Zeta Consulting Group
Recruit: Jon Hersey (no middle name or initial)
341 South Aspen Drive
Empire, CO 78432
Age: 29 Single (see below) - no children 6'1" 192 lbs
Current employer: Biz Planners LLC
6932 Orchard Plaza
Boca Raton, FL 23758
Employer Notes: - Biz Planners analyzes growing companies looking for opportunities to improve client's net income. Biz Planners offers funding at below prime and consulting services at negotiated contract rates. Revenue sources are: - fee for service, - percentage of future client revenues or gross margins, - percentage of ownership, - interest on loans.
Recruit Job Function: On-site analysis of potential clients. Reviews: - potential client's status, potential for product growth, operating and accounting systems, and stability plus quality of management. Analysis takes about three weeks to compile. Contract presentation and negotiations take about three days. Analyst manages a team of three, but is the only client contact. Note: Jon is highly successful.
Experience and other conclusions:
1. Nearly completed Navy Seal training. Suspended on final day of training after call from spouse regarding cancer (first diagnosis). Jon was granted three day leave, then family emergency leave. (NOTE: - Jon and Alissa are without other immediate family member to assist with treatment demands. Jon's parents died in a tour bus accident. Younger brother, Matthew, (age 11) killed by hit and run driver while running from bully. Alissa is an only child. Her parents died from asphyxiation - gas vent covered during a routine roof repair).
2. Attended University of Colorado. Graduated with Bachelor's of Science in Business within three years. Acquired MBA 18 months later. Top 3% of class.
3. Has demonstrated a unique ability to find relationships between odd business facts which makes him highly successful at finding the changes that improve Biz Planner clients. This talent will be extremely useful in analyzing target companies.
4. Has progressed up the Biz Planners organization rapidly. Four promotions since Navel discharge.
5. Peter Stone met Jon during a presentation at Arc Systems. Very impressed with ability to assemble new data and determine its importance to the proposal.
6. Jon quickly responds to new problems in a thoughtful professional manner. He has a quick mind.
7. Recruiting terminated - temporarily - Jon focused on spouse's cancer treatment (second diagnosis).
Conclusion: Jon's business abilities would be extremely useful to ZCG. Seal training has given him ability to handle covert operations. Recommendation is recruit.
File: 12-3567RR JH
Jon is overwhelmed - and impressed - with the accuracy of data and by the implications of a single sheet of paper. The discomfort of the Zeta "page" is soothed, to a degree, by the ego feeding "JH page" ... And, yet he is surprisingly uneasy .... Jon's mind goes into automatic analyzing mode - critical facts: - clandestine, - illegal anti-American companies, - disruption, - analysis, - Seal training, - unique skills .... Jon's mind begins reviewing the possibilities of what is not in those two pages: - disruption not destruction, - clandestine (without weapons) + analysis, - illegal anti-American not just anti-American ....
The flight attendant announces it's time to turn-off all electronic devices (the entertainment portion of the flight is over). Jon turns to Daryl, returns the JH file, and gives Daryl a single nod - the kind of single cautious nod you give to a new acquaintance.
Daryl - feeling good about the recruiting process up to now - feels a small twinge and for the first time has doubt about Jon's recruitment.
Tulsa - Day Three of "One"
It's Sunday in the bible belt and not a single car in the entire industrial park but Jon's white rental. Parking a block away behind some shrubs should keep the car out of sight. Yesterday, when Jon saw Ian he determined there were no security cameras to record Ian's secret shipments. From Friday's first pass, Jon could see the little magnetic alarm switches on the doors. Cutting the phone lines might alert Ian. Induction overload is a method of putting more signal on the lines than they can handle, preventing the passing of phone frequencies. The equipment needed for induction overload is a small signal generator, induction snap coils, and two 6 volt cube batteries - all stuff that will fit in a back pack.
