Meng Chiang-nu And The Dragon by Jyotsna Lal - HTML preview

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The King was very upset but he had agreed to the frogs plan

As soon as the invaders came near the walls the frog ordered the soldiers to open the gate.

The invaders tried to enter the city gate, the frog spat hot coals from its mouth on the invaders who were burnt to death soon the invaders were defeated and the city was saved without

Any bloodshed .The King made the frog his royal minister as the frog had demanded.





One night Queen Meng Chiang -nu saw the frog shed his skin and become a handsome young man. In the morning he once again became a frog. She told what she saw to the King.

The King called the frog and told Meng Chiang-nu to question the frog. The frog was very cunning and wicked he told Meng Chiang-nu that his skin coat was very expensive and kept him young. As long as he will wear the frogskin he will never grow old Meng Chiang-nu told the old King what the frog had said.

That night the old King hid behind a tree in the garden and saw the frog shed his skin and become a handsome young man.

The old King quickly jumped up and picked up the frogskin and wore it.

Alas the King became a frog. He had been tricked.






Now the cunning, wicked FROG became the King after killing the poor king who had turned into a frog.

Queen Meng Chiang-nu, the other queens and ministers had no choice.