Hugs & Bunnies: Weird and Dark Tales by Russell A. Mebane - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:  The Scorn of Siblings

As the grub continues to writhe and fantasize about death, its siblings approach to eat the green ground next to it.  As they sip the sap and eat meat from the cornstalk, they look at their infected sibling and remark:

“Oh, what a sinful brother we have, a shameful sinner since his birth.”

“His Sin is obvious,” says one sibling.

“His shame is as plain as day,” says the other.

“The wasp came and stung him.  

She punished him for his Sin.  

Our righteousness preserved us.  

The wasp passed over us.  

She would not cause the innocent to suffer.  

We are righteous siblings with a woeful sinner for a brother.”

The siblings agree, “His pain is great because his Sin is great.”

“If only our brother would repent and turn from his evil ways.

In redemption, his pain would leave him.

His agony would leave 

And be replaced with joy everlasting.”

The siblings turn to their brother and secrete chemicals, shouting:

“Repent, brother!  Repent!  Turn from your life of Sin and be free!


Their brother ignores the scent through the overwhelming sensation of being devoured from within.

“He didn’t repent,” laments one sibling.

“At least, we tried,” says the other.

Suddenly, a sparrow swoops down and grabs one of the siblings.  As the sibling slides into the bird’s throat, it screams, “You can’t eat me.  I’m righteous!”

Sated, the bird flies off to feed its children.  The remaining grub yells after its sibling, “Repent!  Save yourself and repent!”