With the induction process set-up, Jon has about three hours of alarm system "silence". To his astonishment the rail door opens about four inches providing access to the padlock. Two minutes later Jon is closing the door behind him and starts the stealth portion of this ... disruption.
Another lock to pick at Ian's office. The blinds are closed. The safe is a simple double cylinder rotary combination mechanism. One stethoscope, two attempts, and three numbers later the safe is open revealing a single old fashion lined ledger book sitting on one of eight shelves. The ledger book is full of numbers and what appears to be randomized letters. Jon takes pictures of the ledger pages - code breaking is the job of the forensics guy. Jon surveys the desk, credenza, two bookcases, and the medicine cabinet in the private bath. He checks the desk, chairs, flower pots, walls, ceiling, and floor for secret compartments. Three personal photos were hung behind the desk, two store bought pictures on the side walls, and a well crafted inspirational poster / picture with the saying - Be The Bridge, problems become opportunity when the right people join together - was opposite the desk ... The personal photos on the wall and the two under the desktop glass had something in common, Jon could feel it - it just was not obvious. Jon took three shots of each photo. Jon checks the back of all the pictures and photographs; and, found the safe combination on the back of the inspirational poster.
On the walk back to the rail access door Jon notices several clues that Injector One has money problems [probably because Ian is taking every spare dime out of the company]: - the carpets are very dirty, - the clock still reads 7:10, - offices have mismatched side chairs, - mismatched lunchroom furniture is being held together by duct tape and bubble gum, - and the lunchroom sink drips frequently.
The padlock is re-latched, the rail door is closed those four generous inches, and the induction overload equipment is returned to the backpack.
Another detour by the cancer center ... Parked across the street for about 10 minutes, again ... Can't quite get enough courage to visit the fine people that cared for Alissa.
Jon and Daryl exit the plane together, but walk down the concourse separately. Jon wanting some personal time and space ... Daryl wanting to avoid being recorded on the airport video system - with Jon.
The long-ish walk down the concourse gives Jon some valuable thinking time. At the transportation curb Jon boards the Rocky Mountain Rental Car's courtesy mini-bus - followed by Daryl. They sit on opposite sides of the bus.
Terri, the courtesy bus driver, stops in front of Jon's Jeep Grand Cherokee. She gives Jon a big smile and says, "good to have you back in Colorado". Jon grabs his bags, gives Terri a five dollar tip, exits the bus, then starts the "where did I put my keys" ritual. He can hear Terri laughing as the bus door closes. Terri drives Daryl and four other passengers to the rental counter.
The keys are found in the pocket next to the small Angel Pin flap of his computer bag. Jon stares at the pin for a few seconds, smiles, unlocks the Jeep, starts the engine, then stows his bags in the back. Looking into the rental counter he sees Daryl is last in line. The Jeep is ready, but Jon is not; - he is toying with the idea of leaving Daryl at the rental counter. As always, when his mind goes a little devious, the voice of "his" Angel enters his mind ... "Be good!". Jon drives the Jeep under the canopy then enters to pay for his regular parking spot. Terri is now sitting at the desk where parking fees are paid ....
- "found your keys again, I see."
- "yes, I've got to start storing them in the same place."
- "leave them with us next time."
- "I'd miss your laughter when you drop me off."
- "me too !"
- "see you Monday morning."
Daryl is now one away from the rental counter. Jon walks up to Daryl ...
- "we sat by each other on the plane? Didn't you say you were going to Empire?"
- "yes, I am visiting a friend in Empire this weekend."
- "are you sure your friend is home?"
- "he is driving home and should be there about the time I find Empire."
- "I have to be back to the airport early Monday morning, and can bring you back. Empire is a small town, so I can drop you off at your friend's house, and I wouldn't mind the company on the long drive home, and back."
- "that works for me."
- "let's get your bags, I am parked by the front door, it's the Jeep ...."
- "really appreciate this, thanks."
