Meng Chiang-nu And The Dragon by Jyotsna Lal - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 Meng Chiang-nu and magic barrel




Now the kingdom of Fukien was ruled by the Frog King and

Queen Meng Chiang-nu, the other queens and the ministers had no choice One day Queen’s friend the mighty dragon came to meet her and the Queen told him about the wicked Frog .After listening to her the dragon gave the Frog King a gift.

The gift was a magic barrel, the mighty dragon put a rice cake in the barrel, immediately the rice cake multiplied into ten rice cakes. The mighty dragon and the Frog King together ate up the rice cakes. Then the dragon put a gold coin in the barrel and it multiplied into ten coins .Frog King was very greedy and began putting the gold coins again and again, soon there was a huge pile of gold coins in the palace





The excited Frog King sent for the Queen to show her the magic barrel. Queen Meng Chiang-nu whispered in the Frog King’s ear ‘If there were ten mighty Frog Kings like you then you could defeat all the neighbouring Kings and become the Emperor”.

Immediately the Frog King jumped inside the barrel and out of the barrel came ten identical young men. Then another ten came out All the identical young men began to shout,

“I am the Emperor” And the began to fight amongst themselves. Soon all the identical young men killed each other.

The people of Fukien were freed from the wicked Frog King, the kingdom of Fukien was ruled by Queen Meng Chiang-nu and the other queens.






The problem was taken care of and mighty dragon must go back to its lair in the mountains had come, so the mighty dragon began to pray, ‘O, Dragon-Maker, who made Shoushu Long, and the open sky,

And gave to me a Shoushu's soul; a Shoushu's urge to fly-- Let me dance with      my mate Meng Chiang-nu

In your cloudscapes far beyond Earth's chain,

Let me rejoice in your      grandeur, let me not grow vain! Let me vindicate my honor with my fang and claw,

Let my raging heart show mercy, let heart show no flaw!

Let me have the joy of all the love I've stored for Meng Chiang-nu And, Lord, should the need arise and I be called to fight,

Dragon-Maker, make me victor, and, God--help Shoushu long!’’