Life Begins at Ten


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Published: 7 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A few brief thoughts on second chances and an examination of whether a man can turn an epiphany to reality and change his life 180 degrees.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   K. Krieger
    Mystery addict
    16 Apr 2021
    As usual, a classic brings it. Too bad modern writers don't take a few hints from the oldies. I really enjoyed this book, apart from a bit of the romantic hang-ups, but the suspense was intriguing and kept me wondering.
  • User image   booklover
    08 Sep 2013
    Interesting mystery,it took me to the end to figure it out completely. At only 140 pages it seemed longer by all the extra characters in the story. Good story but it did not engage me to want to keep reading.
  • User image   Sara
    21 Apr 2013
    I am familiar with Wilkie Collins' classics "The Moonstone" and "The woman in White" but had no idea that he wrote so many mystery stories most of which are not available at our local public libraries. Thanks for the selection of his less well known books.Sara
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Bill Russo

Bill Russo lived in an area of Massachusetts called the Bridgewater Triangle for many years and never knew that it was said to be inhabited by scary swamp creatures until he met one.

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