It's a few minutes before Daryl decides to break the silence, "if you need groceries, stop by a store so I can buy us a few good meals - I am a pretty good cook."
- "not to worry. The retired couple down the road watches our place and stocks the fridge on Thursdays. So you can cook? - what kind of food?"
- "Italian and Greek."
- "Alexander - your heritage - English?"
- "English, yes. My mother was a Home Ec teacher in a town full of Italian, Greek, and Slavic miners."
Jon decided to get to the point of this meeting, "tell me about your Zeta involvement."
Daryl did not waste any time and began his Zeta story: - second employee, - longtime friend of Peter Stone, - recruiter mostly, - his belief in Peter's cause, - if you join you will be my 7th recruit, - some disruption assignments, - a water purification company where the owner was sending profits to his brother in North Korean government, - his favorite assignment was the raft manufacturer selling bullet proof rafts to Simolia, - still using his bullet proof raft for fishing, ...
Jon felt like they were having beers in the Dallas concourse - Daryl the story teller completely at ease, pausing for effect, occasional slight embellishment, using the right words, and sequencing the main points for a climatic ending. Jon had not enjoyed listening to anyone this much ... Except for Alissa ... (to himself) - "I really miss you, Alissa."
Daryl had talked about Zeta the entire distance from just outside the rental car lot to the gravel road leading to Jon's home. Five minutes later they pull into the driveway of Jon and Alissa Hersey according to the sign next to the mailbox. Jon pushes three buttons on the overhead console: - the garage opened, - the path between the garage and house was lit, - and the lights in the mud room came on.
Each man gathers his bags. Walking along the path Jon separates his keys so the house key is ready. When the door is unlocked the garage door closes and the path lights turn off. The guest room is just down the hallway from the mud room and next to the guest bath. Jon does the host thing: - light switches, - towels, - closet, - hangers, - directions to kitchen, - alarm clock, - "meet you in the kitchen in about 15 minutes."
The fine aroma of good food drifts down the hallway. Daryl made himself at home - pots, spices, plates, carving chicken, stir frying vegetables, ....
Tulsa - Day Four of "One" with Grindell
The Biz Planners presentation started at 10:00 AM on-the-dot. Fred Goldman, President and COO, was punctual - a quality his father-in-law, Harold P. Grindell Jr, admired. Present were Harold (CEO), Fred (president, COO, son-in-law, and instigator of this meeting), Tony (engineering VP), Sam (CFO, Samantha), and Jon.
Jon started out with the history of Grindell Injectors Inc - auto part manufacturer started with Ford supplying the short gravity fuel line, - moved to machined parts when solder was replaced by screw couplings, - and it's first international order to Saab for brake lines, fuel lines, and injectors. The Saab order put Grindell on the automobile parts quality map.
Harold Sr liked the whir of automated machinery and the fact they never called in sick. Harold Sr spent weeks figuring out the best design for "the stick" fuel injector. Seven injector bodies for the various auto manufacturers with "the stick" core. The days of Harold Sr's uni-design core are fading fast - new engine designs required better designs for improved power, alternate fuels, and high mileage. Harold Junior benefitted from a good economy with car owners buying every three to four years - so many car models that enough factories annually purchased more and more Stick injectors. The economy got goofy and car manufacturers scaled back on models and production capacity just as Fred Goldman was promoted by the board to COO. After 20 months on the job, Fred convinced the board to approve the meeting and potential deal with Biz Planners.
One of Jon's detours from the presentation was a two hour lunch break on Jon's nickel. It was amazing what secrets would be discussed in Jon's presence that would never come-up during the "formal" presentation: - Ford our first customer was threatening to drop the Stick, - negotiations with Fiat are dragging on, - the "antique" automated lathes are slow making cost reduction difficult, - and Saab's tenure is iffy.
