Feelings-Anthology of Short Stories & Poems by Padma Singh - HTML preview

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The Power of Love

The glorious morning sun’s rays seeped through the gaps between the drawn curtains of the bedroom. Its rays dazzled and danced beautifully, as if a thousand specks of diamonds floated in the golden rays, sparkling and glowing its mesmeric glory. She lay blissfully in the warmth of her husband’s loving embrace.

Today marked the forty-fifth year of their life together…. it was their wedding anniversary. The glorious morning, in its playful mood promised her inner peace and joy. She lay there content in the knowledge that her husband loved her unconditionally. His love was her strength and she had forged her life to synchronise with the rhythm and tempo of their mutual understanding and peaceful co-existence. She felt grateful for this day, this life and this union.

She lay there gazing at her husband, Suresh’s face, a content smile played upon her lips. He was sound asleep, his gentle snoring which has always been a source of annoyance surprisingly didn’t bother her as much today. Sweet moments shared the previous night kindled her with girlish delight. There was a time when she had feared that their relationship would not stand the test of time!

Nirmala gently rolled over and quietly got out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. She tried not to disturb Suresh, she had a shower and got dressed. She closed the bedroom door and walked towards the kitchen. She wanted to make her husband’s favourite breakfast-stuffed potato roti with tomato chutney. She prepared the Atta -flour dough, and put three potatoes to boil in a saucepan on low heat. She finely chopped half an onion, crushed a chilly and two pods of garlic and made a fine paste.

Before starting the main preparation, she decided to offer her morning prayers. She entered the ‘prayer room’, with flowers and fruit as her offering to the Deities. She lit the Diya-lamp, and placed incense in a glass by the altar. She offered her prayers and thanked the God Lord for his blessings, his mercy and for the happiness that he had bestowed upon her family. She placed the ‘Shakti’ on her forehead and bowed her head in total reverence before she left the room.

She walked to the kitchen to prepare the potato paste as the stuffing for the roti. She began her preparation with haste, as she wanted everything to be done before Suresh walked into the kitchen. She cooked a dozen stuffed potato rotis, and prepared the tomato chutney. She put the kettle on, to brew the masala tea. She was satisfied that she had everything done one time. She set the breakfast table, brought the steaming aromatic tea and placed it on the dining table. She sat down and waited for Suresh to join her.

Just as she sat down, the doorbell rang. At first she thought it was her son, but to her surprise it was a delivery van, and a young man brought her a bouquet of red and yellow roses. She was excited and hurriedly opened the envelope, attached to the bouquet. It was from Suresh, the note simply said: “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART, LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HAPPINESS WE HAVE SHARED, You’re Suresh”

She was overcome with joy, the flowers, the note and his love for her lifted her spirit. She thanked the delivery boy and gave him a generous tip. Locked the door, still holding onto the precious gift from Suresh. She entered the kitchen, took out a flower vase from one of the shelves, filled it with some water and began to arrange the roses. She placed the beautiful vase of flowers on the mantle-piece above the cabinet.

Just as she turned she felt Suresh’s presence. He turned her around to face him, tilted her face and kissed her on the lips. “Happy Anniversary my love,” he whispered. She returned his loving kiss and said, “Happy Anniversary to you, my darling and thank you for the beautiful roses.”

Suresh snickered and said, “The Florist was very efficient and has sent the flowers in the morning, just as I had requested! I’m very pleased.”

Nirmala held his hand and walked him to the dining table. “Sit here my love” she said, “I have prepared your favourite breakfast.” She opened the container and placed a hot roti on his plate, and served some tomato chutney. After serving a mug of masala tea, Nirmala sat next to him to serve herself.

“Thank you, my sweetheart, that is indeed a surprises, I thought you would have made banana pancakes!” said Suresh, who was expecting pancakes for breakfast.

Nirmala smiled and said, “Oh no! Not pancakes on our special day!” Suresh was enjoying the delicious breakfast his wife had made for him. “Darling, pack me a couple of the rotis for my lunch today. It’s too early for two rotis for brekkie.”

While Suresh was sipping his aromatic tea, she packed two rotis and some chutney in his lunch container and placed it on the table. Suresh got up to wash his hands, just at that moment the telephone rang and he went to answer the call.

“Hello,” Suresh answered, “Hello dad, Happy Anniversary to you and Mum, we will see you in the evening.” Said his son Ravin.

