Thomas.

“Anything for a friend dearie,” said Rachel, “I couldn’t say ’No’ to join you guys!”

“Thanks!” said Shelly.

“Come let’s have a drink,” said Thomas.

“I had a huge breakfast at home, you two can go ahead while I’ll sit here and go through my notes,” said Shelly.

“Oh no, well we’ll wait until after the interview!” said Rachel.

So all three sat on the bench in front Target, and began discussing the interview. They were deeply engrossed in their discussion, when Shelly realised she had only ten minutes left. In a panic she said, “Oh my God, I’ll be late for the interview, its 10:20am!”

“Don’t get excited, it is only a few minutes’ walk to Coles,” said Thomas and the three of them walked towards Coles.

Shelly was worried that she would be late. Fortunately, they reached Coles at 10:25am and Shelly hurriedly said, “Bye guys, shall see you later, wait for me, okay?”

Quickly she marched towards the enquiry counter to find out where the interview was to be held, the young man at the counter, directed her to the interview room. A matronly looking lady met Shelly. “My name is Alice Wales, I am one of the members of the interview panel.”

“My name is Shelly Morris,” and she showed Miss Wales her letter. “Thank you, come with me,” she said as she led her into the interview room.” Shelly followed her with excitement and apprehension at the same time.

There were two gentlemen in the room. They rose to greet Shelly and introduced themselves. The tall man said, “My name is Daniel Jones, and this gentleman is Neville White.” Shelly shook their hands and said, “My name is Shelly Morris, I’m here for the interview.

Miss Wales pointed to the chair for Shelly to sit. “Have you got all your photocopied documents Miss Morris, we had requested for three copies of each of your credentials in our letter,” said Mr White in a friendly manner. Shelly got up and handed three envelopes to Mr White, “Thank you, Miss Morris, you may be seated as he pointed to the chair, and Shelly sat down.

The interview was not as “tough” as she had imagined, and the panel members were not intimidating. It took less than an hour to finish the interview, and all three members wished her well in her future endeavours. Shelly also thanked them for the opportunity given to her. Before she left, she asked, “When will I be informed about the outcome of this interview?”

Miss Wales answered, “We have ten more candidates to interview. You will receive your letter by the end of February. Thank you for your interest in our company. Have a good day Miss Morris, and good luck with your aspirations to be employed.”

“Thank you all, for the interview” Shelly smiled and left the room. She felt satisfied with her performance and uttered a silent prayer to the Lady of Lourdes as she walked towards Target to meet her friends. Thomas and Rachel were seated at the café enjoying their Hot Chocolate and Latte.

“Hey, how did it go?” asked Thomas with genuine enthusiasm.

“Okay, I guess….Let’s see what happens!

“Do you feel like a coffee?” asked Rachel.

“No, not just now… maybe later,” said Shelly. “Thanks guys, for the support and help!” said Shelly sincerely.

“When will you know?” asked Thomas.

“Sometime in February.” She answered.

“Okay then, no more discussion just call us for a big party when you receive your letter!” said Rachel, light-heartedly. They made plans to go to the movies later. Shelly in the meantime rang her mum and said that the interview was not as tough as she had expected. Her mum was happy. “Have fun, but come home for dinner…. Remember I’ll be waiting, Sweetie!”

“Okay Ma, I’ll be home, I promise.”

Shelly had a pleasant time with her friends but when she reached home, she was exhausted. Her mother had dinner ready, the table was set and Ivy told her to have her dinner before going to her room. Shelly, entered the dining room, gave her mum a hug before sitting down.

“So, your interview went well I see.” Mum stated. Shelly answered that she was happy and asked her mum to pray that she gets the job. “You pray to Our Lady of Lourdes, if you need her help.”

“Your prayers will help too Mum,” said Shelly with a smile.

After dinner Shelly helped to tidy up the dining room and kitchen. “Goodnight Mum, I am going to bed early,” Said Shelly as she walked out of the dining room. She entered her room, put her folder back in the drawer and locked it. After placing the keys back in her handbag she went to have a shower, changed into her pyjamas and got into bed. She watched some TV before calling it a day. Shelly sat on her bed with a prayer on her lips, “Please Lord, please bless me, let me get a favourable response from Coles,” She was surprised by the impromptu prayers! She watched TV for about half an hour or so, switched off the TV and fell asleep. It has been a long day, indeed!

As expected she received a letter on the 26th of February. When she returned home from the Salvo’s, mum had placed the letter on her study table. Her heart was racing with excitement but she decided that she would have a shower before she opened the envelope. She got dressed, took the envelope, once again with a prayer in her heart, with trembling fingers, she tore it open. She pulled out the folded paper and read the contents.