Ten minutes before 1:00 PM Fred's assistant calls the meeting members so the presentation can stay on schedule. Session two reviewed the current status of Grindell. Loaded with lunch tidbits, Jon held everyone's attention by blending the thoughts and facts he overheard at lunch with his prepared material. The perception of Jon's secret knowledge and optimistic presentation style created an atmosphere of confidence and openness. The last two hours discussion was very lively. Jon ended session two at 3:00 PM on-the-dot ... When in Rome ... "we will pick-up this discussion tomorrow at 9:00 AM.
Jon takes his detour #2 - passes out business cards with his cell number hand written on back. Always good for a late night confidential call or two. Fred is the last one to leave the room. Jon asks how things are going (meaning with the presentation), but the question was misinterpreted by Fred -
- "honestly we are struggling. We do not have enough engineering staff to design the five injector types our customers want. If we had the staff our production equipment does not have the capacity to make enough units. Our funds are stretched nearly to the limit. I am thinking of scaling back to a point where we can at least break-even."
- "hopefully, Biz Planners can help out. Let's see how tomorrow goes. By the way, do you have the latest financials for me?"
Jon starts the day two presentation at 9:00 AM, on-the-dot. The financial statements review session, usually held in the afternoon of day two, was good for putting someone to sleep. Jon's detour #3, move financial review session to the morning. The detoured session went well, everyone was prepared with their expense details, and were well versed on the company financials.
Lunch break was again two hours but each participant was on their own. Jon had a sandwich brought in and sequestered himself in the conference room to put "the list" together. The list of essential improvements - the action items that were designed to save Grindell Injector Company. Jon's version of "the list" included a couple throw-away items sprinkled in the listing to get the discussion moving (detour #4). The draft version which is used to begin the discussion was ready about 30 minutes before the next session.
Grindell Injector Company - List for the Future
1. Increase revenue to double in size over five years.
A. Expand Sales Department
B. Secure all current contracts
C. Estimated cost of expansion $1.7M
2. Expand production capacity
A. 280,000 sq ft addition to north end of facility
B. Purchase 52 new CNC Machining Centers
C. Organize machinery by product types
D. Estimated costs of expansion $62.4M
3. Expand Engineering Department
A. New design center on vacant lot on Cypress Drive
B. Lab, testing center with equipment, machining center, new computer system
C. Hire through Biz Planners recruiting services
D. Nine design engineers, two manufacturing engineers, one lab technician
E. Estimated cost $17.9M
4. Remodel office areas
A. Re-organize by product teams
B. Add skylites, open up office areas, eliminate offices
C. New cubicle furniture
D. Estimated cost $2.2M
5. Expand inventory management
A. Purchase new portable mini-cranes
B. Purchase new auto feed systems for new CNC and old automatic centers
C. Rebuild overhead crane system in existing building
D. Design rail car unloading system
E. Estimated cost $7.7M
6. Company airplane and Limousine service
A. Lear jet for executive and sales department use
B. Local limo service for executives and visiting customers
C. Estimated cost $35M
7. Training and customer center
A. 8,000 square foot expansion on east side of offices
B. Employee classrooms and customer presentation areas
C. Staff
D. Estimated cost $12.6M
8. X?
The cooperation of the Gridell team made "the list" completion easy. Thirty minutes to spare, Jon decided to see what the forensics guy had discovered - logs in to zcg.com - enters his password "Da37-)jS2" - enters the case number "12oNeH3" - enters childhood pet's name "Spot". Ten seconds later he is ready to read the report.
Ledger book still in cryptography. A key code would dramatically speed up analysis.
Truck plates are registered to Ian Breck and Charles Johnson. Paper car plates are not registered in OK, third person can not be found through temp plates.
Pictures are of Tulsa mayor, county commissioner, Oklahoma's governor's son, his church pastor, and two unknowns.