“Thank you, Son, Mum is just beside me, speak to her,” and Suresh handed the phone to his wife. Ravin said, “Morning Mum, Happy Anniversary, see you in the evening.”

“Thank you, darling. See you later. Have a lovely day!” said Nirmala as she placed the phone down.

Suresh took his briefcase and his lunch container, and kissed his wife before walking towards the door. Nirmala walked behind him, “Sorry love, I could have taken a day off but we are really busy at work,” said Suresh, kissing his wife on the forehead as he stepped out of the main door. Nirmala waved as his car left the driveway. This was a daily ritual for her, until the car disappeared she would stand at the door.

She locked the main door and walked to the kitchen to clear the table and tidy up. She cleared the kitchen bench top and went to the bedroom to make the bed and get the clothes that needed to be washed. As she was heading towards the laundry, the doorbell rang. She put the clothes in the laundry basket and walked towards the main door. She peeped through the glass panel and was excited to see her daughter, son-in law James and their teenage boys. She opened the door to let them in. Her daughter Kamala gave her a big hug and wished “Happy Anniversary Mum,” this was followed with loving kisses and hugs from James and her two grandsons. “Come, have some breakfast boys,” Nirmala offered, but no one was keen on breakfast, nor did they have time to sit down.

Kamala said “Mum we came to wish Dad and you for your Anniversary. We have to drop off the boys to University and head off to work. We will see you in the evening.” James gave her a wrapped gift box, “don’t open it now Mum, wait till Dad comes back from work.”

“Thanks Son, it is kind of you. See you later.” Nirmala locked the door and decided to complete the housework before she could relax.

Suresh had booked a table for dinner at the ‘Mocambo Hotel’. So she was going to be a lady of leisure for the rest of the day! After completing her chores, she sat down at her study table to wrap her husband’s gift. It was a beautiful family portrait, which she had commissioned one of her friends to paint from a recent family photo of theirs. She held the frame close to her chest and said, “Thank you God, for my family.”

Her family was the epicentre of her happiness and existence. She could have lost everything that had meaning in her life… this was beyond belief! Within minutes, the past flashed before her eyes.

Until the moment she entered their lives, they were happy and content with each other. Of course, like any other couple they had their differences, problems and misunderstandings. But it was nothing that would have caused a significant change in their matrimonial life! Nirmala met her at a wedding reception. She was a tall, slim and extremely attractive young woman. Suresh introduces her brother, Raj and her.

“This is Raj Mahadev and his sister, Priti. They are both doctors and recently established a private practice in Namaka, Nadi. This is my wife, Nirmala, she works for the Department of Youth and Sports.”

Nirmala greeted them. “Pleased to meet you.”

Instantly the girls hit it off, as they had so much in common. The rest of the evening was fun filled. The two young women felt as if they had known each other for a long time. Before they left for home, Nirmala hugged Priti and sincerely declared, “It was a pleasure meeting you, hope to see you again.”

However, Nirmala had not imagined at this significant moment in her life, that this meeting would make her marriage and life chaotic. Suresh and Nirmala, as a couple co-ordinated their family life with honesty and love. Their two beautiful children played a significant role in connecting them, as loving and devoted parents. Her loyalty and devotion to Suresh had blinded her judgement.

At first she didn’t notice Suresh’s ‘disappearance’ from home in the evenings. Then, she began to notice that his loving, caring devotion to her was slowly but suddenly vanishing. Gradually the realisation dawned on her that they were together but there emerged a subtle distance between them. This was a warning that all was not well between them! She wondered why Suresh was behaving so strangely with her. She never once doubted his loyalty or love for her. She loved him so dearly that she wouldn’t dare question his devotion to her or for their children! She was deeply concerned but didn’t know how to broach the subject.

Suresh’s erratic behaviour became a concern to Nirmala. He began to go to Suva on weekends on the pretext of seeing the family solicitor, Mr Alexander Price. Since there was a legal matter pending with Mr Price, Nirmala trusted him and believed that Suresh was trying to urge their lawyer to speed up their case. Nirmala accepted his reasons in good faith.

On one such visit to Suva, a very close friend of hers rang her from there. Her friend Shanta, a social worker had gone to Suva to attend a conference. She enquired as to why Suresh was staying at the ‘Travel Lodge Hotel’ with a rather attractive female companion? It was as though she was struck by a thunderbolt.

“What are you saying, Shanta?” She asked in utter disbelief!