“Dear Miss Shelly Morris, we are pleased to inform you that you have been successful in your recent interview with us. You are required to do twelve weeks of intense training prior to your commencement as a Junior Administration Officer. You will be working with the Manager and the Administration team at our branch at Watergardens. You are to report for training on the 2nd of March.”

To her surprise, she walked towards the prayer room to offer her prays to God for his blessings! She bowed her head in prayer and thanked God for his Mercy and his blessings. She knelt down and lit a candle, promising that as of that day she would acknowledge God’s presence in her life. As a young school going child she needed to prayer but as she was growing up, she gradually stopped. Her mother’s constant reminders fell on deaf ears!

She tried calling her mum at the office, but her secretary informed her that Mrs Morris left the office at 3pm, to attend to a personal matter. She was wondering why her mother hadn’t mentioned anything about this business. She thought she would surprise her mum by preparing dinner for them. As she walked into the kitchen, the delicious aroma of beef stew greeted her. The slow cooker was still on, so mum must have come home, set the slow cooker on with the beef and veggies, turned the timer on and then left for her appointment.

So sweet, she even cleared the mailbox and left her mail in her room as well. So typical of mum, she made it her duty to ensure Shelly was taken good care of even though she had just turned 22 this year! She felt loved and blessed.

Her mum rang the doorbell at 6:30pm instead of using her keys. She knew that I had come home and she loved the big hug I give her whenever I opened the door for her. I opened the door, gave her a big bear hug and said, “Mum, I’ve got the job at Coles!”

“Of course darling, I know. So your prayers have been answered,” she answered with excitement!

“Thanks Mum, for your prayers!” The mother and daughter hugged each other with joy. Mum said to Shelly, “Set the table darling, I’ll have a quick shower, change and then join you for dinner.”

“I’ve already done that mum; I’ll watch ‘Current Affairs’ while you are getting ready.” Shelly was wondering why her mother had not mentioned her appointment, usually mum tells her everything. They were not only mother and daughter, but were good friends as well. She decided she would not pry, I’m sure she will tell me sooner or later. Mum came out of the room looking refreshed and relaxed.

“Ready for dinner, Mum?”

“Yes, I am darling,”

Shelly took a serving bowl from the cabinet, switched off the slow cooker before serving the scrumptious stew. The herbs and the freshly chopped mint leaves added to the delicious aroma and this made Shelly ravenous! “Sit Mum, I’ll serve you!”

Ivy looked at her daughter and realised how happy she looked today; she prayed that she would be happy all throughout her life!

Shelly sat down at the table with her mum to have dinner. She did not ask her about the leave of absence from work in the afternoon. “So, when do you commence work darling?” asked Mum.

“I’ll begin training from the 2nd of March. They have offered me a three-month training schedule. After this is completed, I will begin work with the Administration Team.” Informed Shelly.

“That’s exciting, I’m glad you will go through a trainee induction before starting your work,” said Ivy. “Yes Mum, this will help me be well-informed about the nature of work that I have to manage on a daily basis.”

They both enjoyed the delicious Beef Stew and started clearing the dining table. “You go and watch some TV, while I clear up here.”

“Are you sure Mum? I’m happy to help”

“No darling, you have done your chores, it’s my turn to clean the kitchen,” said her mum.

“Okay Mum, see you in the living room soon.” Shelly left the kitchen. She sat in her favourite armchair and turned on the TV.

Mum and Shelly watch channel 72 that often aired British Shows, mainly suspense thrillers. Today Shelly was keen on watching some James Bond, “Skyfall”. Her Mum was a Bond fan, Shelly did not think she would fuss about change of channel. Just then her Mum came into the living room, “What’s on tonight?” she asked. “Can we watch “James Bond” on channel 9 for a change Mum?”

“What’s on?” she queried, “Skyfall”, Shelly answered. “Daniel Craig! That would be lovely,” said Mum as she sat down beside her and adjusted the leg stand on the armchair. They enjoyed the film enormously; That was the first time that they had watched this film. They had missed the earlier screening of the same film on channel 9. “Okay doll, time for bed, I have an early start tomorrow, as I have to make up for the hours I took off this afternoon.”

Shelly wanted to ask her as to why she had taken time off from work, but she refrained from doing so. She knew her mum would tell her when the time is right. She kissed her mum goodnight, and switched off the lights and decided to go to bed.