Forensics ZCG
Jon closes the scrambled link with the ESC key (each time he laughs to himself that someone wrote a super secret program that you pressed the escape key to exit). He is stuck on the report phrase "and two unknowns." Where could he have seen those two faces? - Best Western lobby? - flight to Tulsa? - the restaurant? - cancer center? - Grindell tour? - Injector One? ... That's it, one was the forklift driver, Saturday, at Injector One's dock; and, the other, the truck driver from Saturday. The Zeta file on Injector One indicated Ian grew-up and graduated from Kennedy High School. Maybe these two are high school friends. They have to be someone he can trust with his secret. It's going to be a night at the library.
The fourth session started a couple minutes late waiting on Fred and Harold Jr. Both apologized for wasting the team's time. Jon quickly displayed "the list". Jon spends the next 45 minutes going over the detail that is missing from the list. Upon completion, several members of the team, in choir like form, said item four and six were not necessary - both send the wrong signals to customers and do not add value to the products and service. Pleased with direction of the team, Jon begins the validation and budgeting portion of his session four.
Three hours of uninterrupted number crunching always drains Jon. But, he is extremely pleased with the results. Fred stayed in his chair staring at the expansion budget, then closed the door after the last person left.
- "I can not see how we are going to pay for this expansion. The funds to pull this off are two to three years gross revenues. It's too much to saddle this company with. Our gross margins would have to increase by 50%."
- "I will present several options tomorrow which make this project achievable. Please spend a little time to determine under what conditions you would move forward with the proposal."
- "I can do that."
Hunger pains satisfied by the Tulsa Chicken Pie. The location of the library programmed into GPS unit. The car filled with gas ... Library next stop.
The Librarian gets Jon setup on a terminal compatible with the recent electronic conversation of local year books. "Ian Breck" entered into the search function. Five search results reported.
Result 1 - picture of Ian Breck with Charles Johnson after a hunting trip.
The caption reads "Record deer shot near Marlow in Grady county".
Result 2 - picture of Ian with other members of Future Business Leaders club
Result 3 - Ian's class picture
Result 4 - list of honor roll students
Result 5 - picture of Ian and Andy Toliver in motocross gear holding a first place trophy from the Oklahoma Ornery Oval. Adjacent is a picture of Ian and Andy riding off. (Is that the same license number on the frame "2PHAST4U")?
Charles is the forklift driver and Andy is the Tulsa Southern Express driver.
Jon returns to the Best Western to finalize the plan that corners Ian, Charles, and Andy.
Good food, good company, ... Good night ... Jon's first full nights sleep in months ... And, the thrill of a possible new job.
Last night's long-ish walk through the concourse was the time Jon needed to work through the critical and nonsense. Critical: - saving lives of solders by disrupting companies helping the enemy, - and saving jobs of innocent people controlled by corporate "bullies" (like the greedy CEO that knowingly cut corners on the brake master cylinders used on tour busses like the one his parents died in).
Matthew's death was the beginning of his ambition to protect the innocent. He could not save his brother, his parents, Alissa, or Alissa's parents - all of which left a big lonely hole in his heart. This opportunity feels right ... He can save the lives of other innocent people.
Now, how to tell Daryl.
Almost breaking out in song while showering - humming during shaving - the smell of coffee filling the house. Finally, another good, crisp, cool Rocky Mountain morning. Jon gathers up two pair of gloves, two autumn jackets, and two sock hats. Arriving at the kitchen, he pulls out a table chair to hold the jackets and stuff. Daryl begins breakfast as Jon sits with a cup of coffee.
- "we going somewhere cold?"
- "thought I might take you for a hike to my favorite place on earth."
- "what do you want in your omelette?"
- "ham, cheese, peppers. Tell me about the raft manufacturer."