Shanta responded, “Too much trust in one’s partner can lead to domestic upheaval!” She continued, Nirmala staggered a little, and she sat down to steady her nerves. Then she asked Shanta, “Could you describe her to me please?” Shanta responded, “Well, she is slim, tall and very attractive!”

Instantly Nirmala’s world shattered into a million pieces! She held her composure and told Shanta, who happened to be staying at the same hotel, to inform her of Suresh’s room number.

“Sure thing Sweetie, I’ll find out and let you know. I’m so sorry about this horrible news. As a good friend, I thought it is my duty to let you know, I’m sure you would have done the same for me.” Shanta was troubled that she was now responsible for breaking Nirmala’s heart. “Nimi, please take time to discuss this matter with Suresh, be diplomatic and handle it with sensitivity and tact,” said Shanta.

“Don’t worry Shanta, I thank you for being a true friend,” Nirmala said, “don’t worry, I will not throw tantrums!”

Amazing but true, Nirmala decided to take action swiftly. She called her ‘live-in domestic helper, and asked Mary if she could look after her children for that night. Nirmala promised that she would be back by midday on Sunday.

Mary asked her, “Boss is away and you too want to go to Suva, any problem madam? I’m worried, what if the children cry for you?” Mary sounded really concerned about being alone with the children.

“Don’t worry Mary, I’ve arranged with Mrs Prema Pillai to let her children sleep over here. You have looked after my children since they were born Mary, why are you worried?” asked Nirmala.

“Okay, Madam, I promise I’ll take care of them.” Said Mary.

Nirmala rang Mrs Pillai and informed her that some urgent business had come up, and Suresh required her presence in Suva to sort out some legal matters. Mrs Pillai was happy to send her kids over and promised to keep an eye on the children as well. She assured Nirmala if her husband Perumal were rostered for night duty, she would also sleep over at Nirmala’s place. Nirmala thanked her friend and was relieved that Mary would be comforted by this assistance offered by Mrs Pillai.

Immediately, Nirmala began to pack an overnight bag with the bare essentials. She had made up her mind to confront Suresh and Priti, and resolve the matter with courage, diplomacy and absolute tact! She rang and booked a taxi to take her to Suva and bring her back by midday on Sunday. She told her children that she had to go and meet ‘daddy’ in Suva. Ravin, her son said, “Mummy tell daddy not to forget the puppy he promised to buy for us.” Her daughter echoed the same thing, and they seemed alright with her going away just for the day.

Nirmala’s taxi arrived, the taxi driver was well-known to Suresh and her, so she was relieved. It is only a two and a half hour journey from Nadi to Suva. It was 2:30pm when she left her home and by 5pm she would arrive. She told the driver, Anthony, to give her a few minutes. She rang Shanta and informed her of plans and her friend was stunned by this information! She told Shanta that she should arrive at the Hotel no later than 6 o’clock in the evening. She disconnected the call, kissed her children and repeatedly told Mary to be careful with them.

“Bye Mum, tell Daddy not to forget the puppy!” repeated her son Ravin. She waved to her children and Mary as she got into the taxi. Anthony started the engine and drove out of Nirmala’s driveway. The children stood outside waving and shouting “Bye Mum, see you soon!”

As the taxi sped towards Suva on the bumpy road, Nirmala was amazed that she was so calm and collected. She wanted to confront her husband and his lover, Priti with honesty and dignity. She always vowed that in her life she would never, ever be made a ‘fool’ by anyone. She felt deeply troubled that someone she loved and trusted implicitly could betray her in this manner!

However, Nirmala was determined to let Suresh go, if this is what he wanted. Tears began to gather and slowly flow. Her world of hope and dreams had abruptly come to an end! She was devastated, miserable and angry, and never imagined that Suresh would abandon them in such a cruel fashion. She realised bitterly that one shouldn’t take life for granted!!

It took two and a half hours for the taxi to reach the “Travel Lodge Hotel,’ in Suva. She paid the taxi driver and requested him to pick her up at 7:30am on Sunday. She approached the reception desk, and asked the receptionist to contact Mrs Shanta Menon, who was in Room 118. The receptionist rang the room, Shanta answered immediately, when informed of a visitor waiting for her. She said she would be there within minutes. Shanta came to the reception to meet Nirmala and embraced her friend, informing the receptionist that her friend would spend the night with her.

