8. X? Purchase Injector One Inc
A. Production capacity of ~35 nearly new CNC Lathes
B. Trained Engineering Department
C. Three, not two, new products on drawing boards
D. Remodel current Grindell facility into Design Center and Customer Center
E. Purchase mini-cranes for material handling
F. Estimated cost $65M
Fred and Harry Jr caught the vision immediately and the smiles gave away their approval. Fred gave a nod to Jon and held up his hand so that only Jon could see it, indicating he wanted the other team members to catch the vision before moving on. About a minute, another lifetime for Jon, passes before the other team members are nodding and smiling to each other. Fred nods to Jon signaling OK let's go. The lively discussion goes into the noon hour past the scheduled ending time - "perfect fit to our needs" - "not too much" - "a logical step" - "they have customers we would love to have" - "three new designs, you sure it's three and not two?"
Fred takes over the session - he has sandwiches coming - after lunch Sam, Harry Jr, and himself would be meeting with Jon to finalize the deal with Biz Planners. The lunch conversation is full of excitement, with a hint of the phoenix effect.
Lunch is cleared from the table, and Fred, still in charge, asked the $65M dollar question,
- "now how do we pay for this?"
- "Biz Planners can lend you any amount you need at prime minus half percent. Or we can buy part of Grindell and be your partners - you can still keep a controlling interest and we act more like consultants than partners. We can broker the deal with Injector One and you pay the commission as a monthly fee. Or you can shop for a loan, broker the deal, etc on your own. We will invoice you for my time and 10% of the final deal you strike with Injector One."
- "Harry, Sam, and I have already talked about the amount we are comfortable with. It is $57.5M with payments over ten years. We need the whole package to be maximum $57.5M. We want you, not another Biz Planner employee, to broker the deal with Injector One.
- (to himself Jon thinks "you are about to get the deal of a lifetime.") "I can meet with them early next week."
- "I'll get the team together this afternoon and workout the amount for each phase and project. Can you come back tomorrow afternoon, say 2 PM! On-the-dot-ish?"
- "see you at 2-ish."
Jon is happy about the favorable twist of fate and the blessings he receives from his Angel, Alissa. So happy he knows it's time to thank the people that put so much time, energy, and effort into making Alissa's last year ... livable.
A text message from the forensic's guy was short and to the point - "2PHAST4U was the code key. Deciphered ledger is attached."
Three phone calls to make before my trip to the center. Jon dials Ian's private, direct number ...
Another Good Day ... Really!!
- "hello, Ian
- "who is this and how did you get this number?"
- "Ian I have a copy of your private ledger. I know you, Charles, and Andy are selling military grade fuel injectors to Iran. I can meet with you on Monday to discuss the sale of your company, the return of the money you three have taken out of Injector One; or, you can go to federal prison for treason? A special delivery package will arrive today at your office addressed to your attention. This package contains a copy of proof that I can make federal prison part of your future. Two other copies exist with instructions to send them to the Department of Justice and State Department if Injector One is not sold within the next 30 days. Is there any part of this conversation you need repeated?"
- "NO! How did you get this number; and, who are you?"
- "I will introduce myself Monday morning at 10:00 AM ... On-the-dot. Be prepared to make a deal to sell Injector One, and return the $5.3 million each that you, Charles, and Andy have syphoned out of the company. If I am not satisfied with your effort on Monday, I will have the copies released."
Jon hangs up and calls the driver in the Special Package ExprEss and Delivery (SPEED) truck and authorizes the delivery of Ian's package.
Ian is overwhelmed. He rubs both hands over his head. He turns in his chair to look out the window to see the SPEED guy stepping out of the truck with a large envelope. Ian's heart begins to pound harder and there seems to be a shortage of air in his office.
Jon hangs-up from the SPEED driver and places the next call
-"hello Charles" ...
Two minutes later ...
-"hello, Andy" ...