- "American and NATO ships were, still are, just less frequently, being hijacked off the coast of Somalia and the crews held for ransom. Omega Boats manufactures military grade - bullet proof - well actually bullet resistant - rubber rafts that scoot across the water at high speed. The boats are similar to the Zodiacs used during your Seal training. They were marking the shipping crates and documents as water storage bladders. They had United Nations markings on the crates and everything looked official. We could have leaked the discovery to State Department, Coast Guard, NCIS - pick your agency; But, the Navy and Marines would be without their much needed boats and 152 people would have lost their jobs. I befriended the president, who after three weeks gave me a raft for fishing - can you imagine? ... - anyway - he just sent me one out of eight from a shipment to Somalia - the UN markings were painted over and the address was blacked out. Peter Stone arranged for a forensics specialist to "reveal" the actual images under the crate blackouts. I slipped into the freight carrier's building dressed as an employee, marked the crates with some graffiti, attached some RFID tags, and took some photos with the freight carriers name in the background. Peter sends a hired forensics specialist to Somalia to photograph the crates with my graffiti and read the RFID tags. Now we have the evidence to leverage the President / Owner: - my boat in a crate marked as a water storage bladder, pictures of my graffiti and RFID tags at the freight carrier, - photos of graffiti and RFID tags on seven crates with sunny Somalia in the background, and readings from the RFID tags. I present the evidence to the owner and convince him to sell the company to the employees, return the money he personally received from the Somalia deal, fire the three other employees involved, and retire. The owner was presented with a copy of the evidence and the knowledge that two copies and the originals are waiting for him to screw-up .... and, I got to keep the boat."
Daryl serves breakfast. Jon finishes his first bite and says, "super secret agent and you can cook. You are going to make some girl a nice "wife"."
Thermometer shows 36 degrees and from his research Daryl knows the elevation is 8500 feet - "cold, thin air with a hike - not a good combination."
45 minutes later they arrive at a bluff with a view that must go on for 100 miles. Jon spends a few minutes taking-in the view, then begins ...
- "this is where I first met Alissa. I proposed to Alissa here. She teased me, claiming she could not say no in front of God. This was the location of our honeymoon camping trip. We decided to buy the house property here. And ... ... this is where she gave me the Angel pin. The one on my computer bag. The pin she claims would hold her soul so she could be with me after her death. Everything good in my life started here ... I want to join Zeta Consulting Group - I want to help - BUT - I want the pay for my "disruption activities" to be anonymously donated to the cancer treatment center in Tulsa."
- "Done!"
Tulsa - Grindell Finals
Jon's final detour was breakfast before the final session - the session he affectionately called "the finals" because this was THE TEST of all his efforts. Like the lunch after session one he hoped for some clues from the team on this deal's direction. Fred was in the adjacent seat talking about scaling back. Jon could only hear tidbits, partial phrases, and pieces of sentences: - "... Expansion is huge, maybe too huge" ... "can we get this done before it's too late" ... "I hear Injector One has two new designs ready for introduction" ... "it might work if we scale back the expansion plan" ...
Jon thought the ultra conservative nature of Grindell was put on the back burner during session two and had been confirmed by the enthusiasm of yesterday's session four. He excused himself from the table to determine what his next step should be ... in 23 minutes. How could he have missed the conservative, low risk under current? Even Fred was semi positive after yesterday's private meeting. How to salvage this deal? How to maximize Grindell's needs with minimal change? Not sure Grindell can survive without at least half the expansion plans. Ooooo ... Wait a minute ... That's the answer!!!
Tulsa - #8 becomes one
Jon enters the room three minutes late and begins apologizing the second he closes the conference room door.
- "first let me apologize for my tardiness. Second, let me apologize for trying to sell you on an expansion beyond your comfort zone. I have a solution which gives Grindell the production capacity, new equipment, and trained engineering you need. It's number 8 on the list - let me put it up on the screen ..."
Jon grabs the mouse, makes a few clicks - oops, one click too many - hits the "x" and there it is on the laptop monitor "8. X?". Jon strikes-through the X and ?, adds a space and begins typing ... A lifetime of 20 seconds passes as Jon prepares item 8 - he proof reads item 8 - takes a deep breath - then presses control-D to display item 8