After completing the formalities, she led her friend up to her room. As she turned the key to her door, Shanta told Nirmala that she was truly surprised to see her within hours of her call. Nirmala was calm, she left her handbag and carry bag on the table and sat down wearily. Shanta asked if she wanted a drink. Nirmala said she would be happy with a chilled Fanta. Shanta opened the mini fridge and handed a can to her. Nirmala was thirsty and was grateful for the drink. She flicked open the clasp and sat down to enjoy the Fanta.

“Are you alright Nimi, is there something I can do for you?” asked Shanta.

Nirmala said that she would like to have a quick shower, have something to eat and then perhaps she could tell Shanta her immediate course of action. Her friend was amazed to see how calm and composed she appeared, “I’ll order room service, what would you like for dinner?” asked Shanta.

“Something simple,” Nirmala said, picking her clothes out from the bag, before she entered the shower. Shanta ordered ‘Chicken Biryani, pappadam, and raita,’ to be sent to her room.

Nirmala had her shower and came out of the bathroom, she felt refreshed and calm.

“Well, Nimi, what do you want to do after Dinner?” asked Shanta calmly.

“Well, after dinner, tell me Suresh’s room number and I’m going to confront him.”

“I saw them enter their room at about 5:00pm, they are in room 82 in the East Wing.”

“You stay here after dinner, I’m going to surprise them.” Nirmala said with absolute determination.

Shanta was troubled and blamed herself for creating domestic strife between Suresh and Nirmala. “Thank you, my friend from here on I’ll do what is best for my family.” Nirmala continued, “This is my life, let me resolve it, thanks for your loving concern for my wellbeing and above all thank you for being a good and sincere friend,” she left the unfinished drink on the table and walked towards the door. “Will see you soon” and walked out of Shanta’s room.

Shanta looked apprehensive and earnestly hoped Nirmala’s bold action will bring her the result, she was hoping to gain from the direct confrontation with her husband and his lover, Priti. This whole incident is taking place because of the call she made to Nirmala! Now she was extremely concerned that she had been instrumental in creating this havoc in Nirmala’s life!

Nirmala took the lift to the ‘East wing’, level 2 and walked out towards room 82. She stood before the room, and raised her right hand and knocked on the door. She waited for Suresh  to open the door. It was a surprise to her that Priti stood before her. Priti looked utterly shocked and her face turned ashen, “Oh, hello Nirmala, ummm…” Nirmala didn’t wait to be invited into the room. She brushed passed Priti and entered the room. Suresh was obviously in the bathroom, for Nirmala could hear the water running. Priti sat on the bed staring at Nirmala. Whereas Nirmala sat on a chair facing the television, she didn’t say a word to Priti as her business was with her husband not with her.

“Did room service, bring our dinner Sweetheart?” asked Suresh as he stepped out with a white towel wrapped around his waist. He froze the minute he saw his wife seated in the room.

Nirmala gave him an icy stare and calmly asked, “Would you like to explain?” There was pin drop silence in the room; Suresh staggered a little as he sat down on the bed. Nirmala waited for Suresh’s response. He was amazed at how calm and dignified she remained in the face of such enormous embarrassment and domestic chaos!

“It is not difficult to figure out what is happening here, Nirmala, you work it out,” Suresh responded as he got up to put on his clothes.

This response infuriated Nirmala, she snapped at him, “I want you to explain, and you owe me an explanation.” She said firmly.

Suresh cleared his throat and answered, “You are an intelligent person, so you figure it out!” He said with extreme annoyance. At this point Priti rose up from the bed and said, “Suresh, we owe Nirmala an explanation. Please let’s be civil and confront this situation with honesty,” she pleaded.

“Well, there’s nothing to explain, isn’t it obvious to her, that her husband is with another woman?” he replied with the same irritation.

Nirmala remained seated, “I’m not going anywhere, until you explain what is happening her,” said Nirmala with assertiveness. Suresh was surprised to note how calm his wife appeared at his act of betrayal. Suresh looked at his wife and was perplexed as to how a person can remain so calm under the current situation. “I love you, Nirmala, but I’m attracted to Priti as well… I don’t know what to do!”

“Thank you, Suresh, I’m glad you had the courage to be honest. In my world, there is no room for two women and a man!” She rose from her chair, looked at Priti and Suresh and declared, “Good luck to you both, you, Suresh will hear from my Lawyers.” She walked up to the door, opened it and walked out.

While Suresh and Priti felt like a tornado had just swept every ounce of their self-worth and integrity. Nirmala didn’t look back and walked towards the lift, leaving the thoroughly shocked lovers to resolve their affairs. She was determined what course of action she would take to bring some sense in the midst of all this chaos!

Shanta in the meantime was apprehensive about how Nimi would be facing the situation of her husband’s betrayal. She had known Nirmala for many years and many of their friends nicknamed her “The Iron Lady.” She had an uncanny way of resolving serious matters without becoming too entrapped with emotion and ‘drama’. She trusted Nirmala to act sensibly in the face of trauma. She had a rare ability to act rationally under stress and turbulence!

Just at that precise moment, she heard a knock on the door. She rushed to let Nirmala into her room. Shanta looked at her for any sign of emotional reaction, but found none. She remained calm, “What happened?” Shanta queried, “Nothing” responded Nirmala with dignity. She sat down, looked at Shanta and said, “Don’t ask me anything, I need rest, you don’t mind if I retire to bed, would you?”

Shanta was extremely worried, and wondered if her honesty with her friend had destroyed her marriage. Tears welled in her eyes but Nirmala was preoccupied with her own emotions. She began to undress, get into her nightdress and settled down to sleep, as the taxi driver would arrive to pick her up at 7am.

Nirmala slept well, felt rested, she needed her sanity, her self-preservation and above all, her composure to deal with matters of the future. Shanta was asleep, as Nirmala went about her morning routine without disturbing her friend. She ordered room service, which consisted of toast and a pot of coffee. She opened the door and waited for her breakfast to be brought to the room. A young man arrived with a tray, she received it, tipped him and closed the door. She sat down to have her breakfast.

Shanta woke up and was surprised to see Nimi’s serene disposition. She finished her breakfast and was waiting for the taxi to arrive. “Good morning, Nimi, did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I did,” Nirmala, responded, “Thank you for everything,”

“Nimi, are you going to be alright?” asked Shanta, “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m going to be just fine. God will pilot my life. I need to be composed, I’m hurting deeply, but  decisions have to be made. Shall let you know, don’t worry about me, I promise I’ll be fine.”

The telephone rang, and Nirmala answered the phone. “Good morning Madam, your taxi is here,” said the receptionist.

“All right Shanta, I better go down, she picked up her bag, kissed Shanta and left the room. Before closing the door Nirmala said, “Thank you for everything” and gently closed the door behind her.

The driver was waiting at the reception. He walked towards Nirmala with a cheery “Good morning, Madam,” and took the bag from her hands and walked towards the waiting taxi. As Nirmala walked towards the taxi, she quickly looked at the hotel car park to see if Suresh’s car was still there. It was not there, so she presumed that they had left before her. She got into the back seat and closed the door. The taxi left for Nadi.

Nirmala took out her rosary and began her recitation, as was her practice every morning. Her meditation always brought her inner peace. She reached home at 9:30am, the children were having their breakfast, when they saw their mother. They both came rushing to her “Mummy! Mummy! Are you taking us to the park later?”

“Yes, sweetheart, let Mummy have some rest first.” The children went back to finish their breakfast. She entered her bedroom to leave her bag and have a little rest. After an hour’s rest, she got out of bed to prepare lunch for the family. She asked Mary to take the children to the park, and she thanked her for looking after them. Mary smiled, “No problem at all Madam, they were very well behaved.”

Nirmala began preparing lunch, she decided to cook dhal, vegetables and roti. Just as she was cooking, her neighbour and close friend Prema Pillai walked into the kitchen with a plate of noodles for the children. “Thank you, Prema, for sending your children to sleep over at my place.”

“No problem at all, they had a ball. Mary is an angel, she looked after them and kept them away from harm’s way.” She gave the dish of chicken noodles to Nirmala saying, “I bought some food for the kids.”

“Oh! Thanks, Prema, very kind of you.”

“Why don’t you join me for lunch?” asked Nirmala. “Thanks Nirmala, but I’m taking my children to my sister’s house after lunch. The lunch is all organised at home, thanks anyway.”

Prema wanted to know how things panned out at the Lawyer’s. Nirmala told her that everything went well, Suresh stayed back to sign some papers, while she had to leave early as she left the children with Mary. Prema said, “Have a great day Nirmala, I’d better go now as I don’t want to keep my sister waiting. Bye for now”

Nirmala completed her lunch preparation, and set the table for Mary and the children. She decided to lie down and catch up with some more rest while the children were away at the park with Mary. As she lay on the bed, she was concerned about the future. She wanted to maintain her dignity, and handle the issue with total honesty and patience. She cried openly behind closed doors. She loved Suresh, and she knew he loved her and the children. So why did he stray? Why did he betray her love and trust?

As painful as it may be, she must free him if he wants to live with Priti. What can be gained by living as a couple for appearance’s sake? Life without love, in marriage is meaningless. Although separation will break her heart, she was determined to protect her children from pain and heartache. They were only seven and five years old. She prayed for God’s guidance to resolve the problem amicably. She loved her husband unconditionally, but knew that she must let him go if that is what he wanted. She felt excruciating pain and sorrow that things have come to this end.

However, she had confidence in her ability, both as a woman and a professional to support her family. She believed that she has always been an empowered woman of great resourcefulness!

She woke up with the excited cries of her children, “Daddy! Daddy! Did you buy the ‘puppy’ you promised?” asked her son. Then she heard the yelping of the little puppy. She remained in bed, just then her children rushed into the bedroom with an excited Pomeranian puppy in tow. “Mummy, Mummy, wake up, Daddy is home. Look he bought us a puppy, just like he promised!”

She sat up and was happy for the children. They have been pestering their Daddy to get them a puppy for a long time. She gave the puppy a cuddle. “Mummy! Mummy! Can we call him ‘Cuddles’?”

Nirmala smiled and said, “Ask Daddy first, before you name the puppy.” She got out of bed and asked the children to go and wash their hands before lunch. “We had lunch at the park Mum. Mary bought a ‘roti parcel’ and lemonade for us too. “Okay then, don’t spoil the puppy.”

The children ran away to play with the puppy. She tidied up the bed, and stepped out of the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen. Just then, Suresh stepped in to the kitchen. They looked at each other, Suresh walked towards her and put his arms around her and held her for a few minutes. She returned his embrace, no words were exchanged, and she knew her husband had returned to her and their children. She wasn’t ready to spoil this moment by asking questions about the weekend.

Suresh went to wash up, he looked at her and asked, “What’s for lunch?” She didn’t answer, but got busy serving lunch for both of them. They sat down to have lunch, while the children were playing with Cuddles in the front yard.

After lunch, Nirmala cleared the table and Suresh started washing the dishes, while she stood beside him drying and putting them away. She made a cup of coffee for herself and asked if Suresh wanted one too. He wasn’t keen, so she sat down at the dining table and enjoyed her coffee.

Suresh went into the bedroom to change his clothes and walked into the ensuite to freshen up. Nirmala entered the bedroom with some apprehension and concern about what Suresh had to tell her. But she felt deep within her, that he had come home to her and his children. Whatever the result, Nirmala decided that she would not allow her love for her husband to blind her from taking the right course of action. She was determined to show her husband that she was ‘no man’s fool’, and that their marriage will only survive on the premise of absolute honesty, integrity, love and trust.

Nirmala vowed that Suresh must understand that his actions were totally unacceptable by her moral standards. She was prepared for this situation. She loved him, but is he worthy of her love? Nirmala had to show that she was brought up to be honest and forth right. Now is the time to show Suresh that his honesty and loyalty will be tested without any mercy. It is a ‘make it or break it’ moment between the two of them.

She sat down on the bed and waited for Suresh to come out of the bathroom. He had to face the consequences of his actions! Suresh saw Nirmala seated on their bed. He sat beside her and took her hands in his, and she tried to take her hand from his gentle clasp. But Suresh held her hand firmly.

He began, “There is no excuse for what I did to you. In a moment of temptation, I fell an easy prey to lust and an immoral liaison with Priti. I gave in to adultery. When I saw you in Room 82, I was arrested by your courage and resolve to confront the situation. Though I was stunned and dismayed by your courageous stance, your strength of character simply bowled me over. I don’t think many women would have the courage to stand up for their principles, and you did. Both Priti and I came to the realisation that our actions were wrong. We became conscious of our demeaning acts of indecency. I know that I am not worthy of you. But your calm disposition and dignity, made me realise that my behaviour was truly unbecoming of a husband and father. Priti expresses her remorse and sincerely apologises for almost destroying our family life. She begs your forgiveness for breaking the bond of friendship, faith and sincerity. Nirmala, I want you and my children to always be an integral part of my life. Nimu, our attraction led to our illicit affair, we