Shelly wanted Thomas and Rachel to know the outcome of her interview. She had promised them that she would do so upon receiving a response. She walked up to the kitchen and was not surprised to see Mum had prepared ‘French toast’ for her. When she was a little girl, this was her weekend favourite brekkie! She was so grateful to God, to have such a loving and devoted mum. After breakfast she got busy tidying her room and clearing the old magazines she had stashed away, so she could give them to the Salvo’s. Next time Mum takes me to the Salvo’s I’ll drop these off.

She rang Thomas, and wondered if he was free to meet her after work. He said that he would be happy to take her out for dinner, if she would like that better, “That would be wonderful.” She said at first, and then she remembered that she had to meet up with Rachel as well. “Oops, sorry I can’t, I have to meet up with Rachel as well,” said Shelly.

“Look, Rachel can join us, I’d love to see her as well,” said Thomas.

“Okay, at about 7pm, Rachel and I will come over to your place, be ready, okay. Thank you Thomas! Where are we going?” she asked.

Thomas said, “Leave that to me, see you later, bye for now!”

So, Shelly decided to just stay home, do some house chores before going out with her friends in the evening. She was surprised when her mother did not return home by six. Perhaps she stayed back at work she thought, as she was getting ready to go out. When she came out of her room, she decided to ring her mum’s office, her secretary answered the call, “Good evening, this is Ivy Morris’s office, how may I help you?”

“Hi! This is Shelly, Mrs Morris’s daughter, I was wondering if I could speak with Mum,” replied Shelly.

“I’m afraid, Mrs Morris, took the day off today,” replied the secretary.

“That’s alright, I’ll speak with her when she returns home,” and Shelly placed the phone on the receiver. She was shell shocked, what is going on here? It was so uncharacteristic of mum to be so secretive. “Oh God! She prayed, let everything be alright.” Somehow she felt anxious and concerned about her mother. She was wondering if she should call Thomas to cancel her outing with him and Rachel.

Just then, the phone rang and it was her mum. “Hi darling, I’ll be late in coming home this evening as I’m extremely busy at work. I left you dinner in the fridge. Don’t wait up for me sweetie, I’ll see you later, bye for now.”

Before Shelly could respond, her mother disconnected the call. She staggered to the dining table, sat down on the chair, as she was shocked beyond words. ‘Mum has never lied, why did she say she was at work when she was not.’ She was disappointed with her mother; at the same time she was concerned that her mum was being mysterious. What about? She wondered! She sat there and reflected on their relationship. Her mother was only 33 years old when her father died in an accident. She devoted her entire life in making sure she had everything she needed.

She remembered that she was only five years old when her dad passed away. Shelly’s mum’s love for her was the envy of so many of her friends. As Shelly was growing up, her mum became her best friend and confidante. There were no secrets, no deceit and no reservations between them. She loved her mother unconditionally, and was troubled that she was being secretive about something.

She decided not to go out with her friends; she rang Thomas and said, “Thomas, something has come up unexpectedly, do you mind if we don’t meet up this evening?”

Thomas was annoyed, “I’m sorry Shel, I’ve already reserved a table for us at the Hilton. Don’t disappoint us, I’ll come around as promised!” Thomas ended the call.

Okay then, I’ll go out, but when I return I’m certainly going to ask Mum as to why she lied. She went to her room to collect her handbag. It was almost 6:30pm, so she wrote a little note to her mum to say she was going out and will be back before 11pm. She locked the front door and walked outside to wait for Thomas and Rachel. They arrived at 6:30pm, she has never known Thomas for being late! He was so reliable, she was proud to have friends like them.

They dined at “The Hilton”, the environment was cheerful and the food was delicious. Shelly appeared to be a little distracted. But Thomas and Rachel avoided asking Shelly what the problem was, or why she was not her usual bubbly self. Thomas paid the bill and said, “It’s my turn guys so don’t fuss, you guys can take me out to dinner some other day,” the girls thanked him and decided to go to Williamstown beach to enjoy the cool breeze and serene environment. Shelly was grateful that her friends didn’t ask her any questions about her “moody” disposition earlier.

The beach was not as crowded as they expected. So the three friends strolled along the sand, recalling their childhood escapades. They spent well over an hour and enjoyed every minute of their stay at the beautiful beach. The clear sky, gentle breeze and the sound of crashing waves was totally sublime. Thomas cleared his throat as if to bring them to reality,” Hi, tomorrow is a working day ladies, let’s get going. Hope you all enjoyed the evening as much as I did,” said Thomas.

Shelly replied,” Thanks for the dinner and ride to the beach Thomas. You’re the best!” Rachel echoed the same sentiments as they walked towards Thomas’s car, which was parked nearby. Thomas decided to drop Shelly off first, as Rachel lived in the same suburb as him. She thanked him once again, as she got down from the car. “Don’t mention it again Shel, the pleasure is all mine.”

“Goodnight Rachel, see you soon.” Shelly took her house keys out, and let herself into her house. Just as she walked in, she heard a male voice in the living room. Her mother came out of the room to greet her. “Hi darling, did you have a good time? Come in to the living room, I want you to meet a friend of mine.”

Shelly didn’t expect to meet anyone at this hour in her home. As she entered, a middle aged gentleman stood up to greet her. Mum said, “Shelly, this is Justin Morrow, he is in Melbourne for a few days on business from Hawaii. He is the CEO of “The White Bird” the company that provides IT expertise to us. I have been working closely with Justin for the past few years,” said Ivy by way of introduction.

Shelly didn’t know what to say to Mr Morrow other than “Pleased to meet you, Mr Morrow.”

Justin looked a little out of place in her presence. “Shelly, we were actually waiting for your return. We have something to discuss with you, please be seated, can I get you something to drink darling?” asked her mum. Shelly’s heart was racing; she could almost hear the thumping heartbeats! All this is too sudden; she thought and felt dismayed and confused. She sat opposite Justin; he was calm and appeared to be at ease. Ivy looked at her daughter, cleared her throat and said, “Justin has just asked me to be his wife, darling, and I have accepted his proposal,” she looked at my face for a reaction.

I was totally blown away, “I’m happy for you both but why didn’t you tell me about Justin Mum?” I said. Ivy looked at her daughter for a few minutes and said, “Darling, your dad passed away when I was just 33 years old and you were only 5 years at the time. My whole world shattered to pieces; you were my reason for living, I lived only for your well-being and your happiness. I never thought of marrying anyone. Justin is the first man after your Dad who made me feel happy and safe. We both realised that we needed to be together. I didn’t tell you, darling because I wanted to be certain that I was making the right decision. Besides, Justin’s visit to Melbourne was not planned; he was on his way to Asia and took a break in Melbourne to see me. It was sudden and unexpected, so is his proposal. I hope you will be happy for us Shel,” pleaded her mum.

Shelly got up and gave her mother an affectionate hug and said, “Oh Mum, this is totally unexpected, so I looked shocked and confused. You have given me everything that a daughter ever wanted, you are the best mum in the world and I am happy for you and Justin. Congratulations mum,” and kissed her mum, as tears of joy trickled down her cheeks. She dried her eyes, walked up to Justin and said, “Congratulations Justin, I wish you and mum happiness always.”

Justin put his arms around Shelly and said with warmth, “I love your mum and I know how close you both are. I won’t come between your relationships. I will support your mum and respect whatever decisions she makes for your future.”

Shelly felt so comforted by his words. Ivy came over to them for a group hug. At that very instance Shelly knew that she must free her mother, and let her enjoy her life. She was 5 years old and her mum had many sacrifices to ensure that she grew up to be an independent young woman. She looked at her mum and said, “Thank you for being the best mum in the whole wide world.” Ivy, remembered these words and smiled  at her daughter. This was Shelly’s favourite line when she was a kid.

Justin said, “I better be going Ivy, see you in the morning. Thank you Shelly, for your acceptance of me. This is one of the best days of my life.” Ivy walked him to the door and they hugged each other before she opened the door to let Justin out. Shelly watched them from the living room, she was truly happy for them.

Mum came back to the living room, held Shelly tightly and said, “Shel, I know you will be alright sweetie. You will begin your training at Coles in a few weeks before your permanent placement. It is this knowledge that gave me the inner strength to accept Justin’s proposal darling. We plan to live in Melbourne until I complete my contract with my company. I’ll make sure that you will be okay, when we leave for Hawaii.”

“Mum, thank you for everything, I’ll be okay, I assure you. From this day onwards stop “smothering me” like a child…. Remember I’ll be almost 23 years old soon. Your happiness means as much to me as mine is to you.” They both held each other and said “I will always be your mum, always.”

“Oh mum, I love you so, so much, I want you to be happy with Justin. Goodnight mum, I’m truly alright with you marrying him.”

They both walked towards their bedrooms, happy and yet the realisation that they will be parted brought a tinge of sadness. They both knew deep within their hearts, that their love was supreme and would stand the test of time. “Remember, she told herself, “you are not just a child, but a young adult; you will